The Nervous Systems Flashcards
• A chain reaction reversing voltage rapidly and then restoring it
• Done by ion channels with gates regulating the passage
→ Concentration force and electrostatic force dicide direction of diffusion through channels
→ Leak channels = randomly open and close cause ion leakage
→ Voltage-gated channels = their gates open in response to change in membrane potential
• 6 events: receptor potential, the threshold, Depolarization, Repolarization, Hyperpolarization, and refraction period
Receptor potential
Stimuli opens sodium-ion (Na2+) channels → ions diffuse into the cell due to concentration and electrostatic force → membrane potential change
The Threshold
• -55 mV must be reached for action potential (nerve impulse) to be generated
• If stimuli big enough → threshold reached → voltage-gated channels open → sodium-ions rush in
• Start of action potential
• As sodium-ions continue to diffuse in → membrane potential gets positive → when ca 30 mV is reached sodium-ion channels close
• Inside of cell is now positive and outsid cell is negative
• Second step in events of action potential
• 30 mV reached → potassium-ion (K+) channels open (at same time as sodium-ion channels close) → potassium-ions diffuse out due to concentration and electrostatic force → membrane potential decreases to negative
• Last step in the events of action potential
• As potassium-ions continue to diffuse out → membrane potential reach -80 mV → potasium-ion channels close
Refraction period
• Active pumps, sodium-potassium pumps, sending sodium-ions out of cell and potassium-ions into cell → resting membrane potential restored
• The neuron is unable to generate new action potential during this time (until -70 mV is restored in membrane)
NEURON - function
• Communication between different body parts - signals are sent all the time
• Communication between the body and it’s environment - senses detect changes in environment → adjustments if needed
• The place where neuron meet another neuron or other cell; ALSO name of the process of chemical communication between cells
• Presynaptic neuron = neuron sending signal (with the action potential)
• Postsynaptic neuron = neuron recieving the signal
• Between pre- and postsynaptic neuron = synaptic cleft (action potential cannot cross, thus chemical communication needed)
Events of synapse - PRESYNAPTIC NEURON
1. Action potential reach synaptic and bulb (end of a terminal of presynaptic axon) → depolarization
2. Voltage-gated calcium-ion channels open in the membrane of synaptic end bulb → Ca2+ diffuse into end bulb due to concentration → increased concentration of Ca2+ inside
3. Ca2+ bind to proteins → exocytosis of existing synaptic vesicles containg transmittor molecules → drain transmittors into the synaptic left
1. Transmittors diffuse across synaptic cleft → bind to transmitfor receptors in the postsynaptic dendrite’s membrane
2. lon channels open in dendrite of postsynaptic neuron → certain ions diffuse into the cell
3. Membrane potential changes in postsynaptic cell → depolarization or hyperpolarization
Postsynaptic potentials
• Excitatory postsynaptic potential = if sodium- or calcium-ion channels open in dendrite as result of the synapse → depolarization → action potential is transferred from pre- to postsynaptic neuron
• Inhibitatory postsynaptic potential = if potassium- or clorine-ion channels open → hyperpolarization → action potential is not transferred
• Actylcholine (ACh): exitatory (inhibitatory in parasympathetic); released by many PNS and some CNS neurons → binds to nicotineic and muscarinic receptors
• Noradrenaline, adrenaline: binds to alpha or beta receptors
• Serotonin: involved in mood, apitite, sleep, and temperature regulation; binds to 5HT receptors
• Dopamine: active during emotional responses, addiction, and plessure; binds to D-receptors
• Glutamate: exitatory amino acid
• GABBA: inhibitatory amino acid; present in antianxiety medications
• The spread of a action potential throughout an axon
• It’s the depolarization that travels → when one segment of the axon has been depolarized, the next segment is triggered as the previous one gets repolarized
• Continuos conduction = impulse throughout unmyelinated axon
• Saltatory conduction = impulse throughout myelinated axon: *voltage pulse go through myelin sheath → action potential starts in next node
Neurons in nervous systems - divisions
• Neurons present in groups, mixing myelinated and unmyelinated neurons → forms two tissues: Gray matter = cell bodies; White matter = axons
• Afferent neuron = neuron sending signals into CNS
• Efferent neuron = neuron sending signals out of CNS
• Interneuron = neuron in between other neurons, connecting or sending signals in between them
Central Nervous System = CNS
• Includes the brain and spinal cord
• Processes sensory information and is the source of thoughts and emotions
• Gray matter: nuclei
• White matter: tracts
• Glial Cells: Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Epidymal cells, Microglia