Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring Flashcards
Who is the author?
Angela Cervantes
Who is the main character?
Paloma Marquez
Where is she stuck?
Mexico City
How long is she stuck there?
A whole month
Where did she live before?
What language is she trying to learn on the plane?
Why are they going on this trip?
Her mother got a four-week fellowship to study abroad
What does her mother do for a living?
A literature professor
What type of books does Paloma like to read?
Where is Paloma’s dad from?
What is her dad’s name?
Juan Carlos
What did he study?
What happened to Paloma’s dad?
He stopped to help someone on the highway and never came home again.
How old was Paloma when he died?
What does Paloma do with memories of her dad?
Writes them down and puts them in a memory box
Who is the main character of the books Paloma likes to read?
Lulu Pennywhistle
Who does Paloma see a poster of?
Frida Kahlo
Where is there a museum of her?
Coyoacan, Mexico
What is Paloma’s mom’s name?
Emma Marquez
Who is the man staring at them?
Professor Julian Breton
Who funded their trip there?
Mr. and Mrs. Farill
What class does Paloma have to take that summer?
Introduction to Mexican Art and Culture
What does Casa Azul look like?
A bright blue blouse
Who was Frida Kahlo’s husband?
Diego Rivera
Who stops Paloma and her mom outside the party?
A fortune teller
What boy waves at Paloma?
What is the name of the drink Paloma tries and likes?
What grade is Paloma in?
What did Tavo’s mom used to be?
Miss Barcelona
When did Frida Kahlo almost die?
When she was 18
How did she almost die?
In a bus accident
What was the result of the accident?
She was stuck in bed and took up painting.
What does viva la vida mean?
“Long live life”
Who are the twins?
Gael and Lizzie
What does Gael give Paloma?
A note warning her that a great injustice has happened at Casa Azul and they need her help to solve the mystery
What does Paloma do with it?
Throws it away
Who does Paloma dream about?
Frida Kahlo
What will the twins tutor Paloma in?
When does Paloma confront the twins about the note?
During her first tutoring session
When did the mystery begin?
What else happened that year?
When Frida Kahlo died
What did the twins hear their dad talking about on the phone?
A peacock ring
What happened when Frida died?
Diego locked up all her jewelry and clothes in Casa Azul
When is Frida’s birthday?
July 6
What happens if they find the ring?
There will be a reward and they’ll be famous
What does Paloma’s name mean in Spanish?
Pigeon or dove
What answer does Paloma give the twins?
She won’t help them
Where can she meet them if she changes her mind?
Near their aunt’s churro stand by the coyote fountain
What kind of stone is Paloma’s mom’s wedding ring?
A red opal
Where did Paloma’s dad get it from?
Paloma’s dad’s mother from Mexico
When did Paloma’s dad propose to her mom?
Late at night after graduation
What did he do for the proposal?
Sang with guys playing guitar outside her window
What can’t Paloma and her dad do well at all?
What did Paloma’s dad used to wear everyday?
An Aztec sun calendar medallion
What does the fortune-teller sell?
Special rings
Who is Paloma’s first suspect?
The fortune-teller
Who showed up around the time the twins found out about the peacock ring?
The fortune-teller
What type of mariachi player is Lizzie?
A trumpet mariachi player
Who was Frida Kahlo’s father?
Wilhelm Kahlo
What nationality were Frida Kahlo’s parents?
Her father was German and her mother was Mexican.
What illness did Frida’s father have?
How did Frida die?
In her sleep
How many bedrooms did Frida have?
Where are Frida’s ashes?
Inside a headless frog shaped sculpture
When does Paloma visit her father’s?
His birthday, the anniversary of his death and on Father’s Day
What does POE mean?
Process of Elimination
What will Gael and Paloma search for?
A secret room
Where does Gael run off to when he sees Mr. Farill?
The bathroom
When does Gael suggest they come back to check out the museum?
What loud noise does Paloma wake up to the next morning?
A serenade
Why does Paloma think she’s being serenaded?
Gael is asking her to marry him
Who does Gael ask Paloma to keep their secret from?
Where is the dinner that night?
At Tavo’s parents’ house
What is there a lot of outside the home of the dinner party Paloma attends?
What type of guard dogs does Tavos’ parents have?
German Sheperds
What type of party is it?
A masquerade
Where does Ms. Farill ask Paloma and her mom to go on Sunday?
Mexico City
What do they find in the museum?
A Mexican peso cuff link
What can she tell about the man in the museum?
He’s wearing shiny shoes, a trench coat and walks with a limp.
What makes Gael shout?
Paloma threw a spider in his face.
Who saves them from Trench Coat Man?
How does she stop him?
She hits him with her trumpet case.
What word does Paloma swear she heard him speak, but Gael denies?
Anillo, ring in Spanish
What languages do they hear him speaking?
Russian and Spanish
Who catches the kids and forbids them from seeing each other again?
Paloma’s mom
Who is Paloma’s teacher for Introduction to Mexican Art and Culture?
Professor Breton
What did the Mexican government decree in regards to Frida Kahlo’s paintings?
That they are a national patrimony, meaning her work, her art and her personal items are protected by Mexico and cannot be taken outside of the country without special permissions.
Where will Paloma and Gael leave messages for one another since they aren’t allowed
to talk?
In the planter outside Paloma’s house
What car does Paloma see outside her house?
A black car like the one from the Trench Coat Man with no license plate
What did the Fortune-Teller sell Gael and Lizzie?
Medallions for protection
What postcard did Paloma see that the Fortune-Teller had?
An invitation to Frida’s birthday
What news does Paloma’s mom share with Paloma about the Farills’ house?
It was broken into the night before.
What has Paloma’s mom still not returned to her after she got in trouble?
Her cell phone
What note does Paloma leave in the planter as a dare?
A drawing of the black car with the words “I See You”
What painting of Frida Kahlo is different than her others
“Self-Portrait with a Braid”
When was it painted?
What is Mr. Farill upset about that’s happening at the museum?
They are installing cameras due to a break-in.
What jewelry was recovered from the robbery at Casa Azul a few weeks ago?
A jade necklace
What is the name of the man who robbed Casa Azul?
Antonio Castillo
How does Paloma know him?
He’s Gael and Lizzie’s dad
Who is at the house with her mom when Paloma gets back from the museum?
Professor Breton
What does Paloma’s mom find out about Gael and Lizzie?
They lied about being part of the language program.
What did Gael and Lizzie’s dad do for a living?
He was an art teacher that was fired due to budget cuts.
How much did Antonio Castillo get offered to keep his mouth shut about the missing
Thousands of dollars
Who do Gael and Lizzie blame for the missing ring?
Mr. Farill
Who do the twins think the Trench Coat Man is?
The smuggler for the ring
Why does Paloma think the Frida party was changed to a masquerade?
So Mr. Farill can steal again, hidden from the new cameras
Why did the twins target Paloma?
They overheard her the first night talking to Tavo and knew she would be close with him and she loved mysteries.
Who broke into Tavo’s parents’ house?
The twins
What does Paloma take off her neck?
Her Madallion
What is another clue that Mr. Farill might be guilty that Paloma realizes when she’s talking to Tavo in Casa Azul?
That Tavo’s father lied about not knowing where the gift shop was when she ran into him outside a locked storage room
What does Paloma discover at the base of tree while she’s trying to break the lock
on the door?
A small gold key and an invitation to Frida’s party
What does the message say?
Las Mananitas 8:15
Where does Paloma find the ring?
By the wheelchair
Who does Paloma chase in a taxi?
The twins
Who are the twins following?
Mr. Farill
How do they try to get into the meeting with Mr. Farill when the door is locked?
They tell the police someone stole Paloma’s phone inside the locked room.
What note does Gael find in the empty room?
The one Paloma drew of the black car with the words “I See You”
What is their plan?
To have Gael switch the ring and try to catch Mr. Farill by leaving him a note
What is Lizzie’s assignment?
Getting a microphone and a speaker
What gift does Paloma’s mom give her?
Her wedding ring on a necklace
What does Paloma earn back from her mom?
Her cell phone
Why does Paloma panic when she sees Mr. Farill?
He’s headed for the room early where Gael is
Who follows Paloma into the room with Mr. Farill?
What’s in the pouch?
Mr. Farill’s gold cuff link
Where is the ring?
In Paloma’s purse
Who breaks in and saves the day?
The Fortune-Teller with a badge
Who are the Interpol officers?
Trench Coat Man and Fortune Teller
What does traviesos mean in English?
What two nations have Interpol been watching for smuggling?
Russia and Mexico
Who does Paloma get to meet or her bravery?
The mayor
What is Trench Coat Man’s name?
Mikhail Alexeev
What is the Fortune-Teller’s name?
Rosa Zuniga
How much is the ring worth?
Over 5 million dollars
What was Paloma’s favorite reward?
Mr. Castillo’s release from jail and him saying she’s a part of their family now
What is Mr. Farill’s punishment?
He won’t go to jail, but can never return to Mexico and has to sell all his property there.
Who writes her a note?
What do Lizzie and Gael give Paloma on her last night?
A painting
What did Paloma paint?
A self-potrait with her friends
What did the kids add to the bottom of Paloma’s drawing?
Viva Frida! Viva friendship! Viva memories!
What is the genre of this book?
Mystery, realistic fiction
What museum did the author visit?
The Museum of Modern Art
What painting did she see there?
Fulang-Chang and I
What book does the author recommend to learn more about Frida Kahlo?
Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera
Where did Diego Rivera lock up Frida’s possessions?
A bathroom near her studio
Who looked after them after he died in 1957?
Dolores Olmedo
How long did she keep it locked?
Until her death in 2002
Where are these items on display now?
La Casa Azul
Who is Mr. Farill names after?
Dr. Juan Farill, Frida’s long time doctor and friend
What is at the back of the book?
An Author’s Note, Acknowledgements and About the Author pages