The Multi-store Model Of Memory Flashcards
Linear model
Information flows along a straight line
Passive model
Stores DO NOT work together to process information
Sensory memory
Duration: 0.25-4 secs
Encoding: Echoic or iconic
Capacity: sensory information is constantly being processed from our environment but not all is actively payed attention to.
Short-term memory
Capacity: 7+/-2
Encoding: Acoustic
Duration:18 secs
Long term memory:
Capacity: unlimited
Encoding: mainly semantic
Duration: unlimited
+ primacy and recency (ao3)
In a list of 20 words, first 6-8 are elaborated and go into LTM, last 6-8 stay in STM and middle 4-10 are forgotten due to the transfer period.
+ HM (ao3)
Hippocampus was removed to cure epilepsy, personality and intellect/ procedural memory remained intact but he could not form new LTMs. Hippocampus thought to be the gateway from STM to LTM. Proves STM and LTM are different stores.
WEAKNESS KF, shallice and Warrington (ao3)
KF (suffered Brain Damage after a motorbike accident). STM was seriously impaired, he had difficulty dealing with verbal information but not visual suggesting STM is NOT a single store.
Weakness case study (ao3)
Unique, hard to generalise, don’t know what people were like before accident etc
Weakness ao3 flashbulb memories
–Cannot explain Flashbulb memories, strong vivid memories that go straight from SM to LTM – i.e. London riots (info bypasses STM with the MSM said could not happen)
Peterson and Peterson method
- ppts given a consonant syllable
and a 3 digit number (THX 512). They were asked to recall the consonant syllable after a retention interval of 3,6,9,12,15, or 18 seconds. During the retention interval they had to count backwards from their 3 digit number.
Baddeley : coding in STM and LTM method
- ppts presented with a short list of words which were semantically similar (e.g clean, neat tidy) and a list of acoustically similar words (e.g heat, sweet, greet). Recall was tested immediately then after a period of time.
Peterson and Peterson results and conclusion
90% correct after 3 seconds, 2% correct after 18 seconds
- duration of STM is 18 seconds
Baddeley coding in STM and LTM results and conclusion:
Immediate recall - STM
- ppts made mistakes on words that sounded alike for example confused cat and cap etc.
After 20 minutes - LTM
- ppts more likely to confuse semantically similar words (e.g swap clean for tidy)
Conclusion: STM encodes acoustically so when we recall info from STM, similar sounding words get confused. AND LTM encodes semantically so when trying to recall semantically similar words we get confused.