Black American civil rights, c1955–80 Flashcards
What phrase used in the Brown vs Board of Education 1955 ruling hampered the progress of desegregation?
‘with all deliberate speed’
When did the Montgomery Bus Boycott end?
5 December 1955
For how long did the Montgomery Bus Boycott last?
380 days
Who organised the Montgomery Bus boycott?
The MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association) with MLK
What percentage of people using the buses boycotted?
75% of users were black, and 90% of the Black African Americans boycotted
When did the Supreme Court rule bus segregation unconstitutional?
13 November 1956
When was incident of Little Rock, Arkansas?
4 September 1957
When was the Greensboro sit in?
1 February 1960
How many students participated in the Greensboro sit in?
When was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) setup?
15 April 1960
What was one of the jobs of the SNCC?
Encourage voter registration
When were the Freedom rides?
Why were the Freedom rides undertaken?
Morgan vs Virginia (1946) and Boynton vs Virginia (1960) rulings for the desegregation of buses
When were the Birmingham, Alabama riots?
Who was the racist chief of police during the Birmingham Alabama riots?
‘Bull’ Connor
After the Birmingham Alabama riots, what percentage of people thought race was the USA’s most pressing problem?
When was freedom summer?
How many of the 17,000 who tried to register to vote during Freedom Summer were accepted?
When were the Black Panthers formed?
Stokely Carmichael was the leader of which organisation in 1965?
Carmichael suggested that the calls for ‘freedom’ should be replace with calls for…
‘Black Power’
Which major cities had riots in 1964?
New York, Chicago, Philadelphia
How much aid was given LA in 1965 after the riots there in 1965?
$18 million
When did 102 southern Congressman sign the Southern Manifesto condemning the Brown vs Board of Education ruling?
12 March 1956
How many troops had to aid in the integration of the University of Mississippi in 1962?
In 1963 Kennedy had to interfere in which state to desegregate the University after the Governor prevented two black students from doing so?
When was the March on Washington?
28 August 1963?
How many people attended the March on Washington?
200,000 to 500,000
When was the Selma march?
When did the Northern Crusade by MLK begin?
What issues did the Northern Crusade highlight?
Unions, working conditions, teaching, poverty
When was the Fair Housing Act that addressed land discrimination?
When was the National Housing Act that gave low interest long term loans?
What was the Civil Rights Act passed?
When was the Voting Rights Act passed?
When was the Heart of Atlanta motel vs United States ruling?
What was the Heart of Atlanta motel vs United States ruling?
Private businesses had to abide by the 1964 Civil Rights Act
What did the 1957 Civil Rights Act do?
Set up a Civil Rights Commission, and gives the federal justice department more rights to supervise voter registration
What did the 1960 Civil Rights Act do?
It’s a crime to obstruct federal orders by threat or force and authorises federal ‘referees’ for voting
When was Kennedy’s Executive order that banned discrimination in the allocation of federal housing?
Which commission did the 1964 Civil Rights Act setup?
Equal Opportunities commission
What did the 1964 Civil Rights do?
Ban discrimination for sex or race in hiring, firing and promoting
What did the 1965 Voting Rights Act do?
Ban any attempts to stop people voting; provisions for federal enforcement for 5 years
In which years was the Voting Rights Act provisions reconfirmed?
1970, 1975, 1982 and 2007
When was the Emergency School Aid Act that provided funding for schools that desegregating?
When was the second Emergency School Aid Act passed?
When was the Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education ruling?
What was the Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education ruling?
Upholds policy of busing children out of poor areas to desegregated schools
When was the Education Amendments Act that restricted busing by giving more money to inner-city schools for improvements?
What percentage of Black African Americans voted in 1966 and 1980?
58.2% and 60%
What did the socio-economic score of Professional Black Americans rise to between 1940 and 1980?
16 to 31
What did affirmative action orders create within the workplace?
‘minority quotas’
In 1980, what percentage of black high school drop outs, aged 25-34, have a criminal record?