The remembering brain Flashcards
types and subtypes of LTM
- implicit: procedural, conditioning, priming
- explicit: episodic, semantic
key characteristics global amnesia
- deficit in declarative memory
- spared intelligence
recent events vs remote events
recent events more fragile than remote events
what is korsakoffs syndrome?
amnesia through long term alcoholism
amnesia, effect on
short time
non declarative
semantic memory?
short time: spared
non declarative: spared
episodic: definitely impaired
semantic: typically impaired
what is impaired in amnesia in semantic knowledge?
semantic memory from early life typically spared
semantic memory gained in recent time typically impaired
what does Ribot’s law say?
amnesia patients have beter memory for early life
what is consolidation?
building associative network in order to make long term memorys
hippocampus key role in this
recent vs remote memory
recent: activity in hippocampus
remote: activity in cortex
what is source monitoring?
process of determining the source of our memory
familiarity vs recollection
familiarity: source of information not remembered
recollection: information linked to context
3 components in Baddeley’s working memory model?
- central executive
- phonological loop
- visuospatial sketchpad
what kind of information is confused in the phonological loop?
information that sounds similar
information with semantic or syntax similarity is not confused
what is the word length effect?
shorter words are beter rehearsed -> beter remembered
what is articulatory suppression?
effect on word length effect?
while speaking phonological loop not capable of rehearsing
articulatory suppression reduces word length effect
when in multitasking possible?
if the two processes use different systems
(phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad)
what are place cells?
cells that fire if you are in a certain location in space (e.g. in a room)
what is retrieval induced forgetting?
retrieval of a memory causes inhibition of similar memorys
what is directed forgetting?
voluntarily suppressing a memory till it is forgotten