3 shepherds Coll, Gyb and Daw complaining about the weather, marriage and oppression- they notice s man named Man - reputation as a thrief- stealing sheep- when night falls the shepherds for Man to sleep between them - soothes would nice if he leaves - in the nigh Nak gets up and casts spell on shepherd dso that they don’t wake up - steals a sheep and take it home to wife - wraps it in a blanket - to make it look like a baby - when shepherds come they thins its Man, find nothing but baby —> leave but realize they didn’t leave any gifts for the babe so they return - find sheep
instead of being hanged –> humiliate him by tossing him around but let him return to his wife
shepherds return to the fields and go to sleep - as they sleep angel appears and tells of the birth of christ and tells them to visit Bethlehem
they are humbled that the angel has called on them as poor man, when they enter the stable they each present a gift to the child
Themes: Charity
importance of christian charity - show love and generosity towards others - despite their poverty they give gifts - forgive the thief - wanting to give money to Gill
love and forgive thy neighbour despite the wrong they have done