Could Prophet Muhammad (r) read or write?
No, Prophet Muhammad (r) was unlettered and could neither read nor write. (Q.29:48)
What is the significance of the Qur’an being free from inconsistencies?
It demonstrates the Qur’an’s divine origin, as no human, especially an unlettered one, could produce such a consistent and comprehensive scripture.
What subjects does the Qur’an address?
The Qur’an covers social, economic, political, religious legislation, history, psychology, and more.
How does the Qur’an’s lack of need for revision or correction support its divine authorship?
It suggests that the Qur’an is perfect and complete, unlike human-authored texts that often require revisions.
Why is it implausible to believe that an illiterate 7th-century Arab could author the Qur’an?
Because the Qur’an’s vast knowledge and precision in various subjects could not have come from someone with no formal education or access to written materials.
What nickname was Prophet Muhammad (r) given by his community?
He was nicknamed “Al-Ameen” (The Trustworthy).
How did the Prophet’s enemies react to the Qur’an?
They offered him kingship and riches if he would stop reciting the Qur’an, but he refused.
Why does the inclusion of verses that correct or reprove Muhammad (r) indicate his sincerity?
It shows that he did not alter the message for personal gain but conveyed it truthfully as received.
How does Muhammad’s refusal of power and wealth support his claim of prophethood?
It indicates that his motivation was not personal glory but fulfilling his mission as a Messenger of God.
What does the verse “He frowned and turned away when the blind man came to him…” (Q.80:1-2) demonstrate?
It demonstrates Muhammad’s honesty in delivering the Qur’anic message, even when it criticized his own actions.
How does the style of the Qur’an differ from Muhammad’s (r) style in the Hadith?
The Qur’an is authoritative and challenging, while the Hadith is conversational and expository.
What rhetorical device is characteristic of the Qur’anic discourse?
Sudden pronominal shifts to enhance the message.
Why does the Qur’an challenge people to find discrepancies in it?
To emphasize its divine perfection and inimitable nature.
What effect did the Qur’an’s eloquence have on Arab society?
It ended annual contests of oratory in Makkah because no one could compete with its eloquence.
How is the Qur’an’s style described by Arthur J. Arberry?
As an “inimitable symphony” that moves people to tears and ecstasy.
Can the similarities between the Qur’an and the Bible prove that the Qur’an was copied from the Bible?
No, similarities could stem from a common divine source.
What does the Qur’an say about the possibility of Muhammad (r) having a human teacher?
The Qur’an refutes it by pointing out that the alleged teacher spoke a different language. (Q.16:103)
How do the doctrinal differences between the Qur’an and the Bible affect the theory of copying?
The significant differences, particularly in concepts of God, sin, and prophethood, make copying unlikely.
What is one major difference between the Qur’an and the Bible’s account of Adam and Eve?
The Qur’an does not blame women for the original sin and emphasizes that both Adam and Eve were forgiven by God.
How does the Qur’an describe the story of Abraham’s (p) intended sacrifice compared to the Bible?
The Qur’an depicts it as a test revealed in a dream, with Abraham’s son being a willing participant.
What is the Qur’an’s stance on the Pharaoh’s fate during the Exodus?
The Qur’an states that the Pharaoh’s body was preserved as a sign for future generations. (Q.10:90-92)
What does the Qur’an say about Jesus speaking from the cradle?
It mentions that Jesus spoke as an infant, which is not mentioned in the Bible. (Q.3:46)
Which Prophet is mentioned in the Qur’an as never worshipping idols, contrary to biblical accounts?
Solomon (p) is depicted as never worshipping idols. (Q.2:102)
What city, mentioned in the Qur’an, is not found in the Bible?
The city of Iram. (Q.89:7)
What is unique about the Qur’an’s account of the Great Flood?
The Qur’an describes it as a local event, unlike the Bible’s account of a global flood.
How does the Qur’an describe Satan?
As an open enemy, deceiver, and a sneaking whisperer.
What must one do before reciting the Qur’an according to its teachings?
Seek refuge in God from Satan the accursed. (Q.16:98)
Why is it illogical to believe that Satan authored the Qur’an?
Because the Qur’an condemns Satan and promotes moral and spiritual growth, which contradicts Satan’s nature.
How does the Qur’an view personal accountability?
It teaches that everyone is accountable for their own actions and choices. (Q.3:25)
What does the Qur’an say about God’s forgiveness?
God is Most Forgiving and rewards those who sincerely repent. (Q.15:49)
What does the Qur’an say about God’s justice?
God will not do the least injustice to anyone. (Q.17:71)
How does the Qur’an instruct people to avoid Satan?
By not following his whispers and seeking refuge in God.
What is the Qur’an’s ultimate goal for humanity according to its teachings?
The eradication of vice and the promotion of good.
How does the Qur’an’s condemnation of evil support its divine origin?
It shows that the Qur’an’s teachings align with the pursuit of truth and righteousness, opposing Satan’s nature.
What is the Qur’anic view of Satan’s power over people?
Satan has no real power over those who seek God’s protection. (Q.16:99)
How does the Qur’an describe the consequence of taking Satan as a patron?
As incurring a great loss, as Satan’s promises are deceptive. (Q.4:119-120)
What does the Qur’an say about doing good in response to evil?
It encourages repelling evil with good as a means to overcome Satan’s influence.
How does the Qur’an’s emphasis on moral growth contradict the idea of satanic authorship?
Because Satan would not promote virtues like truthfulness, honesty, and worship of God alone.
What does the Qur’an say about God’s knowledge and wisdom?
That God is full of knowledge and wisdom and cancels any deception Satan might attempt. (Q.22:52)
What verse do some misinterpret as indicating that Satan inspired part of the Qur’an, and how is this misunderstanding addressed?
Q.22:52 is misinterpreted by some as referring to “Satanic verses,” but this story has been discredited with authoritative proofs.
Which ancient city’s existence was unknown until its discovery in 1973 in Syria?
The Lost City of Iram.
In which year was the city of Iram confirmed to have existed by an excavation in Syria?
Which verse in the Qur’an mentions the Lost City of Iram?
Qur’an 89:7.
What unique characteristic about worker bees is mentioned in the Qur’an?
Worker bees are female.
Which Qur’anic verse uses a feminine verb form when addressing bees?
Qur’an 16:68.
What is the role of male bees in the hive according to scientific findings mentioned in the text?
The male drones’ sole purpose is to impregnate the queen, after which they are killed by the worker bees.
How does the Qur’an describe mountains in relation to the earth?
As “pegs” that stabilize the earth.
Which scientist co-authored the book “Earth” that confirms the description of mountains as having roots?
Professor Emeritus Frank Press.
In which year was the theory of mountains having deep roots introduced?
In the latter half of the nineteenth century.
What does the Qur’an say about mountains’ role in stabilizing the earth’s crust?
They prevent the earth from shaking.
How does the Qur’an describe the alternation of night and day in relation to the shape of the Earth?
It uses the verb “kawwiru,” meaning to wrap or coil around, implying a spherical shape.
Which verse mentions the wrapping of night around the day?
Qur’an 39:5.
How does the Qur’an describe the development of the human embryo?
In stages, from a drop of fluid to a leech-like thing, then to a chewed-like lump, then into bones clothed with flesh.
Which scientific textbook confirms the accuracy of the Qur’anic description of embryonic development?
“The Developing Human” by K. Moore and T.V.N. Persaud.
Which verse in the Qur’an refers to the universe as being expanded?
Qur’an 51:47.
What scientific phenomenon related to the universe is mentioned in the Qur’an 51:47?
The expanding universe.
Which theory does the Qur’an’s description of the heavens and the earth being cloven asunder relate to?
The Big Bang Theory.
Which verse in the Qur’an describes the heavens and the earth as being fused together before being separated?
Qur’an 21:30.
What essential element for life, mentioned in the Qur’an, is confirmed by modern science?
How does the Qur’an describe the origin of the universe in Q.41:11?
As originating from “smoke.”
What is the modern scientific interpretation of the term “smoke” used in the Qur’an to describe the early universe?
An opaque, highly dense, and hot gaseous composition.
Which modern cosmological principle aligns with the Qur’anic description of the early universe as “smoke”?
The formation of stars from the remnants of that primary “smoke.”
Who noted that the Qur’an’s challenge to unbelievers regarding the origins of the universe might have been meant for people of a much later era?
Jeffrey Lang.
Which verse in the Qur’an challenges the belief of unbelievers by referring to the origins of the universe?
Qur’an 21:30.
What does the Qur’an say about the universe being created from a single primary mass?
It was cloven asunder from a fused state.
Which modern scientific concept aligns with the Qur’an’s reference to the heavens and the earth being cloven asunder?
The Big Bang Theory.
How does the Qur’an describe the earth’s shape in relation to night and day?
As a sphere, with night and day wrapping around it.
What is the Arabic verb used in the Qur’an to describe the wrapping of night and day?
Which verse in the Qur’an describes the creation of man from a leech-like thing?
Qur’an 96:1-2.
Which textbook by K.L. Moore and T.V.N. Persaud supports the Qur’an’s description of embryology?
“The Developing Human.”
What does the Qur’an say about the role of mountains in stabilizing the earth’s crust?
They prevent the earth from shaking.
Which verse describes mountains as stabilizers of the earth?
Qur’an 16:15
What modern theory about the earth’s crust does the Qur’an’s description of mountains align with?
Plate tectonics.
What does the Qur’an say about the earth’s lithosphere?
It describes the mountains as stabilizers of the moving lithospheric plates.
Which verse in the Qur’an mentions that the universe was created from smoke?
Qur’an 41:11.