the ocular surface Flashcards
what makes up the ocular surface
- conjunctiva
- corna
- most exposed of all the mucous membranes
- relatively transparent
- blood vessels, globlet cells, lymphoid tissue, collagen and elastin
- variable amount of melanosis normal in dog
conjunctiva innervation
ciliary nerves
what does the conjunctiva line
eyelids, third eyelid, and reflects onto the globe
different parts/areas of conjunctiva
- palpebral conjunctiva
- nicitating membrane
- bulbar conjunctiva
- conjunctival fornix
layers of conjunctiva from superficial to deep
- bulbar conjunctiva
- episclera (loose fibrous elastic tissue)
- tenon’s capsule (thin fascial sheath)
- sclera
function of conjunctiva
increases mobility of eyelids and globe
- freely moveable except at limbus
- redundancy at fornix
barrier against microorganisms and prevent desiccation of cornea
- muscin produced by globlet cells
- traps debris
what is the cornea
- transparent front of outer fibrous tunic
- avascular - pre-corneal tear films
what is the limbus
- cornea meets the sclera
- transition zone between cornea and conjunctival epithelium
cornea innervation
ciliary nerves
- firmly adhered to underlying stroma
- 6-15 layers
- regularly arranged collagen
- avascular
single endothelial cell layer
- descemet’s membrane
- essential for vision
- results from (avascular, regularly arranged collagen, relatively dehydrated - endothelial Na, K-ATPase pump, epithelial barrier)
function of cornea
refraction of light
- smooth outer surface
- continuously replaces epithelium
- pre-corneal tear film
main barrier to penetration by micro-organisms
slit lamp biomicroscope
use to look at changes in corneal transperancy and integrity
SD-OCT (spectral domain optical coherence tomography)
- accurate evaluation of each component of cornea
- real-time evaluation with absence of corneal contact
conjunctival disease
- very common
- conjunctival vessels sensitive to irritation, easily congested
- conjunctivitis (most common)
corneal disease
- trauma - corneal ulcer
- tear film abnormalities - dry eye (KCS)
- corneal edema
- keratitis
- results in loss of transperancy, integrity, distrubed vision
loss of transparency
- corneal pathology results in loss of transparency
- disturbed vision
conjunctiva and cornea diagnostic tests
- schirmer tear test
- fluorescein dye
- rose bengal stain
- cytology, culture
- biopsy
- corneal sensitivity and thickness
fluoresceine dye
- corneal integrity
- dye is hydrophilic (readily binds to exposed stroma, repelled by epithelium)
- corneal ulcer stains green
rose bengal stain
- devitalized epithelial cells (stain pink)
- FHV-1 dendritic ulcers
- frequently useful
- sheets of epithelial cells
- large, round homogenous nuclei
- abundant cytoplasm
- examine for cellular alterations, bacterial and inclusion bodies
0.5% proparacaine
- local anesthetic (dogs - 15-25 min, cats - 5 min)
- refrigerate
- epithelial toxic
- bacteria cultured from conjunctival sac normal animals
- reserve for persistent, recurrent or non-responsive conjunctivitis