The Signal Man Flashcards
How was the signal man kiled?
The narrator discovers that the signalman is dead, having been struck by an oncoming train. He had been standing on the line, looking intently at something, and failed to get out of the way.
Who is the narrator in the signalman?
he unnamed narrator, a cheerful and logical man, befriends the signalman at the start of the story. Because he was sheltered for much of his life, the narrator is now interested in the “great works” of the railroad industry.
What role does helplessness play in the signalman?
Throughout the story, the signalman feels helpless: it’s his job to keep train passengers safe, yet he couldn’t prevent the mysterious accidents that recently happened on the railway. In contrast, the narrator believes that he can help both the signalman and the train passengers who depend on him.
Who is the protagonist in signalman?
The signal man
What elements make the story The Signalman a good gothic story?
the setting, imagery and symbolism, as well as the theme of supernatural
What is the plot and conflict in the signalman?
The Story. ‘The Signal-Man’ (1866) is a short story by the English writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870). In the story, a practical-minded narrator meets a railway worker who has been seeing supernatural visions. The narrator doubts the man at first, but at the story’s conclusion a strange event makes him a believer.
Hoe vaak komt de ghost?
3 keer
What is the setting of the signalman?
Het verhaal speet zich af naast de ingang van een tunnel.
Hoelang duurt het verhaal?
Een paar dagen
Vanaf het moment dat de verteller de signalman ontmoet tot aan zijn dood
Themas van the signal man
Realiteit vs onwerkelijkheid
Het lot
In welke toon is het geschreven?
Het stinkt naar de dood
The characters
The signal man
The narrator
The ghost
Which genre?
Gothic story
Kenmerken gothic story
Creepy atmosphere
Charles dickens
Jaar geschreven
Waarop is het gebaseerd waarschijnlijk
Crash in the clayton tunnel in 1861