The Roots of Modern Political Science Unit 2 Flashcards
What is Liberalism?
A political and social ideology that advocates government activism, civil liberties and social reform.
What is conservatism?
Advocates limited government intervention and the preservation or restoration of traditions.
What is Libertarianism?
Belief in total personal freedoms without the constraints of imposed rules.
What is Anarchism?
Belief that all forms of enforced control and authority are unnecessary and undesirable.
What is Authoritarianism?
Belief in the individuals duty to follow established rules - can land on both sides of spectrum right or left.
What is Totalitarianism?
A form of government in which the state assumes total control of all aspects of society and individual life.
What is Communism?
Economic equality in society by seizing power from the bourgeoisie and giving it to the proletariat; emphasis on control of the economy and the individual.
What is Socialism?
The means of production and distribution of goods are owned colectively and political power is excersised the whole community.
What is Capitalism?
Economic theory that supports free trade, private property, individual profit making, private ownership of capital, and minimum government intervention in the economic system.
What is Fascism?
Political ideology of the extreme right that blends authoritarianism, paternalism, and capitalism; it supports the hierical view of society, and builds its appeal on nationalism, opposition to communism, and the use of force.
What is Social democracy?
A political movement that seeks to lesson the gap between the wealthy and the poor within a democracy through: minimum wage, universal healthcare, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, parenting benefits, and housing subsidies.
What is Egalitarianism?
The belief in or promotion of equal political, economic, social & civil rights for all people.
What philosophy did Edmund Burke propose?
Modern conservatism.
What philosophy did Jeremy Bentham propose?
What philosophy did Laozi propose?
What philosophy did Pierre-Joseph Proudhon propose?
Anarchism, first to identify and use the term anarchist.
What philosophy did Peter Kroptin propose?
Anarchism, he set theoretical framework for how a future society could implement and folow anarchism.
What philosophy did Ayn Rand propose?
Individualism, prioritize the rights of an individual over those of a colective.
What philosophy did Karl Marx propose?
Founding father of communism and believed in marxism.
What philosophy did Thomas More propose?
Socialism, socialism goes as far back as 16th century England.
What philosophy did Adam Smith propose?
Proposed an open and free market and power of competition with his belief of capitalism.
What philosophy did Adolf Hitler propose?
Nazism or Facism.
What philosophy did Vladimir Lenin propose?
What philosophy did Francisco Franco follow?
What philosophy did Mao Zedong propose?
What views do conservatives follow?
-Believe in traditional values
-Stresses individual responsibility
-Opposes government intervention
What views do Liberals follow?
-Emphasizes freedom of choice (dignity of an individual)
-Supports new ideas (values progress)
-Encourages change
-Accepts government intervention when it produces greater equality
What views do Authoritarians follow?
-Little to no political opponents
-controls via military/police
-Promotes rights of government over those as an individual
What views do Anarchists/Libertarians follow?
-Rights of individual over government
-No acknowledgement of government control
-dissent is a means of personal expression
What views do Capitalists follow?
-Free market
-Open market
-Individual profit
-private ownership
What views do socialists follow?
-Goods owned collectively
-Redistribution of land and wealth
Where does the progressive conservatives land on the political spectrum?
Where does the CCF land on the political spectrum?
Where does the Liberal party land on the political spectrum?
Where does the Social credit party land on the political spectrum?
Started left-wing then became right-wing.
Where does the NDP land on the political spectrum?
Where does the Rhinoceros party land on the political spectrum?
they are off spectrum.
Where does the Bloc Quebecois land on the political spectrum?
What is the difference between left-wing and right-wing authoritarian? give an example of each.
-Right-wing authoritarianism focuses on tradition, social order, heriarchial structure.
-Views dissent as a threat to national unity
-Free market
-E.g Adolf hitler, Francisco franco
-Left-wing authoritarianism emphasizes economic equality, no traditional heriarchy
-A Comand economy
-They suppres dissent, it undermines the states goals (counter revolutionary)
-E.g Kim Jong Un, Joesph Stalin
What are three ways political change can occur?
1) Hereditary/succession: Falls to eldest son, Traditional rules ensure peaceful succession, autocratic authorities rarely have rules of succession
2) Coups d’tat: “Blow against the state”, overthrows existing government to replace with an autocratic one, usually takes place within 24 hrs, supported by military.
3) People power: protests can bring political change as long as military/police support or are neutral
How does the Geography influence politics?
-Shared boarders,with the Northwest passage countries like Russia and the US both claim this passage as they say it boarders them ,countries may experience either tension or cooperation at the boarder.
-Proximity to trade routes, the Suez Canal in Egypt is an example, Countries that control key trade routes can provide influence over global trade, resulting in alliances or tensions.
-Access to natural resources, countries like the US or china are rich in natural resources they make so much revenue through exports, this then improves their economic and political influence .