Scalp, Face, the Orbit, and Internal Orbital Features: Lacrimal Gland Flashcards
What can the five layers of the scalp spell?
Skin, Connective tissue, Aponeurosis, Loose Connective Tissue, Periosteum…SCALP
What are the principal sources of blood to the scalp?
internal carotid and external carotid artery branches
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve receive sensory information from the scalp?
all 3 divisions; ophthalmic, maxillary, and madibular nerves
Which ventral rami nerves(s) and cord levels of origin supply the scalp?
greater auricular nerve-C2, C3 ventral rami branches; lesser occipital nerve-C2, C3 communicating ramus
Which dorsal ramus nerve branch (name and cord level of origin) suppliesthe scalp?
greater occipital nerve-C2, C3 comminicating ramus
Which muscleslack any attachment to bone?
orbicularis oris, procerus and risorius
What type of motor fibers to skeletal muscle are given off by the facial nerve?
branchial effect (BE)
Most of the seventh cranial nerve will exit the skull via what opening?
the stylomastoid foramen
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve receive sensory information from the face?
all 3 divisions; ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve
The optic canal is located along which wall of the orbit?
superior wall of the orbit
What are the contents of the optic canal?
optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
What are the openings located along the medial wall of the orbit?
anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina
What is the name givento the medial wall of the orbit?
lamina papyracea
The superior orbital fissure is located along which wall ofthe orbit?
lateral wall of the orbit
What are the contents of the superior orbital fissure?
oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent/abducens cranial nerves ophthalmic division of the trigeminal cranial nerve and opthalmic veins
What opening(s) are located along the inferior wall of the orbit?
inferior orbital fissure
What is contained in the inferior orbital fissure?
maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
Identify the opening(s) found along each wall of the orbit
superior wall; optic canal
medial wall; anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina
lateral wall; superior orbital fissure
inferior wall; inferior orbital fissure
Which cranial nerves are involved in the Visceral Efferent (VE) parasympathetic pathway to the lacrimal gland?
facial and trigeminal (maxillary and opthalmic disvisions/branches)
Parasympathetic stimulation of blood vessels in the lacrimal gland will result in what events?
vasodilation of blood vessels, increased availability of water to secretory units, thinner or more watery product in lumen
What do Somatic Afferent (SA) pathways monitor?
pain, temperature, light touch and proprioception
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve contain somatic afferent (SA) pathways?
all three
What are the layers of the eyelid?
skin, orbicularis oculi muscle, tarsal plate/tarsus and palpebral conjunctiva
What are the names given to the modified sebaceous gland in the tarsus of the eyelid?
tarsal or Meibomian gland
Preganglionic visceral efferent fibers of cranial nerve VII will exit the pons in what nerve?
nervus intermedius. nerve of Wrisberg, sensory root of facial nerve
Visceral Efferent (VE) pathways innervate what structures?
smooth mucsle, cardiac muscle, and glandular tissue
What is the origin for the sympathetic pathway to the lacrimal gland?
lateral horn/intermediolateral cell column T1, T2
What is the target of the preganglionic sympathetic visceral efferent (VE) fiber in the pathway to the lacrimal gland?
the VE fiber ascends to the superior cervical ganglion to synapse
Sympathetic stimulation of the lacrimal gland will result in what events?
vasoconstriction of blood vessels, limited availability of water to secretory units, more viscous or thicker product formed in the glandular lumen
Parasympathetic stimulation of targets in the lacrimal gland will result in what events?
vasodilation of blood vessels, increased availability of water to secretory units, thinner or more watery product in lumen; constriction of myoepithelial cells leading to release of product from secretory lumen into duct sytem