The 'Second Cold War' 1956-62 Flashcards
What had ‘Destalinisation’ in the Soviet Union done in satellite states?
Raised hopes that they would gain more independence from Moscow
When did Khrushchev made his ‘Secret Speech’?
At the Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956
What did Khrushchev say in his ‘Secret Speech’?
He denounced Stalin and suggested satellite states should find their ‘national ways to socialism’
What did the CIA do at the ‘Secret Speech’?
They obtained a copy of the speech and ensured it was broadcast to Eastern Europe, raising further hopes of political change
When did Tito and Khrushchev improve relations between Yugoslavia and the USSR?
June 1956
What happened in Poznan, Poland, in June 1956?
Riots broke out where local factory workers protested against increased work targets. The Polish government put it down with heavy casualties
What did the Polish Communist Party do after the riots?
They turned to its popular former leader Gomulka, who the Soviets feared would try to restore Polish independence
When did the USSR send a high-powered delegation to Poland, and what happened?
19-20 October, and ordered Red Army units to advance on Warsaw in an attempt to stop the election. Khrushchev withdrew troops from Poland, after an angry conversation with Gomulka.
Why did Khrushchev withdraw troops from Poland?
He chose to believe Gomulka’s assurances of loyalty as he did not want to be embroiled in conflict in Poland at the same time as Hungary started to revolt
Why did Khrushchev and Tito put pressure on Hungary?
To change its hardline leader to a more liberal Erno Gero. Tito had hoped that Hungary would look to him rather than the USSR
What happened on 23rd October 1956?
A large demonstration in support of Polish reformers escalated out of control, demanding the withdrawal of Soviet troops and a new government under Imre Nagy, who was more independent and Titoist. They attacked the state radio station
What did Gero do to end the revolt?
He gave way and appointed Nagy as Prime Minister who announced his intention to withdraw Hungary from the Warsaw Pact
What happened in Hungary after Nagy announced his intention to withdraw Hungary from the Warsaw Pact?
- The USSR initially readied 30,000 troops with tanks and artillery. Heavy fighting erupted in north-west Hungary and by 28th October rebels were in control of most of Hungary
What did the USA’s Radio Free Europe encourage Hungarians to do?
Revolt, and made them believed that NATO would intervene to protect them. However Eisenhower feared the USSR might risk nuclear war over it so made Dulles publicly announce that the US would not help
How did the Suez Crisis start?
The USSR had cultivated good relations with the Egyptian leader Colonel Nasser, so the USA cancelled a loan to him in July 1956, which he turned to the USSR for at the same time as nationalizing the Anglo-French run Suez Canal.
What did Britain, France and Israel do in October 1956?
Launched an attack to overthrow Colonel Nasser
What was Khrushchev convinced of in terms of Nasser, and what did he do as a result?
That Nasser would be overthrown so threw further troops into Hungary to regain prestige
What had happened and by 4th November 1956?
A new government loyal to the USSR under Janos Kader was established
Why did the US intervene in Egypt?
To stop the British and French attack on Egypt as they wanted to maintain good relations with the developing world and look strong in an election campaign for Eisenhower
What did Khrushchev do to the division caused by the US intervening?
He exploited the division by threatening massive missile attacks on Britain and France which made it look like he had forced a ceasefire through threat
What happened at the Moscow Conference of International Foreign Ministers in October 1957?
Khrushchev reestablished Soviet supremacy in the East and split again with Tito
What did Khrushchev become convinced that he could do?
Use the threat of nuclear weapons to force western concessions
When did the USSR launch the first ICBM?
August 1957
When was Sputnik put into orbit?
October 1957
What was the reality of the missile gap?
The USA had far more nuclear weapons and Polaris submarines, despite fears of a missile gap because of Khrushchev’s deliberate exaggerations
What did France and Germany become concerned with?
That the USA would abandon them as intercontinental weapons were now a reality and worked to strengthen their alliance independent of the USA
What proportion of the East German population had fled West between 1945 and 1961?
About a sixth
What did Khrushchev do on 27th November 1958?
He gave an ultimatum demanding the demilitarization of West Berlin, withdrawal of Western troops and it be turned into a free city. This forced the western powers to the fruitless Geneva Conference
When was the Geneva Conference?
May to August 1959
How were discussions in Paris to create nuclear-free zone in central Europe scuppered?
The shooting down of a US U-2 Spy Plane over Soviet territory in May 1960
What did Kennedy do in July 1961?
He indicated that he would not intervene to stop the closing of GDR borders, only to preserve the independence of West Berlin
In the months up to June 1961 how many refugees fled economic distress in the GDR and what did Khrushchev do as a result?
103,000 refugees, and Khrushchev was forced to build the Berlin Wall to stop the flow on 13th August 1961
When did Soviet and US tanks meet at Checkpoint Charlie?
27th October 1961
What did Kennedy do to try and reduce tensions?
When did Castro take power in Cuba following a guerilla war?
January 1959
What did Castro do after he got power?
Began to cultivate relations with the USSR
When did the US tried to overthrow Castro with an invasion of Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs?
April 1961
What happened at the Bay of Pigs?
Kennedy pulled out of airstrikes and the plan ultimately failed
What did Khrushchev do to protect Cuba and deal with the imbalance of US nuclear weapons being placed in Turkey?
He secretly deployed medium range missiles in Cuba that could threaten the US mainland in October 1962
What happened on 14th October 1961?
A U-2 spy plane identified the missiles and a quarantine zone of 500 miles was set up stopping ships transporting goods to Cuba without US checks
What happened on 26th October 1961?
Khrushchev took the world from the brink by withdrawing the missiles on the US promise not to invade Cuba and take the bases out of Turkey. Kennedy insisted that the latter agreement be private in order to protect his reputation
What happened after the CMC?
- Khrushchev’s prestige was damaged and the USSR embarked on the further development of ICBM’s and Naval expansion to deal with the missile gap with the USA
What were Castro’s opinions after the CMC?
He was furious and concentrated on helping revolutionary movements in the developing world
What did the CMC show the US and USSR?
That both had the power to destroy each other (Mutually Assured Destruction – MAD)
What did the US and USSR do due to a realisation of MAD?
Sought to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons and established a hotline between White House and Kremlin