The Prague Spring Flashcards
When was the Pragua Spring?
What allowed the Prague Spring to occur?
Soviet weakness caused by:
- ‘Defeat’ of Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
- Sino-Soviet split
- Atmosphere of detente (from Ostpolitik)
What did other Eastern Bloc states hope to gain from this Soviet weakness?
- Poland - trade with the West
- Romania - work with FRG
How did the Soviets try to stem the tide of independent initiatives?
By trying to define what all the Warsaw Pact coutnries wanted from detente in the…
Brezhnev Doctrine 1966
What were the 4 specifications the Brezhnev Doctrine identified as what all Warsaw Pact nations wanted out of detente?
- Recognition of post-war frontiers in Europe
- Creation of a new European Security System
- A veto on nuclear weapons for FRG
- A programme for economic, scientific, and technological cooperation between East and West
Was the Brzhnev Doctrine successful?
Not really - only partly held leaders back
What was developed that made the West antagonise the East very little, and gave them justification for accepting the Brezhnev Doctrine?
The Harmel Report
What did the Harmel Report specifically state?
Updated NATO’s role by committing it to:
- Defending Western Europe
- Reaching detente with the East
What caused the divisions in the West?
General result?
- US invasion of Vietnam - lost some credibility as leader of West
- W Europe rejected Johnson’s idea of inevitable ‘global confrontation’
Concentrated on easing tension independently
Why were W and E European relations somewhat improved?
W Europe felt that Brezhnev was more sensible than Khrushchev
What was De Gaulle’s view on America?
Vehmently anti-American
What did De Gaulle do on account of his anti-Americansim?
- 1966 withdrew France from NATO, developed EC for USSR cooperation
- Expelled NATO’s main office from PAris in 1966
- Tried to weaken the US dollar
- Denounced the ‘bloc mentality’ of Europe
What almost happened as a result of French attacks towards America and FRG’s moves towards Ostpolitik?
Why not?
Almost saw Congress vote for the US to withdraw forces from Europe
Johnson pursuaded them not to so as to avoid NATO’s collapse
When did Dobcek become the First Secretary of the Czech Communist Party?
January 1968
What did Dubcek want to create?
A socialist system based on consent