The search for minority rights, 1960–80 Flashcards
What was the Federal Agency that passed policies relating to Native Americans?
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
When was ‘termination’ for Native Americans passed?
What was ‘termination’ for Native Americans?
Native Americans are freed from federal control and protected by US federal and State laws, but tribal lands will be sold
What were the two main issues for Native Americans?
Tribal homelands and self-determination
When was the Indian Removal Act
By which decade were the Native American Indian Removal Act treaties declared to be unfair?
From when did the BIA run the Indian Boarding Schools board?
What did the 1887 Dawes Act do?
Split the land up into individual allotments to be awarded by government
When was the Indian Civil Rights Act?
What was the Indian Civil Rights Act?
Banned tribes from restricting the civil rights of tribal members
When was the American Indian Movement (AIM) setup?
What was the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) slogan?
‘Red Power’
When was the Indian Relocation Act?
What did the Indian Relocation Act encourage?
Native Americans aged 18-35 to move to cities (it was unsuccessful since tribes became dislocated)
For how long did the Alcatraz Red Power Movement (ARPM) occupy Alcatraz
What was AIM’s membership by 1971
There were two protests in 1971 by Native Americans, where were they?
Fort Snelling, Minnesota and Black Hills of Dakota (protest about land ownership)
Which organisation was AIM’s trail of broken treaties in 1972 aimed at?
BIA (they occupied the government building in protest of the management)
How long did AIM’s occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973 last for?
71 days
What was the 1973 Longest Walk from San Francisco to Washington in protest against?
Removal of Indian’s from their homeland and Congress’ unwillingness to renegotiate treaties
Which President rejected both ‘termination’ and forced assimilation?
When was the Indian Education Act for funding of Tribal schools pass?
When did Indian Self-Financing Act that provided funding for tribes pass?
When did the Indian Self Determination act that ruled out the BIA from services in health and education pass?
What did the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act do?
Gave Native Americans more control over the adoption of Native Americans
When did Congress return Blue Lake to the Taos Pueblo tribe?
The 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act had what provisions?
40 million acres and $462.5 million
Which state continued to evict Indians from land if the state wanted to use it for building?
How many Mexicans signed up to be part of the bracero programme between 1942 and 1964?
4.6 million contracts
What were the 4 main issues for Hispanic Americans?
Land, Workers’ rights, Discrimination and deportation
Which state was of particular issue regarding land rights for Hispanic Americans?
New Mexico
In which programme were conditions for Hispanic workers considered to be appalling?
Bracero programme
How many people were deported as a result of ‘Operation Wetback’ between 1953 and 1958?
3.8 million
Who was the leader of the non-violent movement for Hispanic American workers’ rights?
Cesar Chavez
Which Hispanic American leader for Mexican land rights organised marches, mass demonstrations and camp-ins on National Forest Land?
Reies Lopez Tijerana
Who organized the Denver War on Poverty campaign and Crusade for Justice campaigns?
Rodolfo Gonzales
Who led the organisation, La Raza Unida, encouraging people to vote?
Jose Angel Gutierrez
When were the Brown Berets setup?
When was Cesar Chavez’s National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) setup?
When did the NFWA and the Filipino Agricultural Workers Organising Committee (AWOC) unite to form the United Farm Workers Organising Committee (UFWOC)?
When was Chavez’s 25 day fast?
How many students protested in East LA (mainly Mexican from schools) about conditions?
Over 10,000
When did the Brown Berets march in protest against police brutality and discrimination?
When were the farm workers’ contracts not renewed from the original contracts in 1970?
What did California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975 setup?
Rights for farm workers to unionise
What did the 1975 Voting Rights Act extension provide?
Language assistance at polling stations
When did the Supreme Court rule that Hispanic Americans were equal?
When did the Stonewall Inn incident that led to riots and the formation of the gay rights movement?
28 June 1969
On 28 August 1970, how many people attended the New York Gay Pride March?
In which cities did highly visible gay communities spring up?
San Francisco, New York (Greenwich Village in particular), Chicago and Seattle
What percentage of people believed in equal rights for gays in 1977?
Who in 1974 became the first openly gay candidate elected to public office?
Kathy Kozachenko
When was Harvey Milk elected to be a member of the San Francisco board of supervisors?
What was Proposition 6?
A law proposed in California in 1978 to ban gays, lesbians and supporters of their rights from working in state funded schools
When was Harvey Milk and the pro-gay mayor of San Francisco assassinated?
27 November 1978
When was the first Supreme Court Ruling in favour of gays?
1958 (refused to let the postal service ban a gay magazine as ‘obscene’)
When was the First Reminder Day (an anti-discrimination protest in Philadelphia)?
4 July 1965
New York City Commission on human rights ruled gays must be served in bars in what year?
What did the North American Conference of Homophile Organisations issue in 1968?
The Homosexual Bill of Rights, calling for equality
On the anniversary of Stonewall, marches were held in which city?
New York, Chicago, San Francisco and LA
When did the American Psychiatric Association remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses?
15 December 1973
How long was Dan White, Harvey Milk’s assassin, sentence?
7 years
How many marched on San Francisco’s city hall as a result of Dan White’s sentencing?
21 May 1979
When was the National March on Washington for lesbian and gay rights?
14 October 1979 (urged protective legislation)
What did the Democratic Party say in August of 1980 in favour of gay rights?
The Democrats will not discriminate against gays and will campaign for their rights
How many openly gay state judges were appointed by the Governor of California between 1979 and 1981?
When did Dade County, Florida propose a law to stop discrimination in housing, public facilities and employment?
Who was the spokeswoman who campaigned against the law that Dade County, Florida were trying to pass to stop discrimination?
Anita Bryan (formed the Save Our Children)