The Judicial Power Flashcards
Article III - Scope of Judicial Power
Federal judicial power extends to cases involving:
- interpretation of the Constitution, federal laws, treaties, and admiralty and maritime laws
- disputes between states, states and foreign citizens, and citizens of diverse citizenship
Article III Courts and Congress
- Congress can define the original and appellate jurisdiction of Art III courts
-> BUT Congress is bound by standards set forth in Art III concerning subject matter and party jurisdiction + requirement of a “case or controversy” - Congress can also create courts under Article I (would have no life tenure, + can’t assign such courts jurisdiction traditionally that of Article III courts)
Justiciability Questions
- what is the case requesting? (is it an advisory opinion?)
- when is the case being brought? (is it ripe or moot?)
- who is bringing the case? (does the plaintiff have standing?)
Advisory Opinions
- federal courts can’t issue advisory opinions
- advisory opinions = decisions lacking:
1) an actual dispute between adverse parties OR
2) any legally binding effect on the parties - note that fed courts can still provide pre-enforcement review of a law though w/o rendering advisory opinion as long as the case and controversy requirements are met
Ripeness - Requirements
Plaintiff must show:
1) the issues are fit for judicial decision AND
2) the plaintiff would suffer substantial hardship in the absence of review
Ripeness F- Fitness for Judicial Decision
- more likely to be fit for judicial review if case involves legal rather than factual issues
- generally, an issue is not fit for judicial decision if it relies on uncertain or contingent future events that might not occur
Ripeness - Hardship to Parties
- plaintiff needs to show that they would have to risk substantial hardship to provoke enforcement of the law
- the more hardship the plaintiff can show, the more likely the court will find the case to be ripe
Mootness - Requirements
- live controversy must exist at all stages of review -> pl needs to be suffering an ongoing injury
Mootness - Exceptions
- controversies capable of repetition but that evade review because of their inherently short duration
- cases where the defendant voluntarily stops the offending practice but is free to resume it
- class actions in which the class representative’s controversy has become moot but the claim of at least one other class member is still viable
Standing - Components
- injury in fact
- causation
- redressability
Standing - Injury in Fact
Requires both:
- a particularized injury -> one that affects the plaintiff in a personal and individual way AND
- a concrete injury -> one that actually exists (that is, not hypothetical)
- people have no standing merely as citizens or taxpayers to claim that government action violates federal law or the Constitution (injury too generalized)
Standing - Injury in Fact - Exceptions to the No Citizenship Standing Rule
- taxpayer has standing to challenge their OWN tax bill
- people have standing to challenge congressional spending measures on First Amendment Establishment Clause grounds
Standing - When Must the injury occur?
- injury must be imminent -> needs to have already occurred or imminently will occur
Standing - Who must suffer the injury?
- generally, no third-party standing
- plaintiff must be the one who suffered the injury, although there are exceptions
Standing to Assert the Rights of Others
Claimant with standing in their own right may assert the rights of a third party IF:
1) it is difficult for the third party to assert their own rights (ex of an org challenging a law that requires disclosure of its membership lists - the members couldn’t challenge that law on their own) OR
2) close relationship exists between the claimant and the third party
Standing of Organizations
Orgs have standing to sue on behalf of members when:
1) injury in fact to members
2) the members’ injury is related to the org’s purpose AND
3) individual member participation in the lawsuit isn’t required
Standing for Free Speech Overbreadth Claims
- person has standing to bring free speech claim alleging that the gov restricted substantially more speech than necessary, even if that person’s own speech wouldn’t be protected by the First Amendment
- i.e. plaintiff can bring a claim on behalf of others whose speech would be protected under 1st Am
- rule doesn’t apply to restrictions on commercial speech
Standing - Causation
- there must be a causal connection between the injury + the conduct complained of
Congressional Conferral of Standing
- Congress can’t eliminate case or controversy requirement -> can’t grant standing to someone who doesn’t have an injury
- BUT fed statutes can create new interests, injury to which may be sufficient for standing
Standing - Redressability
- decision in the litigant’s favor must be capable of eliminating their harm
Standing to Enforce Government Statutes
- plaintiff may have standing to enforce a federal statute if they are within the “zone of interests” Congress meant to protect
-> court is likely to find standing if concludes that Congress intended statute to protect such persons + also intended to allow private persons to bring federal court actions to enforce the statute
Sovereign Immunity
- 11th Am -> sov imm bars private party’s suit against a state in federal and state courts
- also bars a claim against a state in fed + state agencies
Exceptions to State Sovereign Immunity
- express waiver - states can expressly consent to suit
- implied consent/structural waiver
- actions against local govs (not protected by sov imm)
- suits by other states or by fed gov
- bankruptcy
- certain actions against state officers (EPY)
- Congress removes the immunity
Sovereign Immunity - Implied/Structural Waiver
Applies when:
- a federal power is complete in itself AND
- the states implicitly consented to the fed gov exercising that power as part of the plan of the Constitution
Sovereign Immunity - Actions Against State Officers
- person can sue a state officer:
1) for damages personally or
2) to enjoin the official from future conduct that violates the Constitution or federal law, even if this will require prospective payment from the state - BUT no retroactive damages
Sovereign Immunity - 14th Am
- Congress can remove a state’s sovereign immunity as to actions created under 14th Am power to prevent discrimination
- must be unmistakably clear that Congress intended to remove the immunity
- fed courts will temporarily abstain from resolving con claim when disposition rests on an unsettled q of state law
- fed courts won’t enjoin pending state crim proceedings (and in some cases pending state admin or civil proceedings involving an important state interest) except in cases of proven harassment or prosecutions taken in bad faith
Political Questions
- Political q’s = issues
1) inherently incapable of judicial resolution OR
2) constitutionally committed to another branch of gov
Supreme Court - Original Jurisdiction
- Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in all cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers, consuls + those in which a state is a party
- Congress has given concurrent jurisdiction to lower fed courts in all cases except those between states
Supreme Court - Appellate Jurisdiction
- SCOTUS has appellate juris in all cases to which fed jud power extends under Art III, subject to congressional exceptions and regulation
- includes power of judicial review (SCOTUS can review constitutionality of acts of other branches) + power to review state acts under Supremacy Clause
- generally hear case only after final judgment of lower court
SCOTUS - Appeals
- most cases get to SCOTUS through certiorari (complete discretion)
- BUT decisions by three-judge fed district court panels that grant or deny injunctions are on appeal + are mandatory
Adequate and Independent State Grounds
- SCOTUS won’t exercise juris if state court judgment is based on adequate + independent state law grounds, even if fed issues are involved
- adequate if fully dispositive of case
- independent if decision not based on fed case interpretations of identical fed provisions
- if state court has not clearly indicated its decision rests on state law, SCOTUS may hear the case