Black American civil rights, c1917–55 Flashcards
Which early amendments were passed in the 19th century which aided Black African-Americans?
13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
Which Black African-American gave a famous speech that came to be known as the ‘Atlanta Compromise’?
Booker T Washington
What was the Atlanta Compromise?
Progress through education and entrepreneurship, rather than trying to challenge directly the Jim Crow segregation and the disenfranchisement of black voters in the South
How many Black African Americans died in the Elaine Race riot in Arkansas in 1919?
What is the name of the set of laws that were aimed at introducing and maintaining segregation?
Jim Crow Laws
How many Black African Americans were at polling booths in Louisiana in 1896 and 1904?
130,334 fell to 1,342
How old was Emmett Till?
What year was the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling and what was its characteristic phrase?
1896 and ‘separate but equal’
By 1920, what percentage of African Americans lived in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio?
Rise in African American population in New York, Chicago and Detroit between 1910 and 1930?
141,553 to 682,275
Phrase used to describe the actions taken by Black African Americans to migrate North?
‘voting with their feet’
Who issued Executive order 8802 banning racial discrimination in the defence industry that was overseen by the Fair Employment Practises Committee?
FDR in 1941
What did the National Recovery Administration do to minimum wages during the New Deal?
Set both Black and White minimum wages to be equal
Which case did the NAACP turn down for it then to be taken up by communists to find the defendants innocent?
Scottsboro Boys in 1931
How many members of NAACP were there in Alabama vs. number of Black American communists?
6 vs 3000
Who setup shops in Harlem that provided goods at a lower price to Black African Americans?
Father Divine of the Peace Mission church group (1932-1942)
What was the Housewives League motto?
‘Don’t buy where you can’t work’ (started in Detroit)
Where was Alpha Kappa Alpha able to help with medical care?
What did Executive order 7027 order in May 1935 do?
Resettle low-income families and provide loans if needed
How many farmers were influenced by Executive order 7027 of 1935?
3,400 of 200,000
How many people signed the petition asking for federal aid to return to Africa?
2 million
When was Pearl Harbour?
7 December 1941
Who led the 100,000 strong march that led to executive order 8802 in 1941?
A. Philip Randolph
What was the percentage of black African Americans working in the defense industry in 1942 and 1944?
3% and 8%
When did Truman setup the President’s Committee on Civil Rights?
What did Truman’s Committee on Civil Rights call for?
Equal opportunities in work and housing and strong federal support for civil rights
Which Black civil rights group formed in 1935, became a suspect organisation due to it having some communist members?
National Negro Congress
In which year did Truman issue executive orders desegregating the military and all work done by businesses for the government?
What was the NAACP membership in 1917, 1919 and 1946?
9,000 to 90,000 to 600,000
When was the Scottsboro trial?
What did the Scottsboro trial show?
An extreme case of a miscarriage of justice
How many Scottsboro boys were there?
9 (all innocent)
What did the Murray vs Maryland (1936) ruling represent?
University of Maryland’s law school is desegregated
What did the Sweatt vs Painter (1950) and McLaurin vs Oklahoma (1950) rulings do?
Desegregated graduate and professional schools in Texas and Oklahoma
What did the Missouri ex el Gaines vs Canada (1938)?
University of Missouri to take black students
What was the Shelley vs Kraemer (1948) ruling?
Banning racial covenants on any property
When, where and how many people were in the Silent Protest Parade?
June 1917, New York, 10,000 people
Where did the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) hold sit ins?
Chicago (1942), St Louis (1949) and Baltimore (1952)
Which group joined CORE in 1947 to do the Journey of Reconciliation on buses through Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky to desegregate them?
Fellowship for reconciliation
What were the tactics of the Black African American movement at the time?
When was the first Brown vs Board of Education ruling?