What language was the Qur’an revealed in?
A) Hebrew
B) Greek
C) Arabic
D) Latin
Answer: C) Arabic
Who delivered the Qur’anic revelation to Prophet Muhammad ()?
A) Angel Michael
B) Angel Gabriel
C) Angel Raphael
D) Angel Azrael
Answer: B) Angel Gabriel
Over how many years was the Qur’an revealed?
A) 10 years
B) 15 years
C) 20 years
D) 23 years
Answer: D) 23 years
What distinguishes the Qur’an from the Hadith?
A) The Qur’an was written by the Prophet ()
B) The Qur’an contains the sayings and deeds of the Prophet ()
C) The Qur’an is the word of God, while the Hadith records the Prophet’s sayings and deeds
D) The Qur’an was revealed after the Hadith
Answer: C) The Qur’an is the word of God, while the Hadith records the Prophet’s sayings and deed
How did the Prophet Muhammad () convey the Qur’anic message to his Companions?
A) By writing it down
B) By reciting the exact words in their exact order
C) By translating it into different languages
D) By sending letters
Answer: B) By reciting the exact words in their exact order
What makes the Qur’an easy to memorize?
A) Its short length
B) Its rhythmic style and eloquent expression
C) Its simplicity
D) Its repetition
Answer: B) Its rhythmic style and eloquent expression
Who encouraged the Companions to learn and transmit the Qur’anic verses?
A) The Prophet Muhammad ()
B) Angel Gabriel
C) The Caliph
D) The scholars
Answer: A) The Prophet Muhammad ()
During which act of worship was the Qur’an recited regularly?
A) Zakat (charity)
B) Fasting
C) Hajj (pilgrimage)
D) Salat (daily prayers)
Answer: D) Salat (daily prayers)
Which of the following Companions memorized the entire Qur’an?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Umar
C) Zaid ibn Thabit
D) Bilal
Answer: C) Zaid ibn Thabit
Who arranged the sequence or order of the Qur’an?
A) The Caliphs
B) The scribes
C) The Prophet Muhammad ()
D) The scholars
Answer: C) The Prophet Muhammad ()
What did the Prophet () instruct the scribes regarding certain verses?
A) To remove them
B) To rearrange them
C) Where to place them in their respective surahs
D) To translate them
Answer: C) Where to place them in their respective surahs
What did the Prophet () recommend to his Companions regarding sections of certain surahs?
A) To omit them
B) To memorize them
C) To share them
D) To disregard them
Answer: B) To memorize them
When was the order of verses and surahs well known to the Prophet’s Companions?
A) After the Prophet’s death
B) During the Prophet’s lifetime
C) During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr
D) During the Caliphate of Umar
Answer: B) During the Prophet’s lifetime
How often did the Prophet () recite the entire Qur’an in its exact order during Ramadan?
A) Once
B) Twice
C) Three times
D) Four times
Answer: B) Twice (in the year of his death)
Who was the most prominent scribe who recorded the Qur’an?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Umar ibn Khattab
C) Uthman ibn Affan
D) Zaid ibn Thabit
Answer: D) Zaid ibn Thabit
Approximately how many scribes recorded the Qur’an?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) Over 55
Answer: D) Over 55