The planning, management, and progression of the admin of an estate including claims under the Inheritance (provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975 Flashcards
Broadly, PRs duty is to?
collect and get in the real and personal estate of the deceased and administer it according to the law.
Duties of a PR before a grant of probate or letters of admin are:
Duty to provide information for IHT purposes.
Duty to dispose of the deceased’s body.
Duties of the PR under the grant are set out under?
s.25 of the AEA 1925
Once the grant of probate or letters of admin have been obtained the PRs have the following duties:
Duties of the PR under the grant are set out in s.25 of the AEA 1925:
Collect and get in the real and personal estate of the deceased and administer it according to law.
This means in practice –
Identify the deceased’s liabilities and assets.
Obtain payment of any debts due to the deceased.
Gain control of the assets.
Convert those assets into money (where appropriate).
Maintain the assets safely, once collected.
Pay the deceased’s debts.
Ascertain the residuary estate and properly distribute the estate (if assets remain).
When required to do so by the court, exhibit on oath in the court…
a full inventory of the estate and when so required render an account of the admin of the estate to the court.
When required to do so by the HC, deliver the grant of probate or?
administration to that court.
PRs are subject to the same statutory duty of care applicable to?
trustees (s.35(1) TA 2000).
When a PR exercises any power listed in schedule 1 to the TA 2000 (unless the will modifies the duty of care) a PR must:
Exercise such care and skill as is reasonable in the circumstances, taking into account any special knowledge or experience that he has or holds himself out as having.
AND if he acts as a trustee in the course of a business or profession, to any special knowledge or experience that is reasonable to expect of a person acting in the course of that kind of business or profession.
Beneficiaries or creditors may bring a claim where a PR has?
acted in some way that causes a loss to the estate or where the PR makes an unauthorised profit.
Devastavit claims can be founded on:
Misuse of estate assets (e.g., personal use).
Misadmin (e.g., paying out legacies without reserving sufficient sums to pay the deceased’s debts).
Breach of a fiduciary duty (e.g., purchasing a property from the estate even at a fair price without court sanction).
Negligence, whether at common law or for breach of the statutory duty of care (e.g., failure to get in assets or investing without taking advice when it was needed).
Where there has been a loss to the estate the PR must?
personally make good that loss.
Where the PR made a profit because of their position as PR they must?
personally account for those profits.
PR owes a duty to administer the estate to both?
the beneficiaries of the estate and creditors.
If a PR fails to pay a beneficiary or creditor, they will…
be personally liable to that person.
When collecting in and administrating an estate the PR must consider the following possible claims:
Unknown beneficiaries and creditors
Missing beneficiaries and creditors
Keep back assets should the claimant appear.
Take out insurance to provide funds to pay any claimant.
Apply to the court for a Benjamin order authorising the PR to distribute the estate on the basis the claimant is dead.
Claims against the estate under the Inheritance (provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975
Unknown beneficiaries and creditors?
advertise for claimants in accordance with s.27 TA 1925 to protect against a claimant that later appears.
Missing beneficiaries and creditors?
if a beneficiary/creditor cannot be traced then the PR should:
Keep back assets should the claimant appear.
Claims against the estate under the Inheritance (provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975?
the PR should wait at least 6 months before distributing the assets to protect themselves against such a claim.
The PR is under a duty to…
collect in the real and personal estate of the deceased.
Ownership will pass to the PR…
immediately on death, or on the grant of administration for administrators.
The PRs should collect in:
A grant of representation will be required to access bank/building society accounts, insurance, or other investments.
taking immediate physical possession of assets such as watches, jewellery, cash, cars etc.
s.1 TLATA 1996 will automatically impose a trust of land with the PRs as trustees with powers to manage the land.
The PRs MUST pay off?
all the deceased debts before they distribute any property to the beneficiaries.
The PR should identify and pay the deceased’s:
Outstanding debts (secured debts before unsecured debts).
Liabilities, including but not limited to, IHT.
Administration expenses.
Testamentary expenses (incidental to the performance of PR duties).
Reasonable funeral expenses.
Following the payment of debts, liabilities, testamentary and funeral expenses, and before distribution of the residuary estate, the PR will need to discharge the following gifts:
Specific legacies.
Pecuniary legacies.
Executors cannot ordinarily refuse to pay a legacy if…
payment is demanded by a legatee of full age and there are assets available, but PRs can’t be compelled to pay a legacy before the end of the executor’s year.
Executor’s year means (where distribution to beneficiaries is concerned)?
a PR is not bound to distribute the estate of the deceased before the expiration of one year from the death.
Following payment of the estate’s funeral expenses, tax, debts, and legacies the PRs will?
distribute the estate according to the terms of the will or rules of intestacy with the transferring of assets to residuary beneficiaries.
PRs MUST also take steps to protect against the possibility of later claims from:
Unknown beneficiaries and creditors.
Missing beneficiaries and creditors.
Claims against the estate under the Inheritance (provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975.
The PRs should prepare estate accounts for…
final approval and signature by the residuary beneficiaries.
The final approval and signature of the residuary beneficiaries releases the PRs from?
further liability to account to the beneficiaries.
The Inheritance (Provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975 provides?
former spouses,
and children (as well as others)
the right to claim capital or monthly sums from the estate of a person who has died on the ground that the will or intestacy rules did not make reasonable financial provision for them.
The Inheritance (Provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975 is based on circumstances where:
The deceased was maintaining the applicant at the date of death
AND they have been left out of the will or not inheriting on intestacy
OR they are dissatisfied with the amount of the inheritance.
The Inheritance (Provisions for family and dependants) Act 1975 -
Application for an order must be made?
within 6 months from the date of the grant of representation
Persons entitled to apply for financial provision are as follows:
Surviving spouse/civil partner of the deceased.
Former spouses or civil partners who have not remarried or entered into subsequent civil partnership.
Child of the deceased.
Any person (not being a child of the deceased) who in the case of any marriage was treated by the deceased as a child of the family.
Any dependants who was being maintained by the deceased.
Cohabitants during the whole period of 2 years immediately before the date when the deceased died and was living in the same household as husband, wife, or civil partner (though not formalised).
Statutory ground for a claim?
disposition of the deceased’s estate effected by his will or the law regarding intestacy, or the combination of his will and that law, is not such as to make reasonable financial provision for the applicant.
Court will consider whether reasonable financial provision has been made taking into account general and specific factors (s.3 guidelines) as follows:
Stage 1 – court must consider whether reasonable financial provision has been made for the applicant.
Stage 2 – if the applicant has shown that reasonable financial provision hasn’t been made, the court will proceed to decide what standard of provision to make.
Standard of provision for assessing reasonable financial provision is dependent on the claimant:
The surviving spouse standard (spouses, civil partners, and some former spouses and civil partners) – the provision required need not be for the claimant’s maintenance but is based on what is reasonable for the claimant to receive (whether or not it is for that person’s maintenance).
This is the higher, non-maintenance standard of provision.
Maintenance standard (any other claimant?
standard is such financial provision as it would be reasonable in all the circumstances of the case for the applicant to receive for their maintenance.
This is the lower standard of maintenance.
Court has the power to make a wide range of orders (taking into account the s.3 guidelines) such as?
the payment of periodical payments, a lump sum payment or the transfer of specific property to the applicant.