The Plays of Shakespeare Flashcards
In which play does Jaques deliver the speech that begins “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”?
As You Like It
In Julius Caesar, who is described as “the last of the Romans”?
While disguised as a doctor of law in The Merchant of Venice, Portia makes a celebrated speech in which she says that the quality of what “is not strained”?
Printed in 1594, what is Shakespeare’s first Roman Tragedy?
Titus Andromicus
In Richard III, which eight words complete the opening sentence that begins “Now is the Winter of our discontent”?
Made glorious summer by this sun of York
According to the report of Mistress Quickly, who “babbled of green fields” on his deathbed?
The proverbial expression “The course of true love never did run smooth” is a line from which of the plays?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
In which of the history plays does the title character look into the mirror and say “Is this the face which fac’d so many follies, that was at last out-fac’d by Bolingbroke”?
Richard II
In Romeo and Juliet, the Friar urges Romeo to flee to which town after killing Tybalt?
Which play was also known in Jacobean times as “All is True”?
Henry VIII
What is the name of the tragic heroise whose final line is “Shall we not see these daughters and these sisters”?
Which Shakespearean king is described as “More sinned against than sinning”?
How are Valentine and Proteus known in the title of a Shakespeare comedy?
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
According to Thersites in Act Five of Troilus and Cressida, two things “hold fashion”. One is “wars”, what is the other?
What is the name of the “simple constable” in Measure for Measure?
According to Tennyson, the tenderest lines in Shakespeare - “Hang there like fruit, my soul, Till the tree die!” - are from which play?
In Loves Labours Lost, what does Ferdinand, the King of Navarre, make his courtiers foreswear for three years along with food and sleep, and instead devote themselves to study?
Which of Shakespeare’s comedies has a heroine called Hero?
Much Ado About Nothing
In Anthony and Cleopatra, an asp is brought to Cleopatra in a basket said to contain which fruit?
In Henry IV Part One, whom does the king describe as a “Mars in swaddling clothes”?
Harry Hotspur
Counting the lines printed in the 1623 folio, which is the shortest of Shakespeare’s plays?
The Comedy of Errors
Before which besieged town does Henry V make his speech beginning “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”?
What is the profession of Nick Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
Which play opens at Antioch and ends in Ephesus did not appear in the 1623 folio?
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
In Romeo and Juliet, what is the name of Capulet’s niece, with whom Romeo was enamoured before he met Juliet?>
Which fruit is embroidered on Desdemona’s handkerchief, which makes Othello believe she has given to Cassio?
In Macbeth, Malcolm was one of Duncan’s sons. What is the name of the other?
In King John, what disguise has Arthur adopted when he is killed leaping from the castle walls while attempting to escape?
Ship’s boy
Who was the pedlar, the self styled “snapper up on unconsidered trifles” in The Winters Tale?
In Act One of Richard III, Lady Anne insults Richard by calling him a toad, and what other animal?