The Local Church Flashcards
What is the mission of Jesus?
“Go make disciples of all nations… and teach them to follow the commands i gave you.” (Mt 28:19)
What are the three missions of the Church?
1-spread God’s word
2-baptise people into the Catholic Church
3-teach christ’s teachings to all
How might the church fulfil it’s mission?
Support charities, having masses for the public, baptising and confirming people, and supporting local causes.
What is a Chaplain and their role?
A chaplain is responsible for the spiritual, emotional and moral needs of a community.
A chaplain can be a member of the Clergy or a Lay person.
What might a chaplain do in school for the spiritual needs of others?
Retreat days, bible studies, prayer groups, organising masses and teachings on christianity.
What might a chaplain do in school for the emotional needs of others?
Support groups, one-on-one meetings, mental health talks, being an advocate,
What might a chaplain do in school for the moral needs of others?
Fundraising events for charity, role model, relationship guidance, teachings for life skills, advice, collections and trips
What is a lay person?
Lay people (also known as the laity) are the people of the church who have not been ordained and are not part of the clergy.
Jobs done by lay people in the parish?
(List in book):
Collectors, extra ordinary ministers of Holy communion, finance manager, choir, band, alter servers, parish youth minister, cathacists and member of the congregation
Give an example of a lay organisation?
The society of St Vincent de Paul.
What is the society of St Vincent de Paul and what does it do?
A group of catholic students were inspired by St Vincent de Paul, their aim is to tackle poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need.
What is a lay organisation?
It is the joint involvement of Catholic men and women in political, social, and cultural issues of the day
How does the parish support the people?
By providing masses, giving chances to donate to charity, like food banks, creating support or meeting groups for all people in the parish and allowing the people to become closer to God, youth clubs.
What are example of organisations in the parish?
Youth clubs, children and parent groups before mass,
What is a parish?
A parish is a stable community of the faithful within a particular church