The Lion And The Jewel Morning Flashcards
Give three quotes that demonstrate the setting of the play
‘A clearing on the edge of the market’
‘Dominated by an immense ‘Odan’ tree’
‘It is the village centre’
What is the ‘Odan’ tree?
Huge tree to represent African tribe and culture at the heart of the play. Symbol of traditional authority and African culture
Give three quotes to show Sidi’s appearance
‘A true village belle’
‘A slim girl with plaited hair’
‘Around her is wrapped the familiar broad cloth which is folded just above her breasts, leaving her shoulders bare’
Give two quotes to show what Sidi is doing?
‘Carrying a small pail of water on her head’
‘Balances a pail on her head with accustomed ease’
What do some of Lakunle’s pupils do when they see Sidi?
‘Make a buzzing noise at Sidi, repeatedly clapping their hands across the mouth’
What is the ‘buzzing’ noise in the African culture?
A cat call
What does Lakunle do to the pupils that cat call Sidi?
‘Admonitory whacks on the head’
Give three quotes to show Lakunle’s appearance?
‘Old-style English suit, threadbare but not ragged, clean but not ironed and obviously a size or two too small’
‘His tie is done in a very small knot, disappearing beneath a shiny black waistcoat’
‘23 inch bottom trousers and blanco-white tennis shoes’
What does a Lakunle and his appearance represent?
The Western culture but the sense he is constrained. Not effective in spreading ways when he isn’t effectively dressed
What does it mean if Lakunle’s waistcoat is shiny?
Give examples of nature vs modernisation in the beginning
‘Odan’ tree and natural clearing against the building of a school and learning times tables
Sidi’s traditional outfit against Lakunle’s western suit
Carrying a pail vs teaching
What does Lakunle say when he sees Sidi carrying a pail?
‘Let me take it’ imperatives and odd considering this is her culture
How is Lakunle violent?
‘Seizes the pail’
Which quote shows how Sidi is fiesty and eliminates gender stereotypes that you would expect girls to be submissive?
‘There wet for your pains. Have you no shame?’
Which quote shows thar Lakunle is using stories to educate as was typical in the African culture?
‘That is what the stewpot said to the fire’
What does Lakunle tell Sidi to stop doing?
‘I told you to stop carrying loads on your head’
What simile does Lakunle use to show Sidi’s stubbornness?
‘You are as stubborn as an illiterate goat’ Links to their culture but makes no sense
How does Lakunle insult his pupils?
‘Do you want to look squashed like my pupil’s drawings?’
How does Lakunle try and change Sidi’s ways?
‘Sidi it is so unwomanly, only spiders carry loads the way you do’
How does Lakunle state his disbelief and agitation at Sidi’s outfit?
‘And look at that! Look, look at that!’
How is there comedy when Lakunle comments on Sidi’s outfit?
He struggles to get his words out. ‘A grown-up girl must cover up her… shoulders’
How does Sidi show she has made minor Western changes?
‘I’ve done the fold so high and so tight I can hardly breathe’
How does Lakunle exaggerate about Sidi’s outfit?
‘You must run about naked in the streets’
How does Sidi declare they actually mock Lakunle?
‘Is it Sidi who makes men choke in their cups or you with your big loud words and no meaning?’
What does Lakunle mean by ‘for that, what is a jewel to pigs?’
Contrast of her against rest of the village. She stands out and has a reputation and the rest of the village is not bothered
How does Lakunle show his supercilious nature towards the African culture?
‘And your race of savages’
How is Sidi aggressive to Lakunle or links to her culture?
‘Oh you make me want to pulp your brain’
How does Lakunle stereotype women?
‘For as a woman, you have a smaller brain than mine’
How does Sidi describe Lakunle’s stereotypic thoughts?
‘Thoughts of manly conceit’
How does Lakunle react when Sidi is angry?
‘Retreats a little, but puts her aside with a very lofty gesture’
What is Sidi’s views on women?
Hard working. Endure a lot. ‘Is it a weaker breed who pounds the yam or bends all day to plant the millet with a child strapped to her back?’
How does Lakunle think the Western ways will come to Africa?
‘You will have machines which will do your pounding, which will grind your pepper’
How do we know Lakunle wants to change this village?
‘For now, it is this village I shall turn inside out’
How does Lakunle describe Baroka?
‘Crafty rogue’
‘Past master of self- indulgence’
What does Sidi ask about Lakunle’s future thoughts?
‘Do you buy them or merely go mad and dream of them?’
What does Sidi question about Lakunle’s sense of shame?
‘Have you lost shame completely that jeers pass you over?’
What does Lakunle ask Sidi to do?
‘Swear to marry me’
How does Lakunle respond to Sidi’s anger about her being the weaker sex?
‘I didn’t mean you in particular’
‘The scientists have proved it. It’s in my books. Women have a smaller brain than men that’s why they are called the weaker sex’ does the opposite of what he should
What does Lakunle think of shame?
‘Shame belongs only to the ignorant’
What does Lakunle think his love can do for Sidi?
‘Open your mind like a chaste leaf in the morning, when the sun first touches it’
What has Sidi done to Lakunle’s ‘love’?
‘You and the dead of this village trampled it with feet of ignorance’
When Sidi says his love is nonsense how does Lakunle react?
‘Nonsense? Nonsense? Do you hear? Does anybody listen? Can the stones bear to listen to this?’
What does Sidi say snails do when they are unhappy?
‘If a snail finds splinters in his shell, he changes house’
How does Sidi react to Lakunle asking her to confess love for him?
‘And you must chirrup like a cockatoo. You talk and talk and deafen me with words that always sound the same and make no meaning’
Give four quotes Sidi makes about the dowry
‘My bride price must first be paid’
‘I must have the full bride price’
‘Will you make me a laughing stock?
‘A cheap bowl for the village spit’
Where does Lakunle use an asyndetic list?
‘A savage custom, barbaric, out-dated, excommunicated, archaic, degrading’
How does Lakunle show off in front of Sidi about his intellect?
‘I only own a shorter companion dictionary but I have ordered the longer one- you wait!’
What does Lakunle want in a wife?
‘A life-companion’
How does Sidi react to Lakunle’s statement on having children?
‘Heaven forgive you! Do you now scorn child-bearing in a wife?’
Why does Lakunle not want to pay the ‘bride price’?
‘You’d be my chattel, my mere property’
Where is there enjambment?
‘You shall not walk or sit
Tethered to my dirtied heels’
What style does Lakunle speak in when he shows how him and Sidi will eat in the future?
Blank verse which Shakespeare used for the intellectual people
When Lakunle fantasizes about how him and Sidi will live, what is comedic and how does he suggest it is a good thing to change?
‘No lawful wedded wife shall eat leavings off my plate- that is for the children’ (slaves)
Uses lots of negatives to show the savageness of how she is treated
What does Lakunle say about Lagos?
‘That city, of magic, in Badagry where Saro women bathe in gold’
‘High heeled shoes for the lady, red paint on her lips’
How does Sidi react to Lakunle kissing her?
(Backs away) ‘No, I don’t! I tell you I dislike this strange unhealthy mouthing you perform’
‘Making me think you merely wish to whisper something in my ear’
‘It’s so unclean’
‘The sound you make- Pyout! Are you being rude to me?’
How does Lakunle react to Sidi’s protests about kissing?
‘Bush girl you are, bush girl you’ll always be’
‘Uncivilised and primitive’
How does Sidi suggest Lakunle is avoiding the bride price?
‘A way you mean, to avoid payment of lawful bride price a cheating way, mean and miserly’
How does Lakunle describe romance?
‘The sweetening of the soul with fragrance offered by a stricken heart’
What does Sidi think of Lakunle’s romantic words?
‘You’ll ruin your pupils too and then they’ll utter madness just like you’
What did Sidi say will happen if Lakunle keeps the bucket?
‘They’ll jeer’
How does Sidi react to Lakunle’s words about romance?
‘Looks at him in wonder for a while’
How did the village people describe the photographer?
‘The stranger’
‘The man from the outside world’
‘The clown who fell in the river for you’
‘Who rode on devil’s own horse’
How did they describe the camera?
‘One eyed box’
How did they describe the motorbike?
‘He brought his new horse right into the village square this time. This one has only two feet’
How did the village girls react to calling the photographer a clown?
‘They all burst out laughing’
How does Sidi quote words Lakunle uses?
‘Beauty beyond the dreams of a goddess’
What do the village girls say about Sidi’s beauty?
‘You are beautiful’
How does the Bale supposedly react to Sidi’s photos?
‘The Bale is jealous, but he pretends to be proud of you. And when this man tells him how famous you are in the capital, he pretends to be pleased’
What do the girls say about the Bale’s image?
‘It would have been much better for the Bale if the stranger had omitted him altogether’
How does Sidi blaspheme?
‘Ask Ogun to strike you dead’
How does Sidi put herself above Baroka?
‘If that is true, that I am more esteemed than Bale Baroka, the Lion of Ilujinle. This means I am greater than the Fox of the Undergrowth’
How does Sidi react when Lakunle calls Baroka a devil?
‘Be silent, you. You are merely filled with spite’
How does Sidi describe that she no longer wants to marry Lakunle?
‘Well, why should I? Known as I am to the whole wide world, I would demean my worth to wed a mere village school teacher’
How does Lakunle react to Sidi refusing to marry him?
‘In agony’
How does Sidi react to Lakunle being in emotional pain?
‘Plunging into an enjoyment of Lakunle’s misery’
How does Sidi repeat that she is better than the Bale?
‘Sidi is more important even than the Bale. More famous than the panther of the trees. He is beneath me now’
What does Sidi call Lakunle to get him to count the leaves in her photo?
How does Sidi act when she hears how many leaves her photo takes?
What does Sidi describe Lakunle as that is Western?
‘Book worm’
How does Sidi describe the outer world?
How do we know Lakunle is disciplined?
‘No, no. I have never been drunk in all my life’
What does Sidi say when Lakunle refuses to dance?
‘You must’
What does Lakunle do when he is chosen to dance?
‘Tries to escape’
When Lakunle discovers the village is on holiday, what does Sidi call him?
A ‘fool’
What do the villagers do to get Lakunle on the platform?
‘Drag him towards the platform’
What does Lakunle think of the dance?
‘Foolery bores me. It is a game of idiots. I have work of more importance’
How do they convince Lakunle to do the dance?
Chant and dance round him. Drums keep a steady beat and the others whirl around him faster and faster until he has has enough
How does Lakunle feel about the dance once he is in it?
‘With enthusiasm’
‘Obviously enjoying this fully’
What is the auditory imagery at the start of the dance?
‘A terrific shout and a clap of drums’
How is tension built during the dance mime?
‘The drums gain tempo, faster, faster, faster’
How is Lakunle inappropriate during the dance?
‘Betrays the devil in him by seizing his chance to pinch the girl’s bottoms’
How do the girls react to having their bottoms pinched?
‘One yells and bites him on the ankle’
How do the villagers greet Baroka?
‘All go down, prostrate or kneeling with the greetings of ‘kabiyesi’ ‘baba’ etc’
Summarise the mime of the dance
Lakunle is driving a car which stalls. He tries to revive it but fails so he walks instead. He becomes very tipsy through drinking and convincing himself he has sunstroke. A monkey drops in front of him and a snake slithers above him. He hears a girl singing and throws the bottle at the noise. He sees a photo opportunity, poises and falls down a hole before being dragged to the Ogun tree to meet the Bale
What is the first appearance we get of the Bale?
‘Wiry, goateed, tougher than sixty two years’
What does Baroka think of Lakunle’s greeting?
‘You call at his house hoping he sends for beer but all you get is guru morin. Will guru morin wet my throat?’
Wha suggests Lakunle and Baroka don’t get along?
‘And we are not feuding in something I have forgotten’
Why does Baroka suggest they were feuding?
‘The play was much alive until I came and now everything stops and you were leaving us’
Give two quotes to show Lakunle avoids Baroka
‘Lakunle who begins to sneak off’
‘You were leaving us’
How does Lakunle describe the dance?
‘Childish nonsense’
What suggests these dances have more meaning than Lakunle gives credit for?
‘Without these things called nonsense, a Bale’s life would be pretty dull’
What is ‘the stranger’ condemned for in this culture?
‘You tried to steal our village maidenhead’
How does the second part of the mime go?
Lakunle tries to appease the Bale but the villagers throw him prostrate on his face. The Chief then sympathises and order clean clothes and a feast in his honour. Lakunle springs up to take photos and is focused on Sidi. He takes magazine photos and poses of her and eventually tried the local brew and throws up
How does Sidi mock Lakunle’s acting?
‘A court jester would have been the life for you’
How do we first hear that Baroka wants a new wife?
‘Yes, yes… it is five full months since last I took a wife… five full months’
How is Sidi described when Baroka looks at the magazine?
‘The heroine of the publication’
In this culture there is a lot of focus on…
Groups and crowds
What happens while Baroka looks at the magazine?
The village girls crowd him and he runs away with them pursuing him