The Role Of Education In Society Flashcards
What does Parsons believe is the purpose of education?
What functionalist sociologists believe schools allocate roles?
Sees school as a bridge between the family and society and believes it teaches meritocracy.
Davis and Moore.
What percentage better did Chubb and Moe find pupils from state schools did when they went to private school?
How do Chubb and Moe argue state schools can be improved?
Parents are given vouchers to spend on buying education from a school of their choice which would make schools more answerable to parents needs.
What do the new right argue and the two roles of the state?
Imposing a framework on schools within which they have to complete.
Ensuring that schools transmit a shared culture by imposing a single national curriculum.
What two key elements does Althusser believe the state consists of to keep the bourgeoisie in power?
The repressive state apparatus which maintain the rule of the bourgeoise by force eg police army etc
The ideological state apparatus which controls people’s ideas, values and beliefs through religion, media education system…..
Who argues hat education reproduces and legitimated class inequality?
How do Bowles and Gintis support their argument that school produces obedient alienated workers capitalism needs?
By rewarding obedience and discipline ie students whore punctual get high grades.
What is the correspondence principle and who identifies it?
Why do Bowles and Gintis describe the education system as a giant myth making scheme?
Bowles and Gintis call close parallels between schools and capitalist societies this.
Education promotes the myth of meritocracy.
What was the tripartite system?
When were comprehensive schools introduced and the 11+ exams abolished?
After students 11+ exams they’d be put into either grammer schools, secondary modern schools or technical schools.
In 1965.
What perspective does Durkheim take of education?
What did Durkheim believe the two main functions of education are?
A functionalist perspective.
Social solidarity ~ transmits societies culture and gives us all a sense of community.
Specialist skills ~ everyone gets different jobs needed by society.