The Skeletal System Flashcards
What is the role of flat bones?
Provide a large surface area for muscle attachment, protect vital organs
Examples of flat bones
Scapula, cranium, sternum, pelvis
What is the role of short bones?
Good for weight bearing
Examples of short bones
Tarsal, Carpals
What is the role of long bones?
Leverage for movement, act as sites for blood cell production
Examples of long bones
Femur, humerus, tibia, fibula, ulna, radius, metatarsal, metacarpal, phalanges
What is the role of sesamoid bones
Ease joint movement, resist compression
Examples of seasmoid bones
What is the role of irregular bones?
Large surface area for muscle attatchement
Examples of irregular bones
Definition of joint
An area of the body where two or more bones articulate
What are the common features of a synovial joint?
Ligament, synovial fluid, articular cartilage, joint capsule
Definition of a ligament
a tough band of fibrous, slight elastic connective tissue which joins bone to bone
Definition of a tendon
Connect muscle to bone. When the muscle contract the effort is transferred to the bone and movement is created
What is the structure and function of synovial fluid?
Acts as a lubricant reducing friction between articulating cartilages
What is the structure and function of the joint capsule?
Totally enclosed and strengthened the synovial joint so that the bones are not pulled apart
What is the structure and function of bursa?
A sac of fluid found where tendons rub over bones. Role is to reduce friction between tendons and bones
What is the structure and function of articular cartilage?
Covers the end of bones, helps to reduce stress and compression on the bone ends. Prevents friction between bones by making bone surface smooth
What are the 5 types of joint?
Pivot, hinge, ball and socket, condyloid, gilding
Definition of sagittal plane
Lies vertically and divides the body into left and right parts from medial (midline) to the later (outside)
Wha movements can occur at the sagittal plane?
Flexion, Extension, Dorsi Flexion, Plantar Flexion
Definition of frontal plane
Lies vertically and divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts
What movements occur on the frontal plane?
Abduction, Adduction
What is a sporting example of sagittal plane?
What is a sporting example of frontal plane?
Definition of transverse plane
Lies horizontally and divides body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower)
What is a sporting example of transverse plane?
What movements occur at the transverse plane?
Horizontal extension, Horizontal flexion, Rotation, Medial Rotation, Lateral Rotation
Definition of flexion
Movement which decreases the joint angle, usually at the front of the body
Sporting example of flexion
Bicep curl
Definition of extension
Movement which increases the joint angle, usually at the back of the body
Sporting example of extension
Downwards phase of bicep curl
Definition of dorsi-flexion
Movement at the ankle joint as toes move up
Sporting example of dorsi-flexion
Preparing to perform jumps shot in basketball
Definition of plantar flexion
Movement at the ankle joint as the toes move down, further away from the tibia
Sporting example of plantar-flexion
Taking off in high jump, pointing toes in splits
Definition of abduction
Movement of the limbs away from the midline of the body
Sporting example of abduction and adduction
Lateral raises
Star jumps
Definition of adduction
Movement of the limbs towards the midline of the body
Definition of horizontal extension
Movement of the limbs away from the midline of the body parallel to the ground
Sporting example of horizontal extension
Backwards swing in the discus at shoulder joint
Definition of horizontal flexion
Movement of the limbs towards the midline of the body parallel to the ground
Sporting example of horizontal flexion
Hip when performing performing close the gate as part of ‘open the gate, close the gate’ warm up game
Definition of rotation
Movement whereby articulating bones turn about their longitudinal axis in a screwdriver action
Definition of medial rotation
Rotation towards the body
Definition of lateral rotation
Movement away from the body