The psychodynamic approach Flashcards
What are the 5 key assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
- unconscious mind
- our personality is made up of 3 parts : Id, Ego and superego
- 5 psychosexual stages
- The oedipus complex
- unconscious defences
What is the role of the unconscious mind and what does it contain
Behaviour is caused by unconscious factors which are largely unknown to us and beyond our control. Influences most of our every day thoughts, feelings and behaviours
contains repressed ideas, memories, primitive desires, drives, impulses and insticts
What are the 3 parts our personality is made up of and what do they control
Id : unconscious/ instincts. It demand immediate gratification and is entirely selfish. present from birth to 18 months
Ego : reality principle of knowledge and memories. balances the id and superego through defence mechanisms. formed at 2 years old
Super ego: conforms to societal expectations and punishes the ego, but ignores the id. unconcious and is our morality principle. formed at age of 5
What shapes our tripartite structure of personality
Experience and conflicts in childhood shape the development, and affect how a person behaves
What are defence mechanisms
If an individual is faced with a situation they can’t deal with rationally, they are triggered.
They stop the individual becoming aware of unpleasant thoughts
Repression as a defence mechanism
- burying an unpleasent thought in the unconcious
- infleunces behaviour without individual being aware of reasons behind it
Denial as a defence mechanism
- thought is ignored and treated as untrue
- allows individual to not have to deal with painful feelings that may be associated with a situatiin and reduces anxiety
Displacement as a defence mechanism
- emotions directed away from source of target and put towards other things
- gives hostile feelings a route for expression
Psychosexual stages
Old - oral
Age - anal
Pensioners - phallic
Like - latency
Guiness - genital
Oral stage of psychosexual stages
0 -1 years
focus of pleasure is the mouth, mothers breasts are objects of desire
consequence: oral fixations like smoking, biting nails, sarcasm, critical
Anal stage of psychosexual stages
1- 3 years
focus of pleasure is anus. Child gains pleasure from holding/expelling faeces
consequence: anal retentive is perfective and obsessive whilst anal explusive is thoughtless and messy
Phallic stage of psychosexual stages
3 - 6 years
focus of pleasure is genital area
consequence: phallic personality of a narcasist and reckless
Latency stage of psychosexual stages
earlier conflicts are repressed
genital stage of psychosexual stages
sexual desires become concious alongside the oneset of puberty
consequence: difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
oedipus complex
- the primary focus of the libido during the phallic stage is on genitals
- freud believed that boys begin to view their fathers as rivals for their mothers affection
boys develop sexual feelings towards their mother in this stage and view the father as a great threat.However, the child i feared he will be punished for these feelings through castration anxiety