The Skull, Arthrology of Skull, Views of Skull Flashcards
Excluding the auditory aussicles how many bones form the skull?
22 bones
How many bones form the neruocranium?
8 bones
What bones form the neurocranium?
frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid and ethmoid
How many bones form the facial skeleton?
14 bones
What bones form the facial skeleton?
mandible, vomer, nasal, maxila, lacrimal, inferior nasal concha, palatine and zygomatic
What are the four subclassifications of synarthorsis joints based on Latin groupings?
suture, gomphosis, schindylesis and syndesmosis
What were the five types of suture based on Latin groupings?
serrate, denticulate, limbous, squamous, and harmonia
What are the charactetistics of sutura vera (true sutures)?
sutures demonstrating interlocking of the adjacent bone surfaces; typically formed by intramembranous ossification
What are the characteristics of the sutura notha (false sutures)?
surtures lacking interlocking of adjacent bone surfaces; typicaly formed by endochondral ossification
What were the classifications of suture vera (true sutures) based on Latin groupings?
serrate, denticulate and limbous
What were the classifications of suture notha (false sutures) based on Latin groupings?
squamous and harmonia
What are the typical examples of the plane suture or harmonia suture?
cruciate sutture made up of intermaxially, interpalatine and palato-maxillary sutures
What are the examples of the schindylesis type of suture?
sphenoid-ehtmoid-vomer articulation, the palatine-maxilla-vomer articulation
What are the examples of the gomphosis joint?
maxilla-root of tooth; madible-root of tooth
What are the five views of the skull called?
norma verticalis, norma frontalis, norma occipitalis, norma lateralis, norma basalis
What is the diamond shaped remnant of developing membrane bone at the intersection of the frontal bone with both parietal bones?
the anterior fontanelle
What is the posterior fontanelle?
the diamond shaped remnant of developng membrane bone at the intersection of the occipital bone with both parietal bones
What is the diamond shaped remnant of developing membrane bone at the intersection of the occipital bone with both parietal bones?
the posterior fontanelle
What is the name given to the outline of the nasal cavity at the front of the skull?
piriform aperature
What is the name given to the alveolar jugum of the canine tooth in the maxilla?
canine eminence
What forms the bullet-like chin?
a large mental protuberance
What forms an indented chin?
well developed bilateral mental tubercles and a slight mental protuberance
What is the tip of the external occipital protuberance called?
the inion
What bones form the pterion?
pareital, temporal, sphenoid, and frontal bones
What points on the skull are used to measure the skull size?
the nasion, vertex, inion, and gnathion
`What points on the skull are used to measure cranial vault capacity?
the nasion, vertex and inion