The Shoulder and Shoulder Girdle Flashcards
Origin, insertion and action of Pectoralis Major
Origin, insertion and action of Subclavius
Origin, insertion and action of Deltoid
Origin, insertion and action of Biceps brachii (LH)
Origin, insertion and action of Coracobrachialis
Origin, insertion and action of Latissimus Dorsi
Origin, insertion and action of Teres major
Origin, insertion and action of Long head of Triceps
Origin, insertion and action of Supraspinatus
Origin, insertion and action of Subscapularis
Origin, insertion and action of Infraspinatus
Origin, insertion and action of Teres Minor
Origin, insertion and action of Trapezius
Origin, insertion and action of Serratus anterior
Origin, insertion and action of Rhomboid major
Origin, insertion and action of Rhomboid minor
Origin, insertion and action of Pectoralis minor
Origin, insertion and action of Levator scapula
Identify and explain the role of the anterior fibres of deltoid in shoulder medial rotation.
Identify and explain the attachments of Trapezius
When testing the Latissimus Dorsi which other muscles are also being tested.
When clasping your hands behind your back what structures are being stretched.
What scapular movements have to occur to reach forward to open a door and which muscle produces this movement.
How does the scarf test contribute to your clinical reasoning when assessing the shoulder girdle.
Identify and explain how shortness of pectoralis major could affect active and passive movements at the shoulder complex.
How do triceps and biceps stabilise the glenoid?
Identify and explain which other structures may be under stretch with the Shoulder anterior drawer
Identify and explain the muscles involved in shoulder abduction.
Identify and explain which structures limit normal movement of shoulder medial rotation
What are the actions of the levator scapulae?
Identify and explain normal and abnormal findings of the Hawkims Kennedy test and how this can contribute to your reasoning
Identify and explain the other structures that insert around the coracoid.
What are the attachments of the pectoralis minor?
Describe the location of the spine of the scapula?
In what direction does the inferior angle of the scapula move as it rotates laterally?
What is the direction of the fibres of serratus anterior?
Describe how to put the upper fibres of trapezius on stretch?
How do the movements of the clavicle influence movements in the A/C and S/C joints?
Identify and explain which structures limit normal movement of shoulder lateral rotation
Identify and explain the muscles involved in shoulder abduction.
Identify and explain how shortness of biceps brachii could affect active and passive movements at both the shoulder and the elbow.
Identify and explain the other structures that insert around the greater tubercle of the humerus.
When testing the biceps in both length and strength which other structures re also being tested?
Identify and explain which structures lie in close proximity to the greater tubercle of the humerus.
What is the close packed position for the shoulder joint
What are the actions of upper trapezius?
Identify and explain findings of the Hawkins Kennedy test and how this will influence your clinical reasoning.
Identify and explain the end feel concept for shoulder flexion and how this can contribute to your reasoning
Identify and explain the stabilising features of the shoulder joint
How will posture play a part in producing any muscle imbalance around the scapula?
Identify and explain the attachments of Pectoralis Major.
What are the stabilising features of the S/C joint?
State the range of movement for shoulder abduction and state which muscles are involved in this movement.
Movements of the scapula are coordinated with the shoulder movements for shoulder flexion, abduction etc. What effects will this have on the A/C joint?
What is Close Packed position of the shoulder?
Identify and explain the end feel for shoulder flexion and how this can contribute to your clinical reasoning.
Identify and explain which structures limit movement of Shoulder lateral rotation.
Compare and contrast the shoulder joint and the hip.
What are the Stabilising features of the shoulder?
What happens to the A/C joint with the Scarf test?
What are the stabilising features of the pectoral/shoulder girdle?
Explain why an A/P on the sternal end of the clavicle may have an effect on the A/C joint.