The Apollo Space Program Flashcards
Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon at 2:56am GMT on which date in 1969?
July 21st
What name was given to the series of booster rockets that were used to launch the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon?
Saturn V
Crewed by Wally Schirra, Don Eisele and Walt Cunningham, which was the first manned Apollo flight?
Apollo 7
Which astronaut honoured his wife Marilyn by naming a crater on the moon after her during the Apollo 8 mission?
Jim Lovell
The Command Module was made by North American Aviation, but which company designed the Lunar Module for NASA?
Who was the commander of the ill-fated Apollo 1, set for launch in February 1967?
Virgil Grissom
The Apollo 15 astronaut Dave Scott dropped a hammer and which other object before a TV camera to show the effect of lunar gravity?
A feather
Ken Mattingly, the intended Command Module pilot of Apollo 13, had to give up his place to Jack Swigert because he had been exposed to which disease?
German measles
According to the Apollo 11 flight plan, what were Armstrong and Aldrin supposed to do when they landed on the Moon. However, the plan was hastily revised so that they could step out onto the lunar surface immediately.
What unexpected occurrence affected the electrical and navigation systems during the launch of Apollo 12?
Lighting strike
What was found to be leaking from Apollo 13 after the electrical short that triggered the explosion crippling the ship?
What were the Apollo 10 command and lunar modules called?
Charlie Brown and Snoopy
What did the Apollo 13 crew have to construct from various objects held together with duct tape?
A CO2 scrubber
What was the name of the commander of Apollo 12’s crew, who became the third man to walk on the Moon?
Pete Conrad
What name was given to the four-billion-year-old chunk of crystalline igneous rock that was found by Jim Irwin and brought back by Apollo 15?
The Genesis Rock
What was always served up for the traditional astronaut’s’ breakfast on launch day?
Steak and eggs
What was the name of the Apollo 13 lunar landing module used as a “space lifeboat” to return to Earth?
Who was the only astronaut from the Mercury programme to subsequently walk on the Moon?
Alan Shephard
What was the name of the motorised vehicle first driven on the Moon by Irwin and Scott on the Apollo 15 mission?
Lunar Rover
What was the name of the engineer, famous for his distinctive waistcoats, who was the flight director during Apollo 13’s successful return home?
Gene Kranz
Buzz Aldrin titled his autobiography after a phrase he used on the Moon to describe the lunar landscape. What was the phrase?
Magnificent Desolation
How did the astronauts on Apollo 8 know the precise moment that they had gone behind the Moon?
Radio silence
What was the name of the geologist on Apollo 17 who became the first scientist to walk on the Moon?
Harrison Schmitt
What was the number and type of club used by Alan Shepard to hit golf balls on the Moon?
6 Iron
What was the colour of the soil discovered at Short Crater during the Apollo 17 mission that provided evidence of explosive volcanic activity on the Moon?
In March 1969 who performed the first spacewalk of the Apollo program in order to test the spacesuit and life support backpack
Rusty Schweickart
What ceremony did Buzz Aldrin perform in the Lunar Module to celebrate their safe landing on the Moon?
Which former Gemini pilot was the Apollo 8 Mission Commander?
Frank Borman
Which number Apollo was cancelled in January 1970 by Nasa Administrator Tom Paine because of budget constraints?
Apollo 20
Who, as commander of Apollo 17, was the last human, so far, to walk on the surface of the moon?
Gene Cernan