The Skeletal System Flashcards
Jointed framework of bones
Study of bones
Axial skeleton
These bones are on or close to the midline axis of the body and include the skull, vertebrae, and ribs.
Appendicular Skeleton
These bones project from the body in the pectoral (front) and pelvic (hind) limbs and body, through the bones of the girdles.
The portion of the skull that encloses the brain
Lower jaw
Upper jaw
Eye sockets
- Flat, curved bones.
- Attached dorsally to the thoracic vertebrae
- Floating ribs
- Manibrium
- Body
- Xiphoid process
Vertebral column
Supports the head and body, and provides protection for the spinal cord
Cervical vertebrae
- 7 in mammals
- Atlas
- Axis
Thoracic vertebrae
-13 in the dog and cat
Lumbar vertebrae
7 in the dog and cat
Sacral vertebrae
Fused 3 vertebrae
Coccygeal vertebrae
Depending on tail length
Front limb
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Ulna
- Clavicle
- Radius
- Carpal bones
- Metacarpal bones (cannon bones in livestock)
- Phalanges
Long pastern bone in livestock
Short pastern bone in livestock
P3 (livestock)
Coffin bone. Attached to the hooves
P3 (Small animals)
May be called the claw or nail.
Hind limbs
- Pelvis
- Femur
- Patella
- Fibula
- Tarsal bones
- Phalanges
- Metatarsal bones (cannon bone in livestock)
Pelvic bones
- Lium
- Ischium
- Pubis
- Acetabulum (the bony part of the socket joint)