The Seventy Years War (1744-1814) Flashcards
Decolonization of New Granada (3)
A) 1810: Bolivar starts armed struggle
Caracas -> Bogota
B) 1819: Republic of Great Colombia established
C) 1830: Disintegration
Decolonization of La Plata & Lima (4)
A) 1810: San Martin starts struggle in Buenos Aires
1816: declaration of independence
B) 1817: San Martin crosses Andes
1818: conquers Chile
C) 1821: conquers Lima
1822: meets Bolivar
Both become presidents of Peru
D) Peru falls apart
1825: Bolivia established
Decolonization of New Spain (2)
A) Mexico
1810-1815: insurrection
Defeated by loyals to Spain
1821: new Spanish constitution
Conservative revolution against new constitution
-> independence
B) Federal Rep. of Central America
Disintegration due to
Mexican interference
Conflicts between conservatives & liberals
Decolonization of Brazil (3)
A) 1808: Portuguese king flees to Brazil from Napoleon
Remains in Brazil
B) 1821: King returns to Lisbon
Restoration of old balance
Prince stays
C) Frustration of Brazilian elites
Prince Dom Pedro supports them
1822: Brazilian independence under emperor Pedro
Decolonial Violence (4)
A) Between European powers
B) Between Europeans & colonies
C) Between colonials
D) Exception: Brazil
Interconnection of decolonization in the Americas (2)
A) Direct influence
US support of Haitian insurrection
Haiti asylum for Bolivar
B) Reverse consequences
Canada grows out of anti-revolutionarism
Carribean landowners prefer colonial status
Continuity after decolonization in the Americas (3)
A) Social:
White elite remains in power
Exceptions: US, Haiti
US & Brazil maintain slavery
B) Political
Empires remain: Brazil, Mexico
Exception: Republic in US
C) Economic
Produces goods
US & Canada (4)
A) British since 1764 but large French population
B) US attempts to conquer north (1775-77)
Not successful
French support British because they had respected their language, religion
C) Continuing hostility
Britain supported Native Americans
Britain prevented trade btw US & France
D) 1812-15: New failed invasion by US
Developments in Canada (2)
A) Immigration of 40-60k loyalists
18th C: majority French speaking
Mid 19th C: majority English speaking
B) Constitutional act (1791)
To accommodate English-speaking settlers
Division of Quebec
-> Quebec & Ontario
Durham Report (1838) (2)
A) 1837: Rebellion
Canadians want more representation
B) Lord Durham detects 2 problems
1. Ethnic conflict btw French & English speakers
-> 1840: Act of union
-> encouraged immigration from Britain to Canada
2. People’s representation
-> Establishment of legislative assembly
-> 1848: Responsible government in Nova Scotia
Responsible government (2)
A) Governments are responsible to a parliament rather than to the monarch
B) 1848: Nova Scotia
1849: Province of Canada
1851: Prince Edward Island
1854: New Brunswick
1855: Newfoundland
Dominion of Canada
1867: Constitution Act
3 colonies formed into 4 provinces
(Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick)
Transformed into federal dominion with own institutions (more autonomy)
Exploration of the Pacific (3)
A) Culture
Fascination with the faraway & savage
B) Science (enlightenment)
Myth of Terra Australia
1753: Discovery of vitamin C allowed further travel
C) Political
Great Britain vs. Netherlands
France: loss of footholds in India & America
Early voyages in the Pacific
1721: Easter island
1728: Bering strait
1764: Falklands
1767: Tahiti
1791: charted America’s northwestern Pacific Coast
1801: circumnavigated Australia
Voyages of James Cook (3)
A) First voyage
Mapped New Zealand
Landed at Botany Bay& claims for Britain
B) Second voyage
Crossed Antarctic circle
C) Third voyage
Hawaii & coastline California-Alaska
Killed by Hawaiians on return
A nation of shoplifters (4)
A) Need for new penal colony
BNA: 40k convicts by 1777
B) 1787: 1st ships with criminals to Sydney
Arrive 1788: establishment of new penal colony
C) Convicts liberated after some years
Most remain & start a new life
1828: more free people than convicts
D) 1868: last convicts transported
Australian society (2)
A) White colony
Procreation (8 months on ocean)
Steep decline of Aboriginals (-350k)
B) Economic development
Land acquisitions from Aboriginals
Urban development
Sheep & gold
Territorial expansion in Australia (4)
A) Initially New South Wales
B) Eventually 6 colonies
C) Unification
1901: Commonwealth of Australia
1908-27: construction of Canberra
D) Growing autonomy
Responsible government, dominion status
New Zealand (3)
A) 1839: New Zealand Company
Promotion of settlement & trade
B) 1840: treaty of Waitangi with Maori chiefs
C) 1845-47 & 1860-72: Maori wars
Maori population: 80k (1841) -> 42k (1896)
European migration (3)
A) 1500-1783: 1.4 mio European migrants to new world
B) 1815-1914:
22.6 mio left Britain
62% to US
Mainly Irish
C) 1918-
White Australian policy (1901-49)
1922: Canada attracts migrants
1924: immigration quotas in the US
Dominions (3)
A) Semi-independent polities under British sovereignty
1867: Canada
1907: Australia, New Zealand
1910: South Africa
1922: Ireland
B) 1926: Autonomous communities within Empire
Second Balfour declaration: colonies equal in status
1931: legal status
C) 1949/53: Commonwealth realm
1949: Commonwealth of nations
Now: 56 members
Interconnectedness of commonwealth (3)
A) Plethora of networks
Family, business, education, press, sport
B) Many shared experiences
Wars & crises
C) Progressive political culture
Responsible government & dominions
Secret ballot: Australia 1850s
Female suffrage: New Zealand first
Erosion of commonwealth (3)
A) Collapse of the concept of imperial citizenship
1935: Ireland
1946: Canada
1948-49: Australia, NZ, SA
B) Ireland & South Africa leave the commonwealth
C) 1965: change of the Canadian flag
1982: Canadian constitution