Streetcar Scene 3 Flashcards
What sort of atmosphere is present at the beginning?
‘Lurid nocturnal brilliance’
How are the men described in terms of a simile?
‘They are men at the peak of their physical manhood, as coarse and direct and powerful as the primary colours’
What is the lighting like initially?
‘The bedroom is relatively dim with only the light that spills between the portières and through the wide window on the street’
How does Stanley tell Mitch to get off the table?
‘Get off the table, Mitch. Nothing belongs on a poker table but cards, chips and whiskey’
How does Stanley try to explain Pablo’s behaviour?
‘When I’m losing you want to eat’
How is Stanley violent initially?
‘He lurches up and tosses some watermelon rinds to the floor’
What does Stanley say when Mitch says he should go home?
‘Shut up’
‘Aw, for God’s sake, go home then’
What does Mitch say to Stanley being violent?
‘Kind of on your high horse ain’t you?’
How are the boys derogatory?
‘Hurry back and we’ll fix you a sugar-tit’
How do we gain sympathy for Mitch?
‘You all are married. But I’ll be alone when she goes’
How do we know Stanley is impatient?
‘Impatient with the story’
How do we know Blanche is self-conscious?
‘How do I look?’
‘I feel so hot and frazzled. Wait till I powder before you open the door’
‘One that’s been picked a few days’
How is Stanley impolite?
‘Nobody’s going to get up, so don’t be worried’
How is Stanley flirty with Stella?
‘Stanley gives a loud whack of his hand on her thigh’
How does Stella respond to Stanley slapping her?
‘(Sharply) That’s not fun Stanley’
How do the men react to Stanley slapping Stella which contrasts Stella’s reaction?
‘The men laugh’
How does Stella suggest Stanley slaps her often?
‘It makes me so mad when he does that in front of people’
Why does Blanche bathe?
‘My nerves are in knots’
How does Mitch act when he sees Blanche?
‘He stares at her’
‘With awkward courtesy’
‘Glancing back at Blanche and coughing a little shyly. He realises he still has the towel in his hands and with an embarrassed laugh hands it to Stella’
How is Mitch polite?
‘About the same, thanks’
‘Excuse me, please’
How does Blanche initially describe Mitch?
‘That one seems- superior to the others’
What does Blanche say in response to Stella expecting her to know why Stanley will get further in life?
‘I’m sorry, but I haven’t noticed the stamp of genius even on Stanley’s forehead’
What is she wearing now Blanche has got undressed?
‘Stands in her pink silk brassière and white skirt in the light through the portières’
How does Stella say that Stanley isn’t a genius?
‘It isn’t on his forehead and it isn’t genius (…) it’s a drive that he has’
How is it confirmed Blanche doesn’t like being in the light?
‘You’re standing in the light, Blanche’
‘She moves out of the yellow streak of light’
How could you say Stella is still young at heart?
‘With girlish laughter’
How does Stanley describe and moan at Stella and Blanche?
‘You hens cut out that conversation in there!’
How does Stella talk back to Stanley?
‘You can’t hear us’
‘This is my house and I’ll talk as much as I want to’
‘He’s half drunk’
What does Blanche do again with the light?
‘Blanche moves back into the streak of light’
What music comes on over the radio?
‘Rhumba music comes over the radio’
How do the men defend the girls having music on?
‘Aw, let the girls have their music’
‘Sure, that’s good, leave it on’
How is Stanley not overpowered by the men saying to keep the radio on?
‘Stanley jumps up and, crossing to the radio, turns it off’
How is something flirtatious suggested in stage directions?
‘He stops short at the sight of Blanche in the chair. She returns his look without flinching’
How is Stanley violent about Mitch being distracted by Blanche?
‘He jumps up and jerks roughly at curtains to close them’
How is Stanley hypocritical?
‘Some people get ants when they win’
He keeps getting up and sitting down and he’s won too
How do they mock Mitch for leaving the game?
‘He’ll deposit them one by one in a piggy bank hi mother give him for Christmas’
What is Blanche wearing when Mitch visits her?
‘She has slipped on the dark red satin wrapper’
How does Blanche disagree with a man?
‘Oh, I don’t think so; it always makes me warmer’
What is the first thing Blanche asks Mitch??
‘Have you got any cigs?’
How does Mitch reveal a death in a similar way to Blanche?
‘The girl’s dead now’
How does Blanche describe sick people?
‘Sick people have such deep, sincere attachments’
How does Blanche hide her alcoholism to Mitch?
‘I’m not accustomed to having more than one drink. Two is the limit- and three! Tonight I had three’
How does Blanche describe Stella to Mitch?
‘Yes, Stella is my precious little sister. I call her little in spite of the fact she’s somewhat older than I’
What does Blanche say about lighting?
‘I can’t stand a naked light bulb, any more I can a rude remark or vulgar action’
How does Mitch think he is presented?
‘I guess we strike you as being a pretty rough bunch’
How can we see Mitch cares?
‘Adjusting the lantern’
How does Blanche explain why she is here to Mitch?
‘Stella hasn’t been so well lately, and I came down to help her for a while. She’s very run down’
How is Mitch polite to Blanche?
‘You may teach school but you’re certainly not an old maid’
How is Stanley verbally powerful with Mitch?
How does Blanche slightly mock Stanley ‘bellowing’?
‘Gracious, what lung power’
How does Blanche describe her school students?
‘They’re sweet things! And in the spring, it’s touching to notice them making their first discovery of love!’
How is it described when Blanche and Mitch start dancing?
‘Blanche waltzes to the music with romantic gestures. Mitch is delighted and moves in awkward imitation like a dancing bear’
How is Stanley violent and animalistic near the climax of this scene?
‘Stanley stalks fiercely through the portières into the bedroom’
‘With a shouted oath, he tosses the instrument out of the window’
How does Stella describe Stanley when he throws the radio out of the window?
‘Drunk - drunk- animal thing, you!’
How are the other men weak with Stanley?
How does Stella threaten Stanley?
‘You lay your hands on me and I’ll-’
What are the stage directions when Stanley hits Stella?
‘She backs out of sight. He advances and disappears. There is the sound of a blow. Stella cries out. Blanche screams and runs into the kitchen. The men rush forward and there is grappling and cursing. Something is overturned with a crash’
How does Blanche react to Stanley hitting Stella?
‘Lunacy, absolute lunacy’
How does Stanley suddenly change?
‘Then all at once he subsides and is limp in their grasp’
‘They speak quietly and lovingly to him and he leans his face on one of their shoulders’
How does Stella act after Stanley hit her?
‘In a high, unnatural voice, out of sight’
‘I want to go away, I want to go away!’
How does Mitch show gender roles regarding poker?
‘Poker shouldn’t be played in a house with women’
How does Blanche describe Eunice’s flat?
‘That woman’s upstairs’
How does Blanche comfort Stella after Stanley hit her?
‘Stella, Stella, precious! Dear, dear little sister, don’t be afraid!’
How do the other men describe what Stanley did to Stella?
‘You just blew your top, Stan’
How is Pablo possessive over Stanley?
‘My boy’s okay’
How is Stanley demanding after he hit Stella?
‘I want water’
What does Stanley call the men restraining him?
‘You sons of bitches’
What do the men do when they leave?
‘They rush to the poker table and sweep up their winnings on the way out’
How is the music appropriate?
‘The negro entertainers in the bar around the corner play ‘paper doll’ slow and blue’
How does Stanley explain he’s lost Stella?
‘My baby doll’s left me’
How is Stanley still violent after Stella left him?
‘He hurls the phone to the floor’
What is the music like when Stella leaves?
‘Dissonant brass and piano sounds as the rooms dim out to darkness and the outer walls appear in the night light. The ‘blue piano’ plays for a brief interval’
How does Stanley call for Stella?
‘He throws back his head like a baying hound and bellows’
How does Eunice threaten Stanley?
‘Or you’ll git th’law on you’
How does Eunice insult Stanley?
‘You stinker, you whelp of a Polack you!’
What is suggested Stanley has hit Stella before?
‘I hope they do haul you in and turn the fire hose on you, same as the last time’
How does Stanley still expect to be obeyed?
‘I want my girl to come down with me’
What sounds are present when Stella and Stanley meet?
‘The low-tone clarinet moans’
‘They come together with low, animal moans’
What happens when Stella and Stanley meet?
‘He falls on his knees on the steps and presses his face to her belly, curving a little with maternity. Her eyes go blind with tenderness as she catches his head and raises him level with her. He snatches the screen door open and lifts her off her feet and bears her into the dark flat’
How is Mitch polite?
‘Miss DuBois?’
How does Mitch brush off the violence?
‘Ho ho! Nothing to be scared of. They’re crazy about each other’
‘Don’t take it serious’
How is Blanche dependent on Mitch?
‘So much confusion in the world… Thank you for being so kind! I need kindness now’
How do we know this area is more relaxed?
‘I’m not properly dressed’
‘That don’t make no difference in the Quarter’