The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl Trivia Questions Flashcards
Who is the author?
Stacy McAnulty
When did Lucy’s life change?
4 years ago
What happened to change Lucy’s life?
She was struck by lightning?
What was the result of this?
It burned a small hole in her memory and made her a math genius.
What is the main character’s full name?
Lucille Fanny Callahan
Where was she struck by lightning?
Crystal Creek Apartments
Who did she live with then?
Who was she playing with at the time?
What state does she live in?
North Carolina
How old was she then?
What is her condition called?
Acquired savant syndrome
What is her uncle’s name?
What is her favorite mathematical constant?
Why is it lucky Lucy almost never meets people?
She’s a reclusive genius.
What medal does Lucy say she’ll win?
The Fields Medal
How long have Nana and Lucy lived at their new apartment?
Since January, 193 days
What branch of the military is Paul in?
Where is he headed next?
Twenty-nine Palms in California
What gift does Paul give Lucy?
A lightning bolt necklace
What has Lucy just finished?
High School, GED, SATs
What did she get on her SATs math section?
A perfect Score
Who does Lucy consider her friends?
Her online chat people
How long did Uncle Paul stay?
3 days
Where does Nana work?
Cracker Barrel
Where does Nana take Lucy after Paul leaves?
East Hamlin Middle School
What grade will Lucy be in?
7th Grade
Who sits with Lucy on the bus?
Who do they both have for homeroom?
Mr. Stoker
What grade does Windy say she can pass for?
10th Grade
What does Windy drink when her mom isn’t looking?
Why doesn’t Lucy want to go into homeroom?
Mr. Stoker shakes hands with every person who walks in and Lucy doesn’t like to shake hands.
Why is Lucy in love when she goes into homeroom?
The number pi wraps around the room
What else does Mr. Stoker teach besides homeroom?
When does the school day start?
Who sit next to Lucy in homeroom?
What foreign language is Lucy taking?
Who makes fun of Lucy at lunch?
What do they call Lucy?
The cleaning lady
What is the nice and not so nice thing about Levi?
He has two moms and he’s always taking pictures.
What are Lucy’s nice and not so nice things?
She’s good at math and she has to sit three times and be clean.
Who does Lucy call when she gets home?
Uncle Paul
What advice does he give?
Fake it til you make it
How long does Lucy have to be at middle school?
One year
What is she disappointed she doesn’t have on the first day?
Math homework
What do they do in 1st period on the second day?
Get their locker assignments and combinations
Who has the locker above Lucy?
What does Lucy do on her first math assessment?
Gets answers wrong on purpose so she can fit in
Who calls Lucy’s grandmother?
Mr. Stoker
What grade did she get on her assessment?
A 0
Why did she get a 0?
She didn’t show her work.
Who has to stay after school with Lucy?
What does Mr. Stoker accuse Levi and Lucy of?
Cheating on the assessment
Who cheated?
Why does he take Lucy’s picture?
As part of his angry collection
Who knocks Levi’s milk over, ruining his lunch?
Who gives him money to buy something else?
What does Windy say explains Lucy’s sitting down three times behavior?
OCD: Obsessive compulsive disorder
What does Lucy consider Windy?
Her 1 friend she was supposed to make
Who got Lucy’s math problem right online?
When is their assembly?
1st period math
Who doesn’t want to sit by Lucy?
Who is the principal?
Dr. Cobb
What is their mascot?
What is the assembly about?
This year’s service project
Who does Lucy pair with for the project?
Who does Lucy have for Language Arts?
Ms. Fleming
Why does she have difficulty reading aloud?
She wants to count the words in the paragraph or page before she reads.
What will their first novel be?
The Call of the Wild
What does Windy ask Lucy to do that weekend?
Have a sleepover
What does this mean Lucy will miss?
Her Saturday night math chat
How many activities does Windy have planned for them?
What is Windy’s older sister’s name?
What does the FROG room stand for?
Family Room Over Garage
Who did Windy used to be best friends with?
What happened to Lucy’s parents?
Her mom died of ovarian cancer when she was a baby and her dad was never around.
How many girls has Windy asked to join their team that have turned them down?
Who joins their team?
Who is their faculty advisor?
Mr. Stoker
Where do they have their first group meeting?
The media center, library
Who shows up late?
What does Lucy want to use for their project that helps pick their topic?
What is the topic they choose?
Pet adoption
What obstacle is in their way for saving animals?
They have to be 16 years old to volunteer or be accompanied by an adult.
What is Levi’s page called?
How many photos of Lucy are on the page?
What pet shelter does Windy find for them?
The Pet Hut
Who takes them to the shelter?
Cherish, Windy’s sister
Who does Windy ask for?
Claire Barrington
Why does Lucy hate it there?
The bacteria and germs dogs carry, how big and loud the dogs are and the smell
What does Lucy end up doing at the shelter?
Going through their adoption records
What shocking news does Levi tell Lucy?
That he told Mr. Stoker that he cheated
What happens with the woman and the dog that show up at the shelter?
She ditches her dog there.
Where will the dog go?
Animal Control
What is the dog’s name?
Cutie Pi
What is one of his black spots in the shape of?
A lightning bolt
What does Lucy promise Claire she will do if they keep the dog?
Enter all their adoption files into the computer
Why doesn’t Windy want to input data for their project?
She wants to do something bigger with a bigger impact.
Who is the smartest kid in the class besides Lucy?
Who is failing math class?
What did the shelter used to be before it was The Pet Hut?
A Pizza Hut
What does Pi do when Levi is holding the papers away from Lucy and she’s trying to get them back?
He growls at Levi.
Why does he do that?
He likes Lucy.
Who does Lucy tell her secret to?
Where can Lucy tutor Levi online?
Why doesn’t Lucy want to tell Windy her secret?
Because she has a big mouth
What idea do they come up with to keep helping The Pet Hut?
Lower the amount of days it takes to get a dog adopted by updating The Pet Hut’s website
What is everyone’s role?
Levi will take the pictures, Windy will write the articles about the dogs who need adopting and Lucy will figure out which dogs need help the most
What happens when Lucy is spontaneously called to read without prereading the text?
She refuses.
Who stands up for Lucy and gets kicked out of class with her?
Levi and WIndy
What is NCASME?
North Carolina Academy of Science, Math and Engineering
Where is it located?
Charlotte, NC
Why isn’t Lucy more excited about it?
Her friends stood up for her for the first time that day and she felt like she belonged
What is the first dog Lucy chooses to showcase on the website using her calculations?
A 110-pound 6 year old Shepard mix
What’s his name?
What does Levi bring for photo crops?
A backdrop, bow tie and fedora
How long does it take Murphy to get adopted?
27 hours
Why can’t Lucy go to the shelter after school?
She has an appointment at NCASME
What is Levi’s username on MathWhiz?
What does Lucy have to do at the admissions office?
Take a test
How long is the test?
150 questions
What is the second dog Lucy chooses for the website?
How does Lucy do on the exam?
A perfect score
How many spots are there at the school?
When would she start if she’s accepted?
January, 81 days
What holiday does Windy love?
What does Lucy go as for Halloween?
Dressed in her uncle’s old fatigues with camouflage painted face
What does Levi go as fro Halloween?
A press photographer
Who was their seventh dog chosen that got adopted in one day?
Jesse, a bulldog mix
What does Windy go as for Halloween?
A shrimp worker
What does Lucy finally tell Windy while trick or treating?
That she’s a savant
What grades did Lucy get on her report card?
All As, one B in Language Arts and an Incomplete in math
What comment is from Mr. Stoker?
A parent teacher conference requested
Where will Windy have her birthday party now that she got all As?
Rocky Mountain Lodge
What news does Claire give Lucy?
That Cutie Pi has cancer
What does Claire agree to with Pi?
Put him on the website, free to a good home
What is this chapter about?
Cutie Pi’s blog post
What’s the date?
November 2nd
Who writes this blog post?
Why did Mr. Stoker call the parent conference?
He feels Lucy is holding back in his class.
What is Nana concerned about?
Lucy making friends.
What does Maddie tell Lucy about Windy’s party?
That Windy would have more fun if she didn’t go.
What is different about the math pop quiz for Lucy?
Mr. Stoker gives her a different test than others with an extremely hard problem on the 2nd page.
What is the problem from?
From an old Putnam Competition for math
When does Lucy solve the problem?
In the bathroom in Spanish class
What is Lucy dreading?
Windy’s birthday weekend
Who does Lucy have to buddy with?
What happens on the first ride with Lucy?
Jennifer goes with the other girls and Lucy has to ride alone with three strangers; it takes her several turns before she finally goes with someone.
What homemade gift does Lucy make Windy?
101 Other Things You Never Knew About Your Best Friend
What does Maddie’s mom constantly remind her of?
Her weight
Who’s the first to go to sleep?
What does Windy tell the others while trying to defend Lucy?
That she was struck by lightning and is a math genius
What does Maddie suggest Windy join?
Her team for the care project
What happens on Tuesday when it’s time to go back to school?
Lucy stays home because she doesn’t want to see Windy.
Where did Maddie eat lunch that day?
In the bathroom
Who does Lucy talk to at The Pet Hut?
What does Maddie say to Mr. Stoker when Lucy comes back:
That she’s uncomfortable with Lucy in the class; she messes up the class curve; she shouldn’t be in the class since she’s so advanced; she makes fun of them for being in a baby class.
What does Lucy yell at Maddie?
That she doesn’t matter to her
What does matter to Lucy?
A sick dog, Levi and Windy before she lost her when she told her secret
What does Lucy do after her outburst?
Runs out into the courtyard and gets caught by the assistant principal
What happens after she gets a lecture from the assistant principal?
Nana picks her up
Why don’t Nana pick Lucy up from school tomorrow and she says she’s sick again?
She has a bowling game.
What does Lucy do on MathWhiz?
Calls people names and gets blocked from conversations.
What crazy thing does Lucy do that’s out of character?
She leaves the apartment without her Clorox wipes or keys.
Where does she walk?
The Pet Hut
Who does she call for help?
How does he help her?
Asking her math questions to keep her mind off the walk and telling her how long her walk will take
Who works the front desk all the time at The Pet Hut?
What news does Noah tell Lucy about Pi?
Animal control is going to pick him up.
What does Nana agree to?
To let Pi stay one night before he goes to animal control
Why does Windy say she likes Lucy?
She accepts her for who she is
Who can’t have a dog because he’s in the barracks?
Uncle Paul
Who does Lucy ask for help?
Her friends at MathWhiz
When does Lucy finally fall asleep with no solution?
2:30 am
Who shows up at animal control to help Lucy say goodbye?
Levi and Windy
Who shows up to ask about Pi?
Mr. Stoker
How did he hear about him?
What is his username?
When do they pick up Paul?
The last day before winter break
What did Lucy do about Maddie?
She apologized to her for yelling at her.
What did Maddie go?
She transferred math classes.
What slowed the talk of Lucy’s savant status?
Student hakers
What is waiting for Lucy when Nana picks her up?
A letter from NCASME
What does Lucy say she’s more than?
More than numbers
What is the back of the book?
For the Love of Pi and All About Fibonacci
What is the genre of this book?
Realistic Fiction