The maze runner - 2 Flashcards
The maze runner
498 - Vamos a esperar hasta que se despierte y vea lo que sabe
498 - We’ll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows
The maze runner
499 - Alguien tiene consiguio tener algunas respuestas por aqui
499 - Somebody has gotta have some answers around here
The maze runner
500 - De acuerdo.
500 - Okay.
The maze runner
502 - Hey. Adonde vas? De nuevo en el laberinto
502 - Hey. Where are you going? Back into the maze
The maze runner
503 - Hey- Thomas.
503 - Hey- Thomas.
The maze runner
504 - ¿Que es esto contigo? Un deseo de muerte?
504 - What is this with you? A death wish?
The maze runner
505 - Acabas de salir y ahora desea realizar una copia en?
505 - You just got out and now you want to back in?
The maze runner
506 - Newt dijo que nadie ha visto nunca un doliente y vivio para contarlo- ¿verdad?
506 - Newt said that no one has ever seen a griever and lived to tell about it - right?
The maze runner
507 - Minho- ahora tenemos uno.
507 - Minho- now we have one.
The maze runner
508 - ¿Me estas diciendo que no eres ni siquiera un poco curioso?
508 - You’re telling me you’re not even a little bit curious?
The maze runner
509 - En realidad- no- no.
509 - Not really- no.
The maze runner
510 - Entonces- ¿cual es el plan? Vas a salir y diseccionar esa cosa todo por ti mismo?
510 - So- what’s the plan? You’re gonna go out and dissect that thing all by yourself?
The maze runner
511 - Lo hare si tengo que hacerlo.
511 - I will if I have to.
The maze runner
512 - ¿Los otros corredores dejaron todavia?
512 - Have the other runners left yet?
The maze runner
513 - Los otros corredores a dejar esta manana.
513 - The other runners quit this morning.
The maze runner
514 - Despues de Alby picaron- no son de ninguna prisa en volver alli
514 - After Alby got stung- they’re not in any hurry to get back out there
The maze runner
515 - ¿Por que es usted?
515 - Why are you?
The maze runner
516 - Creo que es tiempo nos enteramos de lo que estamos realmente en contra de
516 - I think it’s time we find out what we’re really up against
The maze runner
517 - De acuerdo.
517 - All right.
The maze runner
518 - Pero tu no vas a volver alli solo
518 - But you’re not going back out there alone
The maze runner
519 - Nos vemos en el bosque en una media hora.
519 - Meet me in the woods in half-an-hour.
The maze runner
520 - ¿Sera esto suficiente?
520 - Will this be enough?
The maze runner
521 - De acuerdo.
521 - Okay.
The maze runner
522 - Vamos.
522 - Let’s go.
The maze runner
523 - ¡Vamos!
523 - Come on!
The maze runner
524 - Eso es asqueroso.
524 - That’s disgusting.
The maze runner
525 - Hay algo ahi dentro.
525 - There’s something in there.
The maze runner
526 - ¿Quieres decir que- ademas de un panqueque Griever?
526 - You mean- besides a Griever pancake?
The maze runner
527 - Whoa- ¿que estas haciendo?
527 - Whoa- what are you doing?
The maze runner
528 - Pense que habias dicho que estaba muerto.
528 - I thought you said it was dead.
The maze runner
530 - De acuerdo- vamos.
530 - Okay- come on.
The maze runner
531 - Todo el mundo consigue una mano sobre el. Venga.
531 - Everyone get a hand on it. Come on.
The maze runner
532 - De acuerdo- ¿listo? A las tres.
532 - All right- ready? On three.
The maze runner
533 - Uno- dos- tres!
533 - One- two- three!
The maze runner
534 - ¿Estas bien- Fry?
534 - Are you okay- Fry?
The maze runner
- ¿Estas bien- Fry? -
- Are you okay- Fry? -
The maze runner
Si. Gracias- hermano.
Yeah. Thanks- brother.
The maze runner
535 - ¿Que demonios es eso?
535 - What the hell is that?
The maze runner
536 - Interesante.
536 - Interesting.
The maze runner
537 - Esta bien- lo que sea …
537 - Okay- whatever it is…
The maze runner
538 - podemos tomar esta de vuelta en el Glade?
538 - can we take this up back at the Glade?
The maze runner
539 - Porque yo no quiero conocer a los amigos de este hombre
539 - Because I don’t want to meet this guy’s friends
The maze runner
540 - Tiene razon.
540 - He’s right.
The maze runner
541 - Se esta haciendo tarde. Venga.
541 - It’s getting late. Come on.
The maze runner
542 - Encontramos este.
542 - We found this.
The maze runner
543 - Se estaba dentro de una Griever.
543 - It was inside a Griever.
The maze runner
544 - Estas son las mismas cartas que recibimos de nuestros proveedores
544 - These are the same letters we get in our suppliers
The maze runner
545 - Si. El que nos puso aqui- obviamente- hizo las Grivers
545 - Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grivers
The maze runner
546 - Esta es la primera pista real- la primera cosa- que ha encontrado en mas de tres anos
546 - This is the first real clue- the first anything- you’ve found in over three years
The maze runner
547 - Derecho- Minho?
547 - Right- Minho?
The maze runner
- Derecho- Minho? -
- Right- Minho? -
The maze runner
548 - Newt- tenemos que volver por ahi.
548 - Newt- we gotta go back out there.
The maze runner
549 - ¿Quien sabe a donde nos puede llevar.
549 - Who knows where this might lead us.
The maze runner
550 - ¿Ves que anillo que de hacer- ¿no?
550 - You see what he’s ring to do- right?
The maze runner
551 - Primero se rompe nuestras reglas …
551 - First he breaks our rules…
The maze runner
552 - y entonces el trata de convencernos de abandonarlos totalmente
552 - and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally
The maze runner
553 - Las reglas son la unica cosa que siempre nos han mantenido juntos
553 - The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together
The maze runner
554 - ¿Por que ahora estamos cuestionando eso?
554 - Why now are we questioning that?
The maze runner
555 - Si Alby estaba aqui- ustedes saben que estaria de acuerdo conmigo
555 - If Alby was here- you know he’d agree with me
The maze runner
556 - Esta la cana tiene que ser castigado.
556 - This shank needs to be punished.
The maze runner
557 - Tienes razon.
557 - You’re right.
The maze runner
558 - Thomas rompio las reglas.
558 - Thomas broke the rules.
The maze runner
559 - Una noche en el pozo- y no hay comida.
559 - One night in the pit- and no food.
The maze runner
560 - Vamos- Newt! Una noche en el hoyo?
560 - Come on- Newt! One night in the pit?
The maze runner
561 - ¿Crees que va a impedirle entrar en el laberinto?
561 - Do you think that’s gonna stop him from going into the maze?
The maze runner
562 - No.
562 - No.
The maze runner
563 - Y no podemos simplemente tener los no corredores corriendo en el laberinto cada vez que les da la gana
563 - And we can’t just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it
The maze runner
564 - Asi que vamos a hacer de este oficial.
564 - So let’s just make this official.
The maze runner
565 - A partir de manana- usted es un corredor
565 - Starting from tomorrow- you are a runner
The maze runner
566 - Wow.
566 - Wow.
The maze runner
568 - Gracias- Newt.
568 - Thanks- Newt.
The maze runner
569 - Oye- ¿a donde vamos?
569 - Hey- where are we going?
The maze runner
570 - Ya veras.
570 - You’ll see.
The maze runner
571 - Es el laberinto.
571 - It’s the maze.
The maze runner
572 - Todo.
572 - All of it.
The maze runner
573 - ¿Que quiere decir ‘todo eso’?’
‘573 - What do you mean ‘all of it’?’
The maze runner
574 - No queda nada para mapear.
574 - There’s nothing left to map.
The maze runner
575 - He corrido cada centimetro de mi mismo.
575 - I’ve run every inch of it myself.
The maze runner
576 - Cada ciclo.
576 - Every cycle.
The maze runner
577 - Cada patron.
577 - Every pattern.
The maze runner
578 - Si habia una salida- nos habriamos encontrado por ahora
578 - If there was a way out- we would have found it by now
The maze runner
579 - Por que no has dicho a nadie esto?
579 - Why haven’t you told anyone this?
The maze runner
580 - Fue llamado de Alby.
580 - It was Alby’s call.
The maze runner
581 - La gente necesitaba creer que tuvieron la oportunidad de salir geeting
581 - People needed to believe we had a chance of geeting out
The maze runner
582 - Pero tal vez ahora …
582 - But maybe now…
The maze runner
583 - tenemos una oportunidad real.
583 - we have a real chance.
The maze runner
584 - Echa un vistazo a esto.
584 - Take a look at this.
The maze runner
585 - Hace aproximadamente un ano- empezamos a explorar estas secciones exteriores
585 - About a year ago- we started exploring these outer sections
The maze runner
586 - Se ha encontrado estos numeros impresos en las paredes
586 - We found these numbers printed on the walls
The maze runner
587 - secciones 1 a 8.
587 - Sections 1 through 8.
The maze runner
588 - Vease- la forma en que funciona- es todas las noches- cuando cambia el laberinto
588 - See- the way it works- is every night- when the maze changes
The maze runner
589 - se abre una nueva seccion.
589 - it opens up a new section.
The maze runner
590 - Asi que hoy- la Seccion 6 estaba abierta.
590 - So today- Section 6 was open.
The maze runner
591 - Manana- sera 4-
591 - Tomorrow- it will be 4-
The maze runner
592 - El patron siempre sigue siendo el mismo.
592 - The pattern always stays the same.
The maze runner
593 - ¿Que tiene de especial 7?
593 - What’s so special about 7?
The maze runner
594 - No lo se.
594 - I don’t know.
The maze runner
595 - Pero anoche- cuando mataste que Griever
595 - But last night- when you killed that Griever
The maze runner
596 - Seccion 7 estaba abierta.
596 - Section 7 was open.
The maze runner
597 - creo que debe ser de donde viene
597 - I think it must be where it comes from
The maze runner
598 - Manana- tu y yo vamos a echar un vistazo mas de cerca
598 - Tomorrow- you and I are gonna take a closer look
The maze runner
599 - ¡Hey!
599 - Hey!
The maze runner
600 - ¿Que estas haciendo? No esta permitido aqui
600 - What are you guys doing? You’re not allowed in here
The maze runner
601 - Lo siento- es solo el … es la chica
601 - Sorry- it’s just the€¦ it’s the girl
The maze runner
602 - Esta despierta?
602 - Is she awake?
The maze runner
603 - Se podria decir eso.
603 - You could say that.
The maze runner
604 - Chuck- ¿que esta pasando?
604 - Chuck- what’s going on?
The maze runner
605 - Las ninas son impresionantes.
605 - Girls are awesome.
The maze runner
606 - ¡Dejame en paz!
606 - Leave me alone!
The maze runner
607 - Cuidado con la cabeza!
607 - Watch your head!
The maze runner
608 - Hey- lanzar una mas de estas cosas
608 - Hey- throw one more of this things
The maze runner
609 - ¡Vete!
609 - Go away!
The maze runner
- Vete! -
- Go away! -
The maze runner
Venimos en paz!
We come in peace!
The maze runner
Solo pato!
Just duck!
The maze runner
Que quieres de mi?
What do you want from me ?
The maze runner
Hablamos solo quiero
We just wanna talk
The maze runner
611 - No creo que nos gusta mucho.
611 - I don’t think she likes us very much.
The maze runner
613 - Te lo advierto!
613 - I’m warning you!
The maze runner
614 - A cubierto- usted! Pongase a cubierto!
614 - Take cover- y’all! Take cover!
The maze runner
615 - Hey- es Thomas! Es Thomas!
615 - Hey- it’s Thomas! It’s Thomas!
The maze runner
616 - Me voy a llegar- ¿de acuerdo?
616 - I’m gonna come up- okay?
The maze runner
617 - De acuerdo.
617 - Okay.
The maze runner
618 - Solo yo.
618 - Just me.
The maze runner
619 - Voy a subir.
619 - I’m coming up.
The maze runner
620 - De acuerdo- solo …
620 - Okay- just…
The maze runner
621 - Facil- ¿de acuerdo?
621 - Easy- all right?
The maze runner
622 - ¿Donde estoy?
622 - Where am I?
The maze runner
623 - ¿Que es este lugar?
623 - What is this place?
The maze runner
624 - ¿Por que no puedo recordar nada?
624 - Why can’t I remember anything?
The maze runner
625 - Todo esto es normal. Bueno? Todos hemos pasado por esto
625 - This is all normal. Okay? We’ve all been through this
The maze runner
626 - ¿De acuerdo?
626 - Okay?
The maze runner
627 - Su nombre va a volver en un par de dias
627 - Your name will come back in a couple days
The maze runner
628 - Es la unica cosa que …
628 - It’s the one thing that…
The maze runner
- Es la unica cosa que … -
- It’s the one thing that… -
The maze runner
629 - ¿Que has dicho?
629 - What did you say?
The maze runner
630 - Mi nombre.
630 - My name.
The maze runner
631 - Es Teresa.
631 - It’s Teresa.
The maze runner
632 - Teresa- soy Thomas.
632 - Teresa- I’m Thomas.
The maze runner
633 - Pero usted ya lo sabia- sin embargo- supongo
633 - But you already knew that- though- I guess
The maze runner
634 - Me dijeron que no paraba de decir tu nombre en mi sueno
634 - They said I kept saying your name in my sleep
The maze runner
635 - ¿Quien es usted?
635 - Who are you?
The maze runner
636 - No lo se.
636 - I don’t know.
The maze runner
637 - No puedo recordar.
637 - I can’t remember.
The maze runner
638 - Ninguno de nosotros puede recordar nada
638 - None of us here can remember anything
The maze runner
639 - A todos nos despertamos aqui igual que lo hizo
639 - We all woke up here just like you did
The maze runner
640 - Hey- te lo prometo …
640 - Hey- I promise…
The maze runner
641 - Me voy a tomar esto.
641 - I’m gonna take this.
The maze runner
642 - De acuerdo.
642 - Okay.
The maze runner
643 - ¿Que esta pasando ahi arriba?
643 - What’s going on up there?
The maze runner
644 - va a venir abajo?
644 - Is she coming down?
The maze runner
645 - Escucha- ustedes solo nos dan una segunda
645 - Listen- you guys just give us a second
The maze runner
646 - De acuerdo.
646 - All right.
The maze runner
647 - Vamos.
647 - Come on.
The maze runner
648 - ¿Es esto lo que todas las chicas son como?
648 - Is this what all girls are like?
The maze runner
649 - Esa chica es una locura.
649 - That girl is crazy.
The maze runner
650 - Ella es la ultima. Que significa eso?
650 - She’s the last one. What does that mean?
The maze runner
651 - no estoy seguro.
651 - I’m not sure.
The maze runner
652 - Desde que se le ocurrio- que la caja no ha ido hacia abajo
652 - Ever since you came up- that box hasn’t gone back down
The maze runner
653 - Solo creo que tiene todo el mundo un poco preocupado
653 - I just think it’s got everyone a little worried
The maze runner
654 - Especialmente Gally.
654 - Especially Gally.
The maze runner
655 - el piensa que es culpa mia.
655 - He thinks it’s my fault.
The maze runner
656 - ¿Seguro que no te acuerdas de nada mas?
656 - Are you sure you don’t remember anything else?
The maze runner
657 - Recuerdo el agua …
657 - I remember water…
The maze runner
658 - sensacion de que me estaba ahogando.
658 - feeling like I was drowning.
The maze runner
659 - Estas caras que me miraban.
659 - These faces staring at me.
The maze runner
660 - Y la voz de esta mujer diciendo lo mismo una y otra vez
660 - And this woman’s voice saying the same thing over and over
The maze runner
661 - Wicked es bueno.
661 - Wicked is good.
The maze runner
662 - Desde que he estado aqui- he tenido estos suenos
662 - Ever since I’ve been here- I’ve had these dreams
The maze runner
663 - Me creyeron que eran suenos.
663 - I thought they were dreams.
The maze runner
664 - Usted …
664 - You…
The maze runner
665 - Usted estuvo alli.
665 - You were there.
The maze runner
666 - Tu estabas alli …
666 - You were there…
The maze runner
667 - y usted me dijo que todo iba a cambiar
667 - and you told me that everything was gonna change
The maze runner
668 - ¿Que significa?
668 - What does it mean?
The maze runner
669 - No lo se. Acabo siempre consigo piezas
669 - I don’t know. I just always get pieces
The maze runner
670 - ¿Y los otros no recuerdan nada?
670 - And the others don’t remember anything?
The maze runner
671 - No.
671 - No.
The maze runner
672 - ¿Por que somos diferentes?
672 - Why are we different?
The maze runner
673 - Estos estaban en mi bolsillo cuando se me ocurrio
673 - These were in my pocket when I came up
The maze runner
674 - W.C.K.D.
674 - W.C.K.D.
The maze runner
675 - Wicked es bueno.
675 - Wicked is good.
The maze runner
676 - ¿Y si nos enviaron aqui por una razon?
676 - What if we were sent here for a reason?
The maze runner
678 - Nosotros ni siquiera sabemos lo que esto es.
678 - We don’t even know what this stuff is.
The maze runner
679 - No sabemos quien lo envio.
679 - We don’t know who sent it.
The maze runner
680 - O por que llego hasta aqui con ustedes.
680 - Or why it came up here with you.
The maze runner
681 - Por lo que sabemos- esto podria matarlo.
681 - For all we know- this thing could kill him.
The maze runner
682 - Ya esta muriendo.
682 - He’s already dying.
The maze runner
683 - Miralo.
683 - Look at him.
The maze runner
684 - ¿Como podria posiblemente hacer que sea peor?
684 - How could this possibly make it any worse?
The maze runner
685 - Venga- vale la pena intentarlo.
685 - Come on- it’s worth a try.
The maze runner
686 - De acuerdo.
686 - All right.
The maze runner
687 - Hazlo.
687 - Do it.
The maze runner
688 - De acuerdo.
688 - Okay.
The maze runner
689 - No deberia estar aqui!
689 - You shouldn’t be here!
The maze runner
Usted no deberia estar aqui!
You shouldn’t be here!
The maze runner
691 - ¡Cuidado!
691 - Watch out!
The maze runner
692 - Obtener la jeringa! Dejalo ir!
692 - Get the syringe! Let go!
The maze runner
693 - Bueno- eso funciono.
693 - Well- that worked.
The maze runner
694 - De acuerdo- a partir de ahora …
694 - Okay- from now on…