Resistance and Revolt Flashcards
How did resistance to enslavement begin in Africa?
Villages fought to avoid capture and enslavement when attacked.
What measures were taken to limit resistance during transportation to the coast?
Slaves were chained together with leg irons, roped in a coffle, and flogged or killed if they attempted to escape or resist.
Where were captive slaves kept before boarding ships?
They were kept in chains in slave factories or baracoons at the coast.
Why were captains and crews worried about revolts during the Middle Passage?
Slaves often resisted by attacking the crew, committing suicide, or refusing to eat.
How did captains prevent suicides during the Middle Passage?
Nets were placed along the sides of the ships to catch slaves attempting to jump overboard.
What happened to slaves who refused to eat?
They were force-fed using iron jaw-openers or tortured until they ate.
Why were revolts during the Middle Passage often unsuccessful?
Even if slaves overtook the crew, they lacked the skills to navigate and steer the ship.
Why were slaves in no state to resist upon arrival in the West Indies?
They were weak and exhausted after enduring the Middle Passage.
Why were slaves from the same tribe split up on plantations?
To prevent them from joining together and organizing rebellions.
How were slave rebellions on plantations usually suppressed?
Slave owners, often armed with guns, were supported by the army if needed.
What happened to slaves who successfully escaped?
Some set up communities in swamps and mountains out of reach of slave-owners.
What measures were taken to recapture escaped slaves?
Rewards were offered, and professional hunters were hired to track and recapture them.
What punishments were given for repeated escape attempts?
Slaves could have a hand or foot cut off or be executed.
What forms of passive resistance did slaves use on plantations?
Slaves pretended to be stupid, worked slowly, broke tools, sabotaged machines, or committed acts of individual revenge.
What limited the ability of slaves to resist on plantations?
Slaves had little education, could be brainwashed into submission, and were often on small islands where escape was difficult.
What was a notable successful slave rebellion?
The Haitian revolt against the French, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, was a significant success.