20th Century Flashcards
WW1 and the colonies (3)
A) Contribution from colonies
B) Battles in colonies
Conquest of German colonies
C) Laying the base for new colonies
Ottoman empire
Conquest of German colonies (4)
A) 1914: Asia & Oceania
Britain & Japan
B) 1914: Togo
C) 1915: Kamerun & Deutsch-Südwestafrika
Force publique
D) 1914-18: Deutsch-Ostafrika
Force publique, 1916
Ottoman empire (2)
A) Ottoman alliances
1760s-1910s wars with Russia
1914: joins triple entente
B) Triple Entente’s interest
O = weakest link
Oil in the Arabian peninsula
Fighting the Ottoman empire (3)
A) 1915: Defeat at Gallipoli for Entente
B) The mesopotamian campaign
1914: Basra
1915-16: Kut
Mainly Indian troops
C) 1916-18: Arab revolt
Te Lawrence aids Sharif of Mecca
Conquest of Jerusalem & Damascus
Conflicting promises (3)
A) 1915: McMahon-Hussein correspondence
Independence of Arab states promised
B) 1916: Sykes-Picot agreement
Division of Western Asia into trade zones & spheres of influence
C) 1917: Balfour declaration
Promises national home for Jews to Zionist leaders
With respect for non-Jews
League of nations mandates (2)
A) 1918: Wilson’s 14 points
P 5: equal treatment of colonizer & colonized
P 14: formation of an association of nations
B) 1919: Mandate system
Ruling the colonies of Germans & Ottomans
Responsible government on behalf of league of nations
Division of the ottoman empire (2)
A) Mandates
British: Iraq, Transjordan, Palestine
French: Syria, Lebanon
B) Others
Kuwait: British protectorate
Kingdom of Hijaz: to Saudi Arabia
Armenia: decimated
Kurdistan: divided
Division of German colonies (4)
A) France
Largest parts of Togo & Kamerun
Parts of Togo & Kamerun
German East Africa
C) Belgium
Ruanda & Urundi
D) Colonies
South Africa: Southwest Africa
Japan, Australia & New Zealand: Pacific islands
Interwar period = climax? (3)
A) Contribution of colonies
B) New colonies
C) Development of colonies
Economic specialization
Cracks in colonialism (3)
A) Economic decline
Priority: Europe’s recovery
Great Depression 1929
B) Loss of image
Cruelty of war in Europe
Cultural pessimism, self-criticism
Fascism & nazism
C) Competition with US, CCCR & Japan
Shrinking gaps (2)
A) Better knowledge for colonized
Contact with Europe
Better spread of ideas via infrastructure
B) Consequences
Technological arrears shrink
Growing consciousness of abuse
Answers of the colonized (4)
A) Infiltration & collaboration
Missionaries, officials
B) Group formation
Sub-national: religion, ethnicity, …
Supra-national: négritude, panarabism, class
C) Political parties
Communist party of Vietnam
Partai Nasional Indonesia
D) Violence
Strikes, insurrections
Cracks in British empire (4)
A) Loss of position in Turkey, Persia, China
B) Loss of white settler colonies
1922 Ireland
C) Frustration in the Arab world
Independence of Egypt 1921
Independence of Iraq 1932
Palestine & Jewish immigration
D) Problems in India
Egyptian revolution (3)
A) Saad Zaghoul
Demands independence at Versailles
Exiled by British
B) 1919: Revolution
1921: independence
Britain keeps Sudan & Suez
C) Postwar
1952 Revolution by Nasser
1956: independence of Sudan & Suez crisis
Jews in Palestine (3)
A) Immigration
400k between 1920 & 1945
B) Development
Cities (Tel Aviv) & agriculture (kibbutz)
Jewish school system
C) Separate institutions
Assembly of representatives -> knesset
Jewish national council
Security service -> mossad
Palestine under the British mandate (2)
A) Protest
1920 Palestine riots
1936-39 Arab revolt
B) Solutions
1939: White paper
1948: British disengagement & creation of Israel
India before Gandhi (3)
A) Representation
Indian National congress
Muslim league
B) Action
E.g. violence
C) Contribution & disenchantment after WW1
Promise of responsible government
Dyer & massacre of Amritsar
New measures: too little too late
Gandhi (3)
A) before 1915
India - UK - India - 1893-1915 SA
B) Strategies
1915: INC -> mass party
1920 & 1930: non-violent boycott (satyagraha)
1924ff: constructive program (ashram)
1930s roundtable in London
1942: quit India movement
C) Legacy
Japan WW2 (5)
A) 1931-41: China
1937: Rape of Nanking
B) 1941: Pearl Harbor
C) 1942: conquers colonies in SEA
Idea of Pan-Asian liberation
Deliberate subjugation of Europeans
D) 1944 defeated by BI
E) 1945 defeated by US
Italy WW2 (3)
A) 1935-36: conquers Abyssinia
B) Decolonisation immediately after WW2
Ethiopia independence & Eritrea
Italian Somaliland -> British Somaliland
Libya independence 1952
C) Bloody conflicts after decolonization
Causes of decolonization (3)
A) Development
Technical catch up
Confrontation with discrimination
B) War
Economic weakening of WE
Anti-imperialist powers: US & SU
Antifascism & Antiracism
Atlantic charter
C) Domino effect from Asia to Africa
Geography of decolonization (4)
A) Interwar & WW 2: Middle East
B) after WW 2: South & Southeast Asia
1947 India
1945-49: Indonesia
1946-54: French Indochina war
C) 1954ff: Northern Africa
D) 1960ff: Sub-saharan Africa
India after WW 2 (2)
A) Growing Muslim-Hindu violence
B) Partition: India & Pakistan
Borders published on the day of independence
Ethnic cleansing in Punjab & Bengal
Maharaja of Kashmir does not want to take side -> Pakistan invasion -> India
Other British colonies in South Asia (3)
A) 1948 Sri Lanka
B) 1948 Burma
C) Malaya remains British
1948-60: Anti-british national liberation war
1957: independence
Decolonization of Dutch Indies (3)
A) 1945: Sukarno assterts independence
B) 1947&49 Dutch military action
95k soldiers to East Indies
5k Dutch casualties
150k Indonesian casualties
C) 1949: Dutch recognize independence
Dragging problems in Indonesia (3)
A) Dutch New Guinea
Dutch remain to protect melanesian population
1963: Indonesia takes over
B) South Moluccans
Fought for Dutch
After independence to the Netherlands
1975-78: train & school hostages
C) East Timor
French retreat from Indochina (5)
A) 1945: Vietminh declare independence
B) 1946: French troops to Indochina
C) Worsening situation
Laos independence 1949
Cambodia 1953
French troops withdraw in 1954
D) 1954: Geneva conference
Division into north & south Vietnam
E) 1965-73: American protection of South Vietnam
1975: South Vietnam surrenders
1976: United
Algerian war (2)
A) Algerian resistance
1945: Setif rising & French suppression
Insurrection of 1954
B) War 1954-62
Pieds-noirs stand fierce
Cruelty & violence
300k Algerians & 21k french killed
Suez crisis 1956 (2)
A) Facts
Nasser nationalizes Suez canal
Britain, France & Israel attack
Furious US reaction
B) Significance
Anachronistic colonial arrogance
French disengagement (4)
A) 1956: Morocco & Tunesia independence
B) Fifth republic
-> De Gaulle
C) Violent reactions against decolonization
Paris massacre 1961
D) Decolonization
1960: Sub-saharan colonies
1962: Algeria
Sub-saharan Africa (4)
A) Britain: first
1957 Ghana, 1960 Nigeria, 1961 Tanganyika
B) France: peaceful
C) Belgium: quick
D) Portugal: last
1974 Carnation revolution & decolonization
Kwame Nkrumah (4)
A) 1949: leader of Ghana independence movement
B) 1957-66 first president of Ghana
C) Advocate for Pan-Africanism
D) Non-alignment movement
Julius Nyerere (4)
A) 1954: cofounder of Tanganyika African National Union
B) 1962-85 president
C) 1967: African socialism
D) Economic decline & systematic corruption
British mess (4)
A) More democratic but more divided colonies
B) Palestine, Kashmir
C) Secessions
Nigeria: Biafra war
Sudan: South Sudan Darfur
D) White vs black
Kenya: Mau Mau uprising
SA: Apartheid
Namibia: occupied by SA
Mau Mau uprising (3)
A) Anti-colonial rebellion
Whites owned the land
B) Rebellion & guerilla war
First European shot in 1952
Rebel leader arrested in 1956
C) Dirty war & fierce repression
Capital punishment: 1k hanged
20k Mau Mau militants killed
Politics: the cold war (3)
A) Appeal of communism
Communism in the 3rd world
B) Non alignment movement
C) US interventionism
Support of dictatorships
Economy: neocolonialism? (3)
A) New economies
State directed
Nationalization & loans
B) Dependency theory
Economy based on export of raw materials
C) Neoliberalism
1970s growing debts to imf
1980s growing interference
1989: Washington consensus: standard reform package
1995: World trade organization
Society: development aid (5)
A) Colonial era
B) 1960s mushrooming of NGOs
C) 1970s tiersmondism
D) 1980s humanitarian aid: professional
E) Umbrella organizations
People: migration (4)
A) France & Britain
Many immigrants from colonies
B) Netherlands
1m immigrants
C) Portugal
D) Belgium