The Middle Passage Flashcards
What was the Middle Passage?
The Middle Passage was the journey during which slaves were transported from Africa to the West Indies and sold.
What percentage of slaves died during the Middle Passage?
On average, 12% of slaves died during the voyage to the West Indies.
What packing methods were used on slave ships?
Slave ships used either a ‘loose pack’ or a ‘tight pack.’
Why did more ships use a ‘tight pack’ in the second half of the 18th century?
A ‘tight pack’ was used more frequently because it brought bigger profits, with British ships carrying about 50,000 slaves a year.
How many Africans died on British ships during the Middle Passage?
It is estimated that over 450,000 Africans died on British ships during the Middle Passage.
How were slaves transported to the ships?
Slaves were shackled in pairs with leg-irons and ferried to the ships in canoes.
What happened to slaves once aboard the ships?
Their clothes were removed, and they were branded with a red-hot iron to show ownership.
Where were women and children kept on the ships?
Women and children had separate quarters, sometimes on deck, but were at risk of violence and sexual abuse from the crew.
What exercise were slaves made to do on some ships?
Slaves were brought on deck each morning and made to dance for exercise.
What were conditions like below deck?
The temperature could exceed 30°C, and there were no toilets or washing facilities, leading to the spread of disease and death.
What happened to slaves who died or were unwell?
They were thrown overboard.
How far away could the stench of a slave ship be smelled?
Royal Navy sailors reported that the stench of a slave ship could be smelled up to 10 miles downwind.
What food were slaves given on board?
Slaves were fed porridge made from maize or millet.
What hygiene practices were used on deck?
A “good” captain would wash slaves with warm vinegar and scrub them while on deck.
How did crews maintain discipline on slave ships?
Discipline was imposed through floggings, torture, and hangings.
Why were slave ship crews afraid of revolts?
Crews feared revolts, but very few were successful as slaves did not know how to navigate and steer the ships.