Christianity in Britain Flashcards
Why was it so difficult to be a christian during the time of St Alban?
As the christian faith were enemies of the Roman Empire as they didn’t want to break the first commandment, do not worship other Gods, but the Roman Empire were trying to get them to worship the emperor.
Why did the Romans prosecute Christians at that time?
As Christians didn’t want to worship the Emperor as a God.
How did St Alban become involved with Christian teaching?
When an old christian priest came to his house. Alban didn’t want to kill or torture the priest because he was christian but instead he asked the priest questions and learned about the christian faith.
Why didn’t Alban hand the priest over to the governor?
As he was curious and interested into why the priest carried on believing in the christian faith even though it put him in danger.
How did Alban first show that he had accepted the teachings of Jesus?
It was by putting on the priests robes and clothes.
How did Alban show that he was a good example for christians today?
He accepted the priest into his hime and he did not betray his new found faith.
Who was the first Archbishop of Canterbury?
St Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
What did St Augustine become known as?
St Augustine became known as the ‘Apostle of England’
What mission did Augustine get chosen to do?
Augustine was chosen to lead a missionary to convert the people of England to christianity.
Where was St Augustine buried?
St Augustine was buried in the Abbey church of SS. Peter and Paul.
Where was St Augustine born?
He was born in Italy (probably)
When did St Augustine die?
In May 604
In the Christianity in Britain timeline what happened in 590AD (first date)?
Pope Gregory became convinced that the world was going to end and that he would soon be judged by God. He felt he had a special responsibility to convert as many people before than as possible.
In the Christianity in Britain timeline what happened in 597AD(second date)?
St Augustine brought Roman Christianity to the Uk for the first time. Augustine is welcomed by king Aethelbert. Augustine converts the king and his people, and builds a monastery at Canterbury
In the Christianity in Britain timeline what happened in 602AD(third date)?
St Augustine is made Archbishop of Canterbury and his Cathedral starts to be built.
In the Christianity in Britain timeline what happened in 623AD(fourth date)?
Other missionaries come from Rome and convert other kings. But when the kings died, people often abandoned christianity. It eventually takes Irish reinforcement to help make sure the UK stays Christian.
In the Christianity in Britain timeline what happened in 650AD(fifth date)?
After about three generations, many of the native English have turned to Christianity. Lots of Monasteries and Christian communities appear. The communities help bring Christian belief to the ordinary people.
What is the Christian year also known as?
The liturgical year.
When does the christian year start and end?
It starts on the first Sunday of Advent (usually the last sunday of November) and ends on the Feast day of Christ the king.
How many different colours are there that priests wear during the liturgical year? And what are they?
4 main different colours. They are Purple, Gold/Yellow/White, Red, and Green