The Pancreas + x Flashcards
- What the major exocrine‐related and endocrine‐related functions of the pancreas are
o Exocrine: Acinar and epithelial cells secrete pancreatic enzymes.
o Endocrine: Cells of the islets secrete insulin and glucagon into bloodstream.
- What the major constituents of pancreatic juice released into the small intestine are
o Pancreatic enzymes:
• Pancreatic Lipase: Breaks down triglycerides in FFA.
• Pancreatic Alpha-Amylase: Starches into glucose.
Protein – Bulk is inactive until it reaches S.I
• Proteolytic: Breaks certain Proteins.
• Proteases: Breaks large proteins
• Peptidase: Breaks small peptides into A.A
- What the importance of bicarbonate secretion is in pancreatic juices:
o Secretin is stimulates Bicarbonate secretion in pancreatic ducts into duodenum when S cells detect HCL.
- What the major pancreatic defect in people with cystic fibrosis is, and what nutritional strategies can help to treat this defect?
o Lower levels of digestive enzymes. (Duodenum is more acidic)
Enzyme therapy replacement.
• To be taken at complete meals.
o Have nutritious diet.
High energy, high fat. (35/40% of intake)
o High salt intake.
o Aim for intakes of (fat-sol) and mineral intake.
o Possibly use appetite stimulants.
- What the major hormones released from alpha, beta and delta cells of the pancreas are
o Islets of Langerhans contains 3 major cells.
Alpha – Secretes Glucagon that stimulates Glucose production. (15-20%)
Beta- Secrets Insulin that decreases glucose level. (70-80%)
Delta – Secrete Somatostatin that inhibit Alpha & Beta Cells.
• Released by parential cells in stomach.
- What the metabolic effects of high and low levels of glucagon are in the liver
Peptide (29 AA)
Primary function is to prevent HYPOGLYCEMIA by increasing production of glucose in liver (PRIMARY) & kidneys
o High glucagon = Fasted state
Acts on liver to breakdown glycogen stores in liver.
Inhibits glycolysis.
Increases gluconeogenesis from A.A & lipolysis.
o Low glucagon = Fed state
- What fundamental defects exist in type I vs. type II diabetes
Hypoglycemia is key indicator. o Type 1: Islets of Langerhans are destroyed by autoimmune attack. No /low insulin is released from pancreas. Body keeps producing glucose through: • Glycogenoylsis • Gluconeogensis • Ketogenesis o Type 2: Insulin resistance. Normal response to insulin is dulled. Lifestyle related.
- What are the four parts of the pancreas?
o Head, Neck, Body & Tail
- What is the main duct of the pancreas?
o Wirsung. Which runs entire length of pancreas.
- What is Cystic fibrosis?
o Excessive production of mucus in lungs. Detected by sweat test. (Increase Na & Cl production. S.R has increased
o Results in maldigestion & malabsorption. (lower levels of digestive enzymes)
- What are some of the dietary/biological issues of C.F?
o Patients have INCREASED RMR.
Require more KJ to maintain basic physiological function.
o Difficult consuming energy
o Malnutrition/absorption of nutrients.
o Must be healthy weight. (Less than 25 BMI)
- What is the structure of insulin? - What is the structure of insulin?
o 3 domain sturcutures. B-C-A
An amino-terminal B chain.
A carboxy-terminal A chain
A connecting peptide = C