The Magic Misfits Trivia Questions Flashcards
Who are the authors?
Neil Patrick Harris and Alec Azam
Who is the story artist?
Lissy Marlin
Who did the how-to magic art?
Kyle Hilton
What book is this in the series?
Book 1
What does the book begin with?
A table of contents and a map
What is the name of the town for the map?
Mineral Wells
What is salutations a clever word for?
What does magic come in?
All shapes, sizes, colors, tastes, smells and feelings
What must you repeat?
What’s wrong with the letters in this part of the book?
The grammar is wrong, letters are capitalized that aren’t supposed to be and lowercase that aren’t supposed to be.
How is magic sometimes spelled?
What does the secret code spell out?
Who is in the train yard?
Carter Locke
Who showed Carter his first magic trick?
His father.
What is in Carter’s satchel?
A small wooden box
How does Carter get out of that town?
He hops on a train.
Who is he saying goodbye to?
The town, Ms. Zalewski, the man chasing him
Who taught Carter magic tricks?
His uncle
What happened when Carter was only a few years old?
His parents never came home
Who takes Carter in?
A distant relative named Sylvester “Sly” Beaton aka his uncle
What animal does Uncle Sly remind Carter of?
A weasel
What does Carter do on his birthday instead of having a party?
To perform his first magic show
When did Carter’s good feeling go away after he did the trick for the young couple?
When he realizes his uncle stole from them
What kind of cons did Carter’s uncle go for?
Short cons
What does ‘nick’ mean?
When left alone, where does Carter go?
The library
What is on Carter’s box?
What makes the box unusual?
It can’t be opened
What type of racket did Uncle Sly play the most on people?
The shell game
Where is Ms. Zalewski from?
What did Uncle Sly steal from Ms. Zalewski?
Her diamond necklace
Where does Carter end up after the train ride?
Mineral Wells
What does Carter see getting out of a red car?
What do the five letters spell out on the metal train car?
What does Carter realize is missing?
His stash of money?
What event is happening?
A carnival
What is it called when a magician is showing you something with one hand while the other is doing something else?
What happened that Carter couldn’t explain and that would change his life forever?
He met Mr. Dante Vernon.
What is Mr. Dante Vernon doing when Carter meets him?
Rolling a quarter over his knuckles the making it disappear
What is Mr. Vernon’s hand made of?
What did Carter steal from Mr. Vernon?
His pocket watch
What did Mr. Vernon steal from Carter?
His satchel
What Card did Carter end up with before Mr. Vernon disappeared?
An ace of spades with a V on it
Who grabs Carter?
The strongman. The Walrus
What can sometimes be used as passwords for secrete doors?
Nonsense Words
Why was Carter brought to Bosso?
For eating out of the trash
Where are the carnival people staying?
At the Grand Oak Resort
What do they offer Carter?
A chance to be a part of the carnival
What does Carter do when he leaves the tent?
He runs away and throws up
What is learning magic, if not a trick?
A skill
What do you need for this trick?
Your hands and fingers and a large coin (start with a quarter)
How many steps are there to this trick?
What does it take to get good at a trick?
What does Mr. Vernon’s card become when Carter opens the crease?
The jack of diamonds
What address is on the business card?
1313 Main Street
What is at the address?
Vernon’s Magic Shop Purveyors of the Impossible
What does the shopgirl escape in less than 5 minutes?
A straightjacket
What is her name?
Leila the Great
Who is her dad?
Mr. Vernon
Who walks into the shop?
The second Mr. Vernon
How many dads does Leila have?
What is the other Mr. Vernon’s job?
He’s a head chef at the Grand Oak Resort
What do the kids call Leila at school?
What book does Mr. Vernon give Carter?
Vanishing and Unvanishing by Bailey and Barnes
When is Carter asked to return?
What is there a sign advertising in the gazebo?
The carnival and the finale show at the resort where you can see the world’s largest diamond
What are the four people doing?
Singing in a barbershop quartet
What do the Pock Pickets do?
Steal from the audience
Who is the boy who joins the group on stage?
Theo Stein-Meyer
What does he play?
What is Theo doing for the crowd?
Helping to return their stolen items back to them
Who is the girl with red hair in a wheelchair?
Ridley Larsen
What is the name of the parrot?
What’s the name of the rabbit?
Top Hat
What type of magic does each kid practice?
Theo practices levitation, Ridley practices transformation and Leila practices escape
What type of magic does Carter say he practices?
Making things vanish
What do the three kids vote on?
To show Carter their secret hideout
Who votes no?
Where do the others drag Carter that night?
To the carnival
What’s another word for vagabond?
What does Carter tell Ridley he wants?
To belong
What’s the biggest prize at the carnival?
The giant stuffed flamingo
What ride do they all ride?
The Ferris Wheel
Where was Leila before she was adopted?
In an orphanage
Where does the fortune teller’s advice and future telling come from?
The Gatekeepers of Destiny
What advice does she give the group?
Alone they are weak, together they are strong
Who appears center stage after the Pock-Pickets for the finale show?
B.B. Bosso
What is the largest diamond in the world called?
The Star of Africa
How big is it?
530 carats
What do you need for this trick?
A box of crayons and an audience
How many steps does this trick have?
What is the purpose of this trick?
To guess the color of a crayon by its weight
What do the kids discover on their way back to the magic shop?
They’ve been robbed.
Who is responsible?
The Pock-Pickets
Who offers Carter a place to stay?
What does Theo always wear?
A tuxedo
What pets does Theo have?
Who gives the kids a plan?
Mr. Vernon
Why is there no thirteenth chapter?
13 is an unlucky number
What do most buildings not have?
A 13th floor
What should you use this chapter for?
A bathroom break
What are the shrubs shaped like at the Grand Oak Resort?
Zoo animals
Whose parents also work at the resort?
Olly and Izzy Golden
What is their talent?
Tao dancing and joke telling
What outfit is Carter wearing to be in disguise?
A green speedo, goggles, and bathing cap
Who offers to help with the distraction?
The twins Olly and Izzy
Who was Bosso paying off at the pool?
The sherriff
What do they find in the last room of Bosso’s suite?
A replica of the Star of Africa
What is the mean Bosso going to do tonight?
He’s going to steal it.
What do you need for this trick?
A long-sleeved, dark shirt, a stick, a thread, a ring
How many steps does the trick have before you have an audience?
How many steps does this trick have after you have an audience?
Who has joined their gang?
Olly and Izzy
What plan do they try to come up with?
A way to stop Bosso from stealing the Star of Africa
What chapter comes before this one as a joke?
Sixteen Billion
What do Carter and Leila have to get across?
The theater’s catwalk
Who do they overhead talking to Bosso?
Mr. Vernon
What does he call Bosso?
How does he know Bosso?
They were in a magician’s club together as kids
What is the pledge for the Emerald Ring?
“The magic of true friends is that even apart, they can’t long be cut off from what lives in the heart.”
What do they do to Mr. Vernon?
Hit him over the head.
What plans do they have for him?
Have him take the fall for the stolen diamond
What year was the diamond found?
What happens when the lights go out?
They blame Mr. Vernon for trying to steal the diamond.
When was the diamond really stolen/switched?
During the disappearing trick
What gets poured all over Bosso?
Breakfast foods
How does Carter vanish?
The same way the diamond did by using a drop mechanism hidden within the glass podium
Where does Carter get trapped?
The props closet
What is the room actually?
The stage
How does Carter catch Bosso red-handed?
He gets him to admit to everything and records it.
What does Mr. Vernon escape out of?
Police handcuffs
Who got away?
The frown clowns
What does Mr. Vernon give the kids at breakfast?
All their stolen items
Who was helping them all along?
Mr. Vernon
What is Bosso’s real name?
Bobby Boscowitz
What was Carter’s dad’s name?
Lyle Wylder Locke
How did Mr. Vernon know him?
He was part of the Emerald Ring and his cousin
What does Mr. Vernon ask Carter?
If he wants to live with him
What do the six kids call themselves?
The Magic Misfits
How many more books left in this series?
What subject do you need to know for this trick?
What should you do besides practice your tricks?
Nap and snack
What are the cards in each chapter?
A cipher
What is the card on the last page?
A 2 of clubs
What genre is this book?
Realistic fiction, adventure