The nature of matter Flashcards
Anything which has mass and takes up space (Solid, gas, and liquid)
Liquid with a relatively low boiling point.
Effects of impurity
Lowers the melting point and increase the boiling point
Distance moved by the substance/distance moved by the solvent front.
Substances that cannot be chemically broken down into simpler substances
Pure substances made from 2 or more elements chemically combined together.
When Compound breaks down to form two or more substances
Atoms of the same element which has the same proton number but a different nucleon number.
Properties of isotopes
- The atoms have the same number of protons
and electrons, but diff erent numbers of
neutrons in their nuclei. - Isotopes of an element have the same chemical
properties because they have the same electron
structure. - Some isotopes have unstable nuclei; they
are radioisotopes and emit various forms of
Uses of isotopes
Industrial: Nuclear power stations, Medical: Cancer treatment