The quest for civil rights, 1917-80 Flashcards
How many anti-black race riots took place in 1919?
What was the worst of these anti-black riots in 1919?
‘Red Summer’ riots in Chicago
What were Jim Crow laws also called by?
‘the final settlement’
How much had the number of black Americans registered to vote become in 1904? What had it been in 1896?
130,334 in 1896 to 1,342
Between 1915-30, how many lynchings took place?
65 white men and 579 black men
Who was lynched in 1955?
Emmet Till
By 1925, what was the approx membership of the KKK?
3-8 million
What were Wilson’s views on segregation?
He had no issue with it
What was the migration to the north called? (1917-32)
The Great Migration
What was one of the causes of the Great Migration?
Need for workers as the US entered WWI
What was Executive Order 8802 passed by Roosevelt in the 1930’s?
Banned racial discrimination in the defence industry
What was one negative impact of the New Deal for black Americans?
They were fired in their thousands during agricultural reforms
What was one positive of the ND for black Americans?
1/3 of low-income housing built had black tenants due to most of the poor people being black
How many black NAACP members were in Birmingham, Alabama? How many communist ones were there?
6 NAACP - . 3,000 communist
What was one failure of the NAACP in the 1931?
They failed to take on a case of 9 black men accused of rape which was later found to be a conspiracy by communist lawyers
What did the Father Divine of the Peace Mission church do in Harlem? 1930’s
Sold goods to black people cheaper than white-run stores
What did the Resettlement Administration do in 1937?
Resettled low income families and lent money where needed
What women’s orgs were set up in protest to the New Deal?
The Housewives Leagues - mounted boycotts on stores until they hired black workers
What did 2 million black people sign in 1939?
A petition for federal aid for their relocation to Africa
What percentage of defence workers were black in 1942? What did this go up to by 1944
3% to 8%
What did Truman do in 1948 with the executive order?
Executive Order to desegregate the military and all work done by businesses for the govt
What were many civil leaders often?
NAACP membership went from 9,000 in 1917 to what in 1946?
Who was the separatist that advocated for a return to Africa?
Marcus Garvey
Who was the first black American to be appointed to the Supreme Court in 1967?
Thurgood Marshall
What did CORE stand for?
Congress of Racial Equality
What percentage of bus users were black in Montgomery?
What org did MLK jr set up in 1957?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Who was the student in Little Rock, Arkansas that bravely walked to school in 1957?
Elizabeth Eckford
Who was the racist governor of Arkansas in 1957?
Orval Faubus
What were some of the cars that followed a bus in Aniston, Alabama on a freedom ride in 1961?
Police cars
What was Birmingham nicknamed as?
Who was the racist chief of police in Birmingham, Alabama?
‘Bull’ Connor
4% viewed race as a pressing issue in 1962 prior to the Birmingham Alabama riots. How many viewed it as an issue in 1963?
How many people tried to register to vote during the Freedom Summer of 1964? How many were accepted?
17,000 and 1,600 accepted
Why was the impact of the late 1960’s riots on the civil rights movement different from those of the early 1960’s?
Early 1960’s saw more sympathy for the protestors - latter years the media presented the black rioters as violent
What did King announce his aims were going to be in the ‘Northern Crusade’?
Set up tenant unions, improving working conditions + teaching youth about non-violent protests
What took place on the 4th of April 1968 during a strike of Memphis sanitation workers?
MLK jr was assassinated
On a socioeconomic development score, black Americans went from a score of 16 in 1940 to what by 1960?
By 1980, what percentage of Black Americans were registered to vote?
What % of black high school drop outs between 25-34 had criminal records? 1980
How long did the Montgomery bus boycott last for?
381 days
Why was it more feasible for Nixon to make changes for Native Americans compared to other groups?
They were a small minority - 830,000 compared 22,600,000 black Americans
What were some policies to aid Native Americans?
1972 Education Act - funds tribal skls
1974 Indian Financing Act - Lent tribes funds
1975 Indian Self-Determination Act - maintains BIA but contracts services such as healthcare
1978 Indian Child Welfare Act - Federal standards for the removal of Native children from their families
What did the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act give Native Alaskans in 1971?
Transferred 40 million acres of land and 462,500,000
Who was a Hispanic activist for working conditions?
Cesar Chavez
What was the programme that guaranteed Mexicans the same wages as other workers?
Bracero programme - not always effective
Who was a non-violent campaigner that focused on working rights?
Cesar Chavez
Who was the young, militant Hispanic organisation that went against police brutality and campaigned for school walk-outs?
Brown Berets
What were some gains for Hispanics?
Voting Rights were extended to provide language assistance at polling stations
1974 Equal Opportunities provided bilingual education
Why were the gains for Hispanics limited?
The level of change varied from place to place as did the levels of enforcement
What event sparked the gay rights movement in 1969?
Raid at Stonewall Inn
How many people fought back during the Stonewall raid?
around 400
How many gay pride marchers participated in NYC alone in 1970?
around 10,000
Where was a lot of hostility towards gay people often found in the US? Why was this?
Bible Belt (much of the South)
Religious fundamentalism fuelled hostility
Who was the first openly gay candidate elected to public office in 1974?
Kathy Kozachenko
Between 1979-81, how many openly gay state judges were appointed in California?
What was the openly anti-gay initiative in Florida in the 1970’s?
Save Our Children
Who was the future president that supported the religious anti-gay sentiment?
In 1933, there were 50,000 black Americans in the Civil Service. By 1946, there were how many?
What bill did FDR fail to push through in the New Deal? Why was this?
Anti-lynching bills - this was because he formed a coalition govt with more conservative Democrats
What was FDR also inconsistent in his support for ending?
Poll taxes
Who was one example of a Black person being appointed to government under the New Deal? What did they do?
Mary Mcleod Bethune - set up the Federal Administration on Negro Affairs which was nicknamed the Black Cabinet
In 1940, there were 10,000 black members of the US armed forces. By the end of WWII, how many were there?
1.2 mil in the forces and 2.5 registered for the draft
What is one example of black women being discriminated against in the military during WWII?
Black women were promised training as medical technicians but were relegated to hospital orderlies in Fort Devens, Boston
What was the Exec Order 8802 under FDR?
banned discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government
What did some schools do instead of obeying the Brown v Board of Education ruling?
Closed the school down completely
What was the Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 about?
The desegregation of public education
What was one example of schools closing down to prevent desegregation?
The Prince Edward County school system shut down completely in 1959
What did the American Indian Movement do in 1969? How long did it last?
Occupied Alcatraz Island - 19 months
What did Cesar Chaves set up in 1962?
Establishes United Farm Workers
What was one success of the United Farm Workers?
won the recognition of grape growers
What was one initiative of the Brown Berets?
10,000 school students walk out of their classes in East L.A in 1968