The law and practice in connection with an application for a grant of representation Flashcards
Grant of representation:
document obtained from the court to prove the legal authority of the person to deal with a deceased person’s estate.
person who has been issued with a grant to administer the estate.
Grant is required to enable the PR to deal with…
the estate, sell the property and notify third parties that accounts will need to be closed.
If the will appoints a PR, they are known as the?
and will obtain?
The grant of representation known as the grant of probate.
No will -
PR is known as?
and will obtain?
grant of representation called the letters of admin.
Non-contentious probate business means:
Estates where the validity of a will is not at issue
AND there is no dispute about who is entitled to a grant of representation.
Non-contentious probate rules 1987 (SI 1987/2024) regulate?
applications for non-contentious grants of probate and administration.
No challenge or question as to the validity of a will…
grant is said to be made in?
grant of probate is made.
common form
Person entitled to take out a grant applies for a grant in accordance with…
the non-contentious probate rules 1987.
No other parties are involved, and the only evidence relied on is…
that of the applicant.
Executors are appointed by?
the will and take a grant of probate.
Will is valid and there is no executor willing to act…
grant will be of letters of admin with the will annexed.
Order of priority of the persons entitled to a grant of administration with will annexed is governed by?
rule 20, non-contentious probate rules 1987.
Deceased died without a valid will and is totally intestate, the person entitled to apply for?
grant of letters of admin are the same as those beneficiaries on the order of intestacy. (rule 22 non-contentious probate rules 1987).
Property passed outside the estate can be…
realised or transferred with a grant.
Non-contentious probate (amendment) rules 2018 (SI 2018-1137) in effect from?
27 November 2018.
Replaced the requirement for the applicant to swear or affirm an oath with a requirement to?
make a statement of truth.
Obtain the grant of representation the following documents must be sent to the probate registry:
Part 1
Original will and any codicil if the deceased died testate.
If required, affidavit evidence or a witness statement supported by a statement of truth to support –
Due execution where there is some doubt about the proper execution of the will.
Knowledge and approval of the contents of the will if the testator was blind, illiterate or there were suspicious circumstances.
Plight and condition of an altered or damaged will.
Lost or accidentally destroyed will where a copy has been submitted.
Obtain the grant of representation the following documents must be sent to the probate registry:
Part 2:
A completed form IHT205 if the estate is excepted.
If not excepted estate, and inheritance tax is payable, a form IHT400 must be submitted to the HMRC with the payment of any IHT due before the grant.
HMRC will email a receipt to the Probate Registry following which the grant will be issued.
Obtain the grant of representation the following documents must be sent to the probate registry:
Part 3:
Form PA1P (if there is a valid will) or a form PA1A (if no will) applying for the right to take a grant.
Probate fee
Any renunciations of the right to act as an executor (provided they have not intermeddled in the estate) or administrator (intermeddling not applicable to administrators).
An application for a grant under rule 20-22 must swear why those with priority are unable or unwilling to apply for the grant known as clearing off.
Deceased person’s PR must value the deceased’s estate at the date of their death to determine…
its liability to IHT and report the value to HMRC.
An individual dies they are considered to have made a transfer of value equal to?
the value of their estate immediately before their death (s.4(1) Inheritance Tax Act 1984) with the result that the estate can be liable to IHT.
Value the estate, the PR must obtain the values of?
all the deceased assets and their liabilities and calculate whether the estate is liable to pay IHT and report to the HMRC accordingly.
Basis for valuing each asset in the estate is the price the asset might reasonably be expected to obtain if?
sold in the open market at any time.
For IHT purpose assets include:
Assets which the deceased could dispose of by their will, or which pass according to the intestacy rules.
Assets which pass to others (irrespective of a deceased’s will or the intestacy rules) such as joint property or nominated assets.
Assets included because of the application of certain statutory provisions.
Liabilities which can be deducted from the value of an estate for IHT purposes include?
the deceased’s debts and reasonable funeral expenses.
Liabilities are valued at the date of the deceased’s death including?
any interest that may have accrued to the debt at that time.
Estate that qualifies as an excepted estate is one in which the executors don’t have to submit a…
full IHT account.
If the estate is an excepted estate, the PRs must complete…
a form 1HT205 to send to probate registry with the application for the grant.
Three types of expected estate:
Low value/small estates
Exempt estates
Non-domiciled estates
Low value/small estates?
where the estate doesn’t exceed the current nil band rate.
Exempt estates?
where the estate attracts the spouse/civil partner exemption or charity exemption.
Non-domiciled estates?
where the deceased individual who died is domiciled outside the UK and has never been UK domiciled nor deemed domiciled and owned only limited assets to the UK.
Form IHT400 must be used where?
the deceased died in the UK and the estate is not an excepted estate.
Excepted estate is found to be not to be one?
a form 1HT400 must be submitted within 6 months.
There are insufficient liquid assets in an estate to sell to pay IHT, PRs may…
have a power under the will to charge assets as security to raise funds to pay the IHT.
Some banks and building societies will…
release funds for the payment of IHT from the deceased’s accounts (before the court issues a grant of representation) and cooperate with HMRC in a direct payment scheme.
Possible sources of easily accessible funds to pay IHT include:
Bank and building society account
National savings products (accounts, certificates, and bonds)
Cash held in a portfolio of investments.
Investments held in a stockbroker, or investment manager’s nominee account, that is held in the firm’s name on behalf of the deceased.
Gilt-edged securities.
A loan from beneficiaries who have already received assets from the estate without the need for a grant.
Bank loan.
IHT can be paid…
online/by telephone banking/BACS/CHAPS but not by cheque.
IHT is primarily a charge on?
an individual’s estate on death.
IHT can be payable on outright gifts made…
within 7 years of an individual’s death.
Every individual has a nil rate band in which IHT is charged at?
On the remaining balance, the rate of tax is:
20% for chargeable lifetime gifts.
40% on estates on death (or 36% where 10% or more of the net estate is given to charity).
There are allowances, exemptions, and reliefs which reduce the amount of IHT payable, if?
certain conditions are met.
Due date for when IHT is payable:
Non-instalment option property IHT must be paid before the grant is obtained, and in any event, is due within 6 months of the end of the month in which the death occurred.
For instalment option property, IHT is payable 6 months after the end of the month the deceased died or, if the instalment option is exercised (10 equal yearly instalments), first instalment is payable within the 6-month period and the remaining nine instalments at yearly intervals.
Property with the instalment option are:
Land and buildings (e.g., the deceased’s home).
Farming business
Business or interest in a business
PRs remain liable for the unpaid IHT attributable to assets they…
received and transferred to beneficiaries until such IHT liability is paid.