the new right Flashcards
what do new right sociologists say about the new right?
- new right theory developed from the 1970s as a political and social movement that sought to influence government policies and public attitudes
- it continues to excert power in the British conservative party and through the journalism of newspapers syuch as the Daily Mail
- there are also a small number of sociologist who align themselves with new right ideas
- new right thinkers are often regarded as neo functionalists as they hold a number of similar views to functionalists
- in terms of gender relations, both approached believe that gender roles are biologically determined and that men and women should play different roles in society and much of their discussion centres on womens roles in the family
- men should take the roles in society and much of their discussion centres on womens roles in the family
- men shoucl take roles in society and much of thri discussion centres on womens roles in the family
- men should take the roles in society and much their discussion centres on somens roles in the family
- men should take the roles in the public sphere of work and polkitics etc. and women should be located within the private domestic sphere
- theorists of both approached argue that the conventional nuclear family and the gender division of roles within it are desirable and based on human nature
- both functionalists and the new right believe that the conventional nuclear family is essential to having a stable, orderd society breakdown and disorder
- traditional gener roles are important for the well being of individuals and society
- the make breadwinner provides for the economic needs of the family and this means that they will not need support from the state
- having a female housewife means that the male breadwinner is supported and children will not suffer from maternal deprivatrion which could lead to problems in later life for them and society
what is the main difference between functionalists and new right theorists?
- the main difference between functionalists and new right theoriests is the era in which they were writing
- the most prominent period for functionalism was the early to mid 20th century, when the nuclear family was seen to be widespread, whereas the new right approach dates from the more recent period when the nuclear family was seen as under threat
- the focus for the new right is on achieving a return to traditional family values and the traditional gender roles that accompany this
- they are particularly concerned that changeS in gender roles have led to social problems such as an increase in lone parent families headed by women who do not socialise their children appropriately
what do new right sociologists say about fundamental differences between men and women?
- new right thinkers argue that the fundamental differences between men and women mean that men should be the decision makers and women should take a subordinate role in supporting men
- the new right therefore believe that men and women will not have the same experience in the public sphere and this is why there are gender inequalities though the new right would tend to descrive these as natrueal differences rather than inequalities
what is the new right sociologist Schlafly say about feiminsm?
- new right campaigner Schlafly writing from the 1970s onwards in response to feminist demands, proposes an alternative approach to gender relatkions that reflects New Right views
- she acknowledges that marriage can be difficult but sees it as the most fulfilling role for women and states that mariiage and motherhood have their trials and tribulations, bit what lifestyle dosemnt
- the flight from home is flight from self from responsibility from the nature of woman in pursuit of false hope and fading fanticies (2003)
what did Schafly (1977) say about womens roles?
- the womans liberation movement believes that there is no difference between male and female and that there is no difference between male and female and that there is no difference between male and female and that all those physical, cognitive and emotional differences you think are there, are merely the result of restraints imposed by a male dominatedu society
- the role imposed on women is inferior according to the womens liberationists
- schalfly a positive woman cannot defeat a man in a wrestling or boxing match but she can motivate him, inspire him, encourage him, encourage him, teach him, resrain him and reward him and have power over him that he can never achieve over her with all his muscles
what did Schafly (2003) say about marriage?
- feminist literature paints marriage as slavery, the home as a comfortable concentration camp, the husband as the oppressor, the family as an anachronism, and children as the daily drudgery from which the modern women must be freed in order to pursue more fulfilling careers
- schalfly: what does a woman want out of life? if you want to love and be loved, marriage offers the best opportunity to achieve ypur goal
- marriage and motherhood give a woman new identity and the opportunity for all-round fulfilmnent as a woman
what did Schafly (2003) say about marriage?
- feminist ideology teaches that it is demeaning to women to care for their babies, and therefore the role of motherhood should be eliminated so that women can fulfil themselves in the paid labour force
- schalfly: no measure of career success can cpompare with the thrill, satisfaction, and fun of having and caring for babies and watching them respond and grow under a mothers loving care
what did Schafly (2003) say about family?
- except for the unfortunate women who were caught up in the feminist foolishness of the 1970s, most women don’t want to be liberated from home, husband, family and children
- s schalfly society has not invented a better way of raising children than the traditional family
- the division of labour is cost effective the environment is healthy and the children thrive on the object constancy of the mother
what did Schafly (1977) say about employment?
- the propaganda of the womens liberation movements states that motherhood is the least attractive role a woman can choose and that the work force offers more rewards and more fulfilments
- schalfly after 20 years a mother can see the results of her own handiwork in the good citizen she has produced and trained
- after 20 years in the business world, you are luckly if you have a good watch to show for your efforts
what did Schafly (2003) say about women and the military?
- the push to repeal laws that exempt women from military combat duty must be the stramngest of all aberrations indulged in by the womens liberation or feminist movement
- trhe very idea of women serving in military combat is so sunatraul that is almost sounds like death wish for our species
- schalfly there are many cultural, societal, family, pregnancy, and practical reasons why women should not be drafted
- women have more important things to do, such as taking care of their babiew=s and keeping their families together
what did Schafly (2003) say about gender neutrality?
- operationg like a censorship gestapo, the feminist movement has combines primary grade reasers, school textboojs, and career guidance materials to eliminate any mention of the natural gender traits of youngsters
- schalfly despite all the attempts to blur gender identity and even to pervert the English language by forcing school childtrn to use pronouns such as he/ she etc. there is no evidence that human nature is changing
- the attempt to change it confuses youtrh and fruistrates adults
how is the fact that the new right is accused of focusing on a golden age a weakness of sclafly?
-the new right is accused of looking to the past for a golden age that never really existed as lone parenting, cohabitating and extra marital affairs existed then too
how is lack of proof a weakness of schlafly?
-the biological argument for gender segregated roles has not been proven
how is the fact that the new right approach ignores negative affects a weakness?
-new right thinkers tend to ignore the negative effects of the gender roles that they propose, such as the dark side of the family
how is the fact that the new right approach is seen as dated a weakness?
-the new right approach can be seen as dated as it ignores the increasing numbers of people who choose to adopt non traditional gender roles and report these as positive experiences