The Period Of Dual Power Flashcards
Who made up the Provisional Government?
Middle-ministers from the Octobrists and Cadets, such as Guchkov and Kerensky.
What were the 3 main problems with the Provisional Government?
It was not elected by the people.
Soviets were being set up across Russia demanding an end to war.
People were starving and wanted food.
Why was the period called Dual Power?
The Petrograd Soviet and Provisional Government were both running Russia.
Why was the Petrograd Soviet a problem for the Provisional Government?
The Petrograd Soviet had control of the soldiers.
Who made up the Petrograd Soviet?
Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries.
Why were the Mensheviks happy to work with the Provisional Government?
The Mensheviks believed in Marxism, so believed another revolution would occur.
Where did the Dual Powers meet?
The Tauride Palace.
What was the first main cause of tension within the Dual Power?
Soviet Order Number One.
What did Soviet Order Number One do?
It put the army under the control of the Petrograd Soviet.
What was the nickname of the Provisional Government?
The authority without power.
What was the nickname of the Petrograd Soviet?
The power without authority.
What did the Provisional Government do in June 1916?
Launched the June Offensive.
What happened during the June Offensive?
60,000 killed and many deserters.
What did the troops do after the June Offensive?
They seized land from the former aristocracy.
What reforms did the Provisional Government carry out? [4]
Everyone was given the vote.
Women gained equal rights to men.
Secret police were abolished.
An 8hr day for factory workers.