The Role Of Feedbacks Within And Between Cycles And Their Link To Climate Change And Implicarions For Life On Earth Flashcards
What is a type of positive feedback In the carbon cycle
Temps increase= permafrosts thaw= exposing previously frozen organic matter to decay= releases co2= atmospheric co2 and methane levels increase
Positive feedback loop in the water cycle
Atmosphere temp increase= more water vapour in atmosphere= more warming= increased evaporation of water from the earth’s surface
Negative feedback in the water cycle
Increase co2 in atmosphere=warmer temps= increased evaporation= increased cloud cover=decreased temps = equilibrium
Negative feedback loop in carbon cycle
Increased use of fossil fuels leads to an increase in atmospheric co2 and a rise in temps. This causes more plant growth and an increased take up of co2 which reduces atmospheric co2 and dampens temp rises