The Nervous System Flashcards
Define sense organ:
The human body has 5 main sense organs; sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Each of these sensory organs have sensory receptors
What is a neuron? What is its function?
A nerve cell; its function is to transmit electrical impulses from one part of the body to the other
Define sensory receptors:
The sensory receptors detect changes in the environment, which provides a stimulus that causes a response of the sense organ
What does CNS stand for?
Central Nervous system
What is the CNS made up of?
The brain and the spinal cord
What is in the PNS?
The nerve network linking all the other parts of the body to the CNS
What is the order of reacting to something? (7 steps)
- Stimulus
- Receptors
- Sensory neuron
- Motor neuron
- Effector
- Response
What does the cell body contain in a neuron?
The nucleus
What does the axon do in the neuron?
A long axon transmits impulses quickly away from the cell body
What does the dendrite do in a neuron?
A dendrite transmits impulses from the dendrites to the cell body
What does the myelin sheaths do in a neuron?
Insulates the axon and speeds up transmission with nodes of Ranvier- gaps in the myelin sheath
What do the axon terminals do?
Make connections with other neurones or effectors
Fill in the blanks:
Light from chocolate is detected by light _______in our eyes.
An_______is sent along a ________ _________ to the _________ __________ ____________.
The _________ processes the signal.
The brain sends an ___________ along a _________ _________ to the _________ (your muscles) in your arm and hand.
You pick up the choclate bar
Sensory neuron
Central nervous system
Motor neuron
What does the PNS stand for?
Peripheral Nervous System
What does a sensory neurone do?
Connects receptor to CNS
What does a motor neurone do?
CNS to effector
What does a relay neurone do?
Allows sensory and motor neurone to communicate
Where are relay neurone found?