the key operating principles of the Supreme court 4.1 Flashcards
‘judicial neutrality’
judges should not be influenced
by their personal political opinions and should remain outside of party politics.
how is judicial neutrality established
- not allowing to sit a case with anyone who you have any relation to
- can only educate the public, can’t give anything which shows political agenda
how can the public be sure that the supreme court rules morally just
- website carries full details
- proceeding are all online
why are people uncertain with neutrality in the supreme court
gender, social and educational background are nearly all identical
when was a case where the lack of diversity was shown in the supreme court
Radmacher vs Granatino
- All the men voted for divorce to not be used
- Lady Hale voted against as it was better for the women to leave the situation
what did Lady Hale say in the 2015 interview
all 13 justices were male and white and all but two went to Oxbridge