The Nature of a Business Flashcards
What is the purpose of a business?
Businesses make products (goods/services) in the pursuit of profit
What are the characteristics of goods?
Goods are tangible, and can be perishable or durable
What does the value of a service depend on?
The skill level involved
Time Taken
The reputation of the service provider
What is the profit formula?
Profit = Total Revenue - Total Costs
What is entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship occurs when a businesses creates wealth by focussing on a vision and bringing together all the inputs required to visualise that vision
What are the qualities of an entrepreneur?
Drive, Determination and Creativity
What is wealth?
Wealth is the total amount of assets owned by a person or business
What are the features of small businesses?
Businesses of less than 20 employees
Micro businesses of 5 or less people
Non-employing businesses
Small Businesses = Less than $200,000
What are the features of medium businesses?
Employ more than 20 but less than 200 people
Between $200,000-$2 million
What are the features of large businesses?
Employ more than 200 people
Above $2 million
Primary Industry
Businesses involved in the acquisition of raw materials
Secondary Industry
Businesses that use raw materials, combined with labour and capital equipment, to create finished products
Tertiary Industry
Businesses that are concerned with retail and the provision of services
Quaternary Industry
Businesses that that provide information services to their customers
Quinary Industry
Businesses that provide services typically performed in the home