The role of African American individuals Flashcards
Who was Frederick Douglass, and what was his role in Civil Rights?
Douglass was a former slave who became a leading abolitionist, writer, and speaker. He worked to end slavery and advocated for African American rights during and after the Civil War.
What role did Harriet Tubman play in the fight for African American rights?
Tubman was a key conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping enslaved people escape to freedom, and later advocated for abolition and women’s suffrage.
Who was Booker T. Washington, and what was his philosophy on African American progress?
Washington promoted vocational training and economic self-reliance, emphasising gradual progress over immediate equality through his leadership at the Tuskegee Institute.
How did W.E.B. Du Bois differ from Booker T. Washington in his approach to Civil Rights?
Du Bois co-founded the NAACP and argued for immediate civil rights and higher education for African Americans, challenging Washington’s gradualist approach.
What role did Ida B. Wells play in advancing African American Civil Rights?
Wells was a journalist and activist who led campaigns against lynching and co-founded organisations to promote African American rights, including the NAACP.
How did Rosa Parks contribute to the Civil Rights Movement?
Parks’ refusal to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in 1955 sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal event in the Civil Rights Movement.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr., and what was his strategy for achieving Civil Rights?
King was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement, advocating for nonviolent resistance through campaigns like the March on Washington and the Selma-to-Montgomery marches.
What role did Malcolm X play in the Civil Rights Movement?
Malcolm X, a leader in the Nation of Islam, advocated for black self-determination and was a prominent voice for African Americans disillusioned with nonviolent strategies.
Who was Thurgood Marshall, and how did he influence Civil Rights?
Who was Thurgood Marshall, and how did he influence Civil Rights?
What was James Meredith’s role in the Civil Rights Movement?
Meredith was the first African American to integrate the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) in 1962, challenging segregation in higher education.
How did Fannie Lou Hamer contribute to Civil Rights?
Hamer was a prominent voting rights activist and co-founder of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, advocating for African American political representation.
What contributions did Ella Baker make to the Civil Rights Movement?
Baker was a behind-the-scenes organizer for groups like the NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC, emphasizing grassroots activism and empowering young leaders.
Who was Medgar Evers, and what was his role in Civil Rights?
Evers was an NAACP field secretary in Mississippi, working to end segregation and promote voting rights until his assassination in 1963.
What role did Diane Nash play in the Civil Rights Movement?
Nash was a leader in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and helped organize campaigns like the Freedom Rides and sit-ins.
How did Stokely Carmichael impact the Civil Rights Movement?
Carmichael was a leader in SNCC and later the Black Power movement, advocating for racial pride and self-determination.
Who was Angela Davis, and what was her role in the fight for African American rights?
Davis was an activist, academic, and member of the Black Panther Party, focusing on issues like racial justice, prison reform, and economic inequality.
What role did Shirley Chisholm play in advancing African American rights?
Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to Congress and the first to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1972, advocating for social justice and equality.
How did Jesse Jackson contribute to Civil Rights?
Jackson was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement and founded the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition to advocate for economic and racial equality.
Who was Bayard Rustin, and what was his role in the Civil Rights Movement?
Rustin was a key organizer of the March on Washington in 1963 and an advocate for nonviolence and economic justice.
What was Paul Robeson’s contribution to African American Civil Rights?
Robeson was a singer, actor, and activist who used his platform to speak out against racial injustice and promote African American culture globally.
How did Jackie Robinson influence Civil Rights?
Robinson broke the colour barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947, challenging segregation in sports and becoming a symbol of African American progress.
What role did Claudette Colvin play in the Civil Rights Movement?
Colvin was a teenager who refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger months before Rosa Parks, contributing to the fight against segregation.
How did A. Philip Randolph influence Civil Rights?
Randolph organised the March on Washington Movement during WWII, leading to Executive Order 8802, which banned discrimination in defense industries.
What role did Marian Anderson play in advancing African American Civil Rights?
Anderson was a world-famous opera singer who performed at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after being denied access to Constitution Hall because of her race.