The Social Impact of Religious Upheavals Flashcards
What did Cardinal Wolsey do with the money of dissolved monasteries he ordered?
used their endowments for educational purposes
Who most notably was executed for denying the royal supremacy ?
Sir Thomas More , had been Lord Chancellor
When did the dissolution of the monasteries begin?
When were Cromwell’s royal injunctions?
What parts of Catholicism did Cromwell’s dissolution of the monasteries and royal injunctions of 1536 attack ? (3)
attacked many of the practises of Catholicism such as
- holy days
- pilgrimages
- veneration of relics
When was the Pilgrimage of Grace and where did it begin?
major rebellion broke out in the autumn of 1536
-Lincoln, parts of the north of England
How many people were involved in the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Even though a huge amount of land was removed from the Church and taken by the Crown, why didn’t this make the king more powerful ?
the expense of war campaigns in Henry’s final years led to the widespread sale of Church and monastic property often at knock-down prices
Who did the sale of Church monastic property benefit?
the gentry who had now an increased in size and wealth as landholders
By 1547 how much monastic land acquired by the Crown had been sold off or granted away?
What was a consequence on education due to the dissolution of the monasteries?
Many monasteries had been noted for their educational provision, their demise meant monastic schools were lost
What happened to monks and nuns due to the dissolution of the monasteries which began in 1536?
- many were rendered unemployed
- monks were able to secure employment as secular priest and many received pensions
- position of nuns were precarious (not tight)
As well as providing education, what other roles did monasteries perform in the communities there were situated? (2)
- offered employment
- business opportunities
What is an example of where there was a major monastic church which were cathedrals in their diocese?
Where is an example of when a gathering of armed men prevented royal commissioners from beginning the process of dissolution ?
at Hexham in Northumberland
In Hexham in Northumberland, how was the process of dissolution prevented?
a gathering of armed men provident royal commissioners from beginning the process of dissolution