The Nervous System Flashcards
The Nervous System
Complex system that affects every part of body
Vital in controlling involuntary and voluntary movement!
Two Parts of Nervous System
- CENTRAL Nervous System (CNS)
- PERIPHERAL Nervous System (PNS)
Central Nervous System
Consists of brain and spinal cord
Central Nervous System FUNCTION
Central command for all communication & actions of the body
Peripheral Nervous System
Includes all of the nerves that branch out to rest of body & ganglia
Peripheral Nervous System FUNCTION
Allows the signals sent by the brain to reach its target destination in body
Nerves (nueron)
Long bundles of neuronal axons that transmit signals from Central Nervous System
Function of Neuron (nerve) Part 1
Signals start as electrical pulses generating at the dendrites
Function of the Neuron (nerve) Part 2
If strong enough- the impulse travels along axon
Function of Neuron (nerve) Part 3
Impulse causes chemical neurotransmitters to be secreted from the axon terminals into the synapse.
Function of Neuron (nerve) Part 4
In synapse the neurotransmitters bind to either another Neuron or muscle cell
Sensory Neurons
Send messages to the CNS about sensory information
touch, smell, pain
Motor Neuron
Send messages to muscle and can be subdivided into the autonomic & somatic Nervous system
Autonomic Nervous System
Controls INVOLUNTARY actions involving cardiac and smooth muscle
heart rhythm, digestion, breathing
Somatic Nervous System
Controls VOLUNTARY actions involving skeletal muscle
walking, throwing, typing
Somatic Nervous System Movement Requires
Muscle fibers connected to nerve fibers
For a muscle to move it takes many nerves, muscle fibers & ATP to power contraction
Peripheral Nervous System 2 Components
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Somatic Nervous System
Nerve fiber that carries a nerve impulse AWAY from Neuron cell body
Nerve fiber that carries nerve impulse TOWARD the Neuron cell body
Allows Neurons to pass signals to other Neurons, muscles & glands
Site where 2 Neurons come together
2 Parts of Autonomic Nervous System
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
Sympathetic System
Increases Heart Rate & Blood Pressure, Slows Down Digestion
Maximizes blood flow to muscles & brain
“Flight or Flight” Response
Parasympathetic System
Decreases Heart Rate & Blood Pressure, Speeds up Digestion
“Rest and Digest”
Action Potential
Electrical signal sent from Neurons that go down the axon
Myelin Sheeth
Fatty protective sheeth that covers axon
Help speed up electrical signal nerves send
4 Brain Regions (C.D.C.B)
- Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex)
- Diencephalon
- Cerebellum
- Brain Stem
Cerebrum “Cerebral Cortex”
Divided into Right & Left
Right receives afferent fibers and sends efferent fibers to the left side & vice versa
4 Cerebral Cortex Lobes (F.P.T.O)
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
Frontal Lobe
Responsible for movement and executive function control
ability to make decisions
Parietal Lobe
Responsible for sensory information
locate where we are physically
guides movement in 3D space
Temporal Lobe
Responsible for hear, smell, memory, vision, recognition of faces/languages
sends info from short term to long term memory
* surrounds/communicates with hippocampus*
Occipital Lobe
Responsible for Vision
Contains the Thalamus and the Hypothalamas
Collection of Nuclei
Processes sensory info from Body to Cerebral Cortex & vice versa
Regulates Body Temperature, Sleep/Wake Cycle, Eating/Drinking
Regulates release of Endocrine hormones
Pituitary Gland
Produces & secretes hormones when receiving signals from Hypothalamas
Cerebellum (4 functions)
Base of Skull
*Coordinates movement, precision, & balance
*Receives body comp input from spinal cord
Receives motor input from brain
* Turns Fine Tune Motor Activity to Muscle Memory
3 Parts of Brain Stem
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla
all connect to spinal cord
Controls vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake cycle, concieousness
Controls facial expression/sensation & body equilibrium/posture
Controls Blood pressure, breathing, swallowing, coughing, vomiting & Digestion
Spinal Cord
Pathway where afferent & efferent fibers travel to connect the brain to the peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
How many Cranial Nerve Pairs
How many Spinal Nerve Pairs
8- Cervical
12- Thoracic
5- Lumbar
5 Sacral
1 Coccygeal